
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

GWPF Newsletter: Why Should We Subsidise Tomorrow’s Rich In The Name Of The Climate?

The People’s Front Of Extinction Rebellion Points To A Deeper Divide Within The Green Cause

In this newsletter:

1) Sanjeev Sabhlok: Why Should We Subsidise Tomorrow’s Rich In The Name Of The Climate?
The Times of India, 28 July 2019

2) Electric Vehicle Sales Slump One Year After Subsidy Cut
Brian Lilley, Toronto Sun, 29 July 2019

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Chris Talgo: Nike caves in to political correctness

Nike (the quintessential American sportswear company) recently made this coy announcement: “Nike has chosen not to release the Air Max 1 Quick Strike Fourth of July as it featured the old version of the American flag.”

So, why did Nike pull back its patriotic-themed shoe days before America’s 243rd birthday? Because Colin Kaepernick, the ex-NFL quarterback turned social justice warrior, believes (incorrectly) the so-called Betsy Ross flag — which was on the shoe’s heel — is a racist symbol.

Obviously, Kaepernick can believe anything he wants about the American flag that flew across the land during the War for Independence. And Nike, as a private company, is under no obligation to release a shoe adorned with the American flag via 1777. However, the entire episode is just the most recent example of political correctness gone wild.

James C. McCrae: Acts of War? Or War Crimes?

The revision of history continues. The City of New Westminster has taken down the statue of British Columbia’s first chief justice, Matthew Begbie. According to the Vancouver Sun, the statue was “a symbol of the colonial era and a grave injustice.” 

Prior to becoming B.C.’s first chief justice, Matthew Begbie was the colonial British judge who presided at the murder trial of six Tsilhqot’in (Chilcotin) Chiefs.

Let’s try to understand this. The six chiefs were hanged in the colony of British Columbia, in 1864, three years before Confederation and seven years before British Columbia became part of Canada. The chiefs had been convicted of murder. British Columbia being British, not Canadian, they were tried and hanged under British law. They had slaughtered 19 innocent civilians, some of whom who were involved in the building of a wagon road, a project that had been underway for two years.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

GWPF Newsletter: Collapse Of Wind Power Threatens Germany's Green Energy Transition

Germany's Green Economy Is In 'Freewill'

In this newsletter:

1) Collapse Of Wind Power Threatens Germany's Green Energy Transition
Die Welt, 26 July 2019

2) Germany's Green Economy Is In 'Freefall' 
The Daily Telegraph, 26 July 2019

Bryce Edwards: What’s going on inside the National Party?

The National Party heads into its annual conference in Christchurch this weekend amidst continued speculation about its leadership, whether the party can win in 2020, and questions about the ideological direction of the party.

This week’s leaked opinion polling results won’t help the mood, and it won’t help Bridges’ hold on the leadership. Last month the Newshub Reid-Research poll put National on only 37 per cent. Such a low number would normally have ratcheted up talk of Bridges’ demise, except for the fact that TVNZ’s Colmar Brunton poll came out the same night, showing National was incredibly buoyant, and in fact had overtaken Labour, on 44 per cent.

Mike Hosking: Resource Management Act plans - if climate change is the driver, we are dead in the water

Are we getting mixed messages around the Government's grand plan to amend the Resource Management Act?

It is reported that at the heart of it is climate change, we'll come back to that.

But first the bit we are all agreed on, the thing is a mess. It's a gargantuan, tangled, bungled, bureaucratic mess. Everything takes too long, costs too much, and it can be used by those who want to, as an excuse mechanism to achieve nothing by tying people, projects and ideas up in knots forever.

So the concept of change is more than welcome.

NZCPR Weekly: A Sacrificial Lamb

Dear NZCPR Reader,   

This week we look back at the causes of economic crisis, and question whether the Prime Minister has a plan to rebuild the economy after she introduces legislation that will cripple one of our main productive sectors; our NZCPR Guest Commentator Dr Edward Hudson reflects on the success of Silicon Valley and identifies policies that are hindering growth in New Zealand; and our poll asks whether you feel optimistic about the future of the economy under Jacinda Ardern’s Government?

*To read the newsletter click HERE.
*To register for the NZCPR Weekly mailing list, click HERE.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Bob Edlin: Brexit forecasts are getting more optimistic

As the likelihood of Britain leaving the EU without a formal agreement increases, expectations of the impact are more benign.  

Britain’s independent Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) ran some numbers and chose the scenario (note – not forecast) of a mild recession with a 2.1% drop in GDP in the event of a no-deal Brexit.  It’s a long way from the terrifying 8% crash in GDP scenario (obviously based on different assumptions) put out by the Bank of England last November.

