Sunday, September 29, 2013
Mike Butler: Reports steam up global warmers
Labels: Climate change, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Mike Butler, Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate ChangeAustralia’s new Prime Minister Tony Abbott sacked Australia's Climate Commissioner Tim Flannery, on an A$180,000 a year working a three-day-a-week job, and put paid to Australia's Climate Commission, a multi-million dollar, allegedly "independent", propaganda outlet set up by Julia Gillard to help give her climate alarmist policies a veneer of scientific credibility. A drop of Abbott's realism would be helpful here in New Zealand. (1)
Mike Butler: Self-interest hobbles forestry trust
Labels: Crown Forestry Rental Trust, Donna Hall, Eddie Durie, Federation of Maori Authorities, John Tamihere, Maanu Paul, Maori Council, Margaret Mutu, Mike Butler, Peter CharltonThe organisation which funds Maori lodging Treaty of Waitangi claims over Crown forests remains unable to fulfil its obligations because of High Court action by a trustee, Sir Eddie Durie, supported by fellow trustee Maanu Paul, and one of the trust’s appointors, the New Zealand Maori Council. This boardroom stoush offers a snapshot of treaty industry politics.
Ron Smith: The Iranian Nuclear Weapon Programme
Labels: Enrichment, Iran, nuclear weapons, P5+1, Ron SmithThe foreign ministers of the permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany (the P5+1), met in New York with the foreign minister of Iran to initiate a series of meetings, to address what various Iranian spokespersons have called ‘misunderstandings’ over that country’s nuclear programme. They propose to continue the talks in Geneva at foreign minister level, beginning on 15 October. So what, realistically, are the prospects of success for these meetings?
Bryce Edwards: Politics Roundup - who's killing local government?
Labels: Bryce Edwards, Local government, Politics
A million eligible voters chose not to vote in the last general
election, resulting in the lowest voter turnout in 126 years. Will we see a
record low turnout in the current local government elections? It's likely that
up to two million eligible voters will reject the option of participating,
which will raise further questions about the decline of democracy in New
Zealand, especially at the local level. This poor regard for local elections is
nicely satirised today by Ben Uffindell's blogpost on The Civilian: Nation gears up for October practice elections. He
mocks the low status given to these elections, suggesting they are little more
than pretend candidates chasing after pretend votes and serve no other purpose
than giving voters a chance to practice prior to the real (general) election
next year.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Lindsay Mitchell: Don't let Labour near welfare ever again
Labels: DPB, Labour Party, Lindsay Mitchell, Welfare ReformWhen he was Minister for Social Development Steve Maharey repeatedly said or wrote that the average duration on the DPB was 3 and a half years.
During that period I challenged him on that figure. It didn't ring true when pitted against overseas research. It took no account of people leaving the DPB and resuming - a common occurrence. And it wasn't a product of point-in-time data.
Mike Butler: Maori breaching treaty principles
Labels: Donna Hall, Mike Butler, NZ Maori Council, principles of the Treaty of WaitangiThe New Zealand Maori Council has gone to the Waitangi Tribunal to get a report to say that a current review into the Maori Community Development Act 1962, announced last month by Maori Affairs Minister Pita Sharples, "is inconsistent with the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi". Maori Council lawyer Donna Hall said the process was all Crown tikanga, adding "there's no council presence in there anywhere".(1)
Friday, September 27, 2013
Mike Butler: Whanau Ora money trail elusive
Labels: Mike Butler, Tariana Turia, Whanau Ora, Winston PetersNew Zealand First leader Winston Peters this week tried to find out from Whanau Ora Minister Tariana Turia whether she handed out cash to Maori social service providers to help them prepare bids to become commissioning agents for the Whanau Ora scheme.
The government’s Maori department, Te Puni Kokiri, is running a process to appoint non-government organisations as commissioning agents who will allocate Whanau Ora funding to providers of health and social service providers.
Mike Butler: Criticism rattles iwi leader
Labels: Donna Hall, Eddie Durie, Haami Piripi, Mike Butler, Rangitane MarsdenIt was surprising to see "elected iwi leader" Haami Piripi get rattled and descend into threats and name-calling in a letter to the Northland Age over Muriel Newman's article published in that newspaper calling into question an iwi leader’s demand for dedicated seats on the Northland council instead of being prepared to campaign for them like everyone else.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Mike Butler: White, racist, guilty
Labels: Dr Melinda Webber, Mike Butler, Race relationsA study into attitudes towards ethnicity among year-nine pupils at five Auckland multi-ethnic schools shows the results of 30 years of race-based affirmative action. While international research has shown dominant cultures feel positive about their identity, which linked to how well they did at school, here, it was the opposite.
The Auckland University study published in the New Zealand Journal of Psychology involved 695 pupils at schools with decile rankings ranging from three to nine who were asked anonymously to describe what they liked or disliked about being Maori, New Zealand European, Chinese or Samoan.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Jeremy Sammut: Affordable health and ageing policy in Singapore
Labels: Australia, Health Care, Jeremy Sammut, Singapore
The Abbott government's decision to trim
minister's titles has been criticised by commentators concerned that
important issues, like population ageing, are no longer clearly tagged as
portfolio responsibilities.
There is no doubting the policy challenges posed by the
unprecedented ageing of the population in areas such as health and aged care.
However, critics of the decision not to a have a designated 'Minister for
Ageing' ignore the much bigger issue. The ability of governments to address
ageing depends on the fiscal capacity to undertake ageing-related initiatives. Some countries are better equipped financially to do so
than others.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Matt Ridley: Dialling back the alarm on climate change
Labels: Climate change, IPCC, Matt Ridley, United NationsGlobal warming could be a net benefit during this century.
Later this month, a long-awaited event that last happened in 2007 will recur. Like a returning comet, it will be taken to portend ominous happenings. I refer to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) "fifth assessment report," part of which will be published on Sept. 27.
There have already been leaks from this 31-page document, which summarizes 1,914 pages of scientific discussion, but thanks to a senior climate scientist, I have had a glimpse of the key prediction at the heart of the document. The big news is that, for the first time since these reports started coming out in 1990, the new one dials back the alarm. It states that the temperature rise we can expect as a result of man-made emissions of carbon dioxide is lower than the IPPC thought in 2007.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Ron Smith: Tacking and Jibing with Chemical Weapons
Labels: America's Cup, chemical weapons, Obama, Putin, Ron Smith, Syria
sports fans, events in San Francisco Bay over the last few weeks have been
absolutely riveting, with every tack and jibe analysed. For political junkies, the public sparring
between Presidents Putin and Obama has been equally compelling. The jaunt has been especially interesting of
late for a sequence of completely unpredicted moves. After a longish period of studied insults and
put-downs from Putin, which were only feebly defended by Obama, we suddenly had
the totally unexpected: the impossible tack!
Monday, September 16, 2013
Mike Butler: Ice increase riles global warmers
Labels: Climate change, Global Warming, Jim Salinger, Mike Butler, NIWASix years ago, the BBC cited climate scientists in predicting that the Arctic would be ice-free in (the northern) summer by 2013. Instead, Arctic ice now covers nearly a million more square miles of ocean than in August 2012 — an increase of 60 percent. This has led Britain's Mail on Sunday to report:
"Some eminent scientists now believe the world is heading for a period of cooling that will not end until the middle of the century — a process that would expose computer forecasts of imminent catastrophic warming as dangerously misleading."
Matt Ridley: Falling population, more wilderness in 2100
Labels: demographics, environmentalism, Matt Ridley, population projectionsSir David Attenborough's pessimism is misplaced. Publicising his imminent new series about the evolution of animals, Sir David Attenborough said in an interview this week that he thought a reduction in human population during this century is impossible and “we’re lucky to be living when we are, because things are going to get worse”. People will look back in another 100 years “at a world that was less crowded, full of natural wonders, and healthier”.
His is a common view and one I used to share. He longs for people to enjoy the open spaces and abundant herds of game that he has been fortunate enough to see. To that end he thinks it vital that there should be fewer of us.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Mike Butler: Early Maori pillaged nature
Labels: Dr Dave McWethy, Dr Janet Wilmshurst, Dr Matt McGlone, Maori Party, Mike Butler, Resource Management Act, Tariana TuriaThe guardianship argument is still being used by the Maori Party despite overwhelming evidence that early Maori burned about half of the forest that covered the South Island in a reckless quest for food. An article in the Wanganui Chronicle on Thursday with Maori Party co-leader Tariana Turia’s byline on it voiced opposition to proposed changes to the Resource Management Act partly because they “undermine the role of Maori as tangata tiaki of their traditional rohe”.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Mike Butler: Green plan to cut home values
Labels: Duncan Garner, Green Party, Metiria Turei, Mike Butler, Russel NormanCo-leader Metiria Turei said the Green Party wants to make sure house prices fall so young families could afford to buy a home but appears unaware of the impact of a house-price decline on young families who have already bought a home. When asked by presenter Duncan Garner in a debate on housing aired on TV3’s The Vote on Wednesday night whether she would like to see house prices fall, Turei said:
“Yes, actually we would like to make sure that they fall . . oh shocked looks on their faces . . oh dear, how terrible that young families could actually afford to buy a home.”When Garner followed up by saying: “You want house prices to fall. That means some families would have negative equity which would be an economic disaster for New Zealand”, Turei said “that’s right”, adding:
“that means that those holding onto the wealth now will have to be prepared to let some of it go”This is the latest in a series of Green Party policy gaffes:
Friday, September 13, 2013
Karl du Fresne: Abbott had the last laugh
Labels: Australian elections, Karl du Fresne, Labour Party, PoliticsRight to the very end – even after he had convincingly won the Australian election, dealing his Labor opponents their most crushing defeat in a century – some of the Australian media continued to treat prime minister-elect Tony Abbott as a figure of ridicule.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Ron Smith: All Quiet on the Egyptian Front
Labels: Democracy, Egypt, General Sisi, Muslim Brotherhood, Ron Smith
Mike Butler: Syria needs liberal capitalism, not missiles
Labels: Allister Heath, Arab Spring, capitalism, Mike Butler, Syria
Syria needs liberal capitalism rather than missiles, according to analysis printed during the week in The Telegraph in London. Allister Heath, who is editor of City A.M., a digital daily business newspaper distributed around London, writes in his weekly Telegraph column:
The economic backdrop to the Arab Spring debacle and now Syria’s barbaric civil war is equally self-evident. With only a small number of exceptions, states in the region have long specialised in economic failure of the most abject kind, seemingly competing to become the most shocking case study in how to squander oil money, ruin a nation’s economy and keep ordinary people impoverished.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Robert Carling: An economic rationalist's guide to the Australian election
Labels: Australian elections, Economic rationalism, Robert Carling
Just as the truth is
the first casualty of war, principled policy is the first casualty of election
campaigns. Even in Australia's era of 'economic rationalism' that ended a long
time ago, the economic dries took a back seat role during election campaigns (the
Hewson-led Liberal campaign of 1993 being the exception). In the 2013 campaign,
however, the dries are not just in the back seat but locked away in the boot,
and it is not at all clear that they will be allowed out after the election
regardless of who wins.
Economic rationalism cannot
be tightly defined, but broadly speaking it is a set of beliefs in free markets
and the price mechanism; a minimum of regulation; openness to trade and
investment; raising government revenue through broad-based and neutral taxation;
subjecting public investment proposals to rigorous cost-benefit analysis; and
wrapping all of this in fiscal discipline.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Bryce Edwards: NZ Politics daily
Labels: Australian elections, Bryce Edwards, Politics
New Zealanders could be forgiven for
not realising that Australians go the polls tomorrow following a marathon, and
sometimes farcical, election campaign. This is because there’s been very little
coverage or awareness of the campaign in New Zealand, as was pointed out by one
Australian newspaper report yesterday which said ‘The campaign noise that's
been blaring at Australians for weeks doesn't ring quite as loud across the
ditch - which could be a blessing for those voting in New Zealand’ – see Elise
Scott’s Aussies cast their votes in New
Zealand. Another Australian-based New Zealand blogger has also complained
that ‘You wouldn't know an election was being held if you relied on the NZ
media’ – see: Australian election ignored
by NZ media.
The main issues of importance to New
Zealanders are New Zealand ex-pat rights in Australia, the Australian economy
and refugee policies. However, with the Liberals looking almost certain to win
tomorrow, an extra focus in New Zealand is likely to be on the fact that the
rightwing Liberal leader Tony Abbott is married to a New Zealander.
Frank Newman: Frugality and home ownership
Labels: Frank Newman, Home OwnershipVirtually every day I see news items reporting a tale of woe about unfortunate wannabe first home buyers being deprived of the right to do so; and it’s always someone else’s fault. I personally don’t buy into that negativity and blame game. In my view houses are affordable, and more so in provincial New Zealand.
I addressed
this issue in a recent column about living off the smell of an oily rag. People
usually have a bit of a chuckle about frugality and dismiss it a little like
they would buying a black and white TV – it was something a previous generation
did, before cell phones were invented and before Facebook (Fb) joined the
Periodic Table of Elements.
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