The OBR bases its thinking on the IMF’s Brexit scenarios published earlier this year in its World Economic Outlook [see pages 28 – 31 of the report].  Assuming that no-deal would result in WTO tariffs, an increase in non-tariff barriers (eg, restrictions on financial services), reduction in migration from EU to UK, and higher interest rates, the IMF modeled UK GDP falling between 1 – 1.5%.  If there were also border disruption, GDP might decline 2.5 – 3%.  The IMF also models a respectable economic recovery under both scenarios.

Melanie Phillips: Ruthless Johnson signals “Brexit do or die”

The commentariat has been utterly convulsed by the composition of new prime minister Boris Johnson’s government. 

As Remainer ministers and those disloyal to Johnson were either sacked or fell on their swords to be replaced by Brexiteers in every key position, Brexit supporters were as ecstatic as Remainers were choked with horror and rage.

Johnson’s purpose in effecting this ruthless transformation was clear: to send an unequivocal signal that the Remainers’ game is now up. Britain will be leaving the EU on October 31, “do or die”. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

GWPF Newsletter - Green Madness: The Lights Are Going Out In New York City

California's Descent Into Green Madness: Berkley Bans Natural Gas

In this newsletter:

1) Green Madness: The Lights Are Going Out In New York City
Robert Bryce, Crain's New York Business, 18 July 2019
2) Robert Bryce's 2017 Warning: How Cuomo Is ‘Building’ Blackouts For NYC
Editorial, New York Post, 12 August 2017

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Karl du Fresne: Otago's academics know what's best for us, so let's put them in charge

The thought often occurs to me that New Zealand could save itself a whole lot of money and political argy-bargy by simply handing over the governance of the country to the academics of Otago University. 

They know exactly what needs to be done. They never tire of telling us. Barely a week passes without one of their number pointing how simple it would be, using regulatory tools, to create a Utopia here in our remote corner of the Pacific.

If only we listened to their advice, New Zealand would be a fairer, safer, healthier and more equal society. (Not freer, though, because freedom can get in the way of Utopian visions and must be strictly controlled by people who know what’s best for us.)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Bob Edlin: Megan’s handouts for heaters - or not

The Point of Order Trough Monitor typically alerts us to government spending decisions.

The merits of each grant, investment, loan and what-have-you which the monitor identifies are a matter of opinion. Recipients are apt to be keen to express their gratitude. Taxpayers often have cause to complain the money is being misspent.

But the monitor can also spot a handout which doesn’t measure up to what was promised. Somebody somewhere has been short-changed.

Melanie Phillips: The real racism behind the Trump/Omar furore

There’s always something ugly and disturbing about an enormous crowd being roused to mass emotion by the words of a charismatic orator. So it was when Americans chanted “lock her up” about Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign in response to then candidate Donald Trump’s repeated claims that she had committed crimes for which she should be prosecuted. 

And so it was again during this week’s Trump rally in North Carolina when a section of the crowd started chanting “send her back” in response to President Trump’s attack on the sayings and attitudes of congresswoman Ilhan Omar.

NZCPR Weekly: The Best Interests of the Child

Dear NZCPR Reader,   

This week we look into the controversy over child protection services and we highlight our concerns over the dangerous call for race-based partnerships, our NZCPR Guest Commentator former Canadian Judge Brian Giesbrecht – in an article that I cannot recommend highly enough – warns against taking an indigenous approach to child welfare, and our poll asks whether you support the call by Maori leaders for child protection services to be run by iwi.

*To read the newsletter click HERE.
*To register for the NZCPR Weekly mailing list, click HERE.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

GWPF Newsletter - Finnish Scientists: Effect Of Human Activity On Climate Change Is Insignificant

New Science: Clouds And Solar Cycles Play Greater Role Than Thought

In this newsletter:

1) Finnish Scientists: Effect Of Human Activity On Climate Change Is Insignificant
Helsinki Times, 14 July 2019
2) New Climate Science: Clouds And Solar Cycles Play Greater Role Than Thought 
Graham Lloyd, The Australian, 13 July 2019

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Gerry Eckhoff: Freedom of expression

It is a privilege and a pleasure to read the erudite columnist Gina Barreca – the American humourist, academic and distinguished professor of English literature.  Her writings just percolate that most elusive of all human conditions -common sense – which is far removed from being, well, common. She writes of the essential role of newspapers upholding the freedoms and traditions of a free press with special reference to cartoons, especially of a political nature. The brilliance of a particularly insightful cartoon can help defuse a smoldering issue or the rage of the righteous.

This past decade has seen, as never before in peace time, a continuous attempt to sanitize the media on whom we rely to offer freedom of speech, if this essential element in a democracy is to mean anything. That is why the opinion pages of a newspaper are so important to those who “only stand and wait”. The Australian PM Scott Morrison calls such people the “quiet Australians.” Here in NZ, the clatter and the cry of the few demand futile declarations of a “Climate Emergency” which shows just how simple it is to cry wolf and be heard -  if you are against something – anything.

Monday, July 15, 2019

NZCPR Submission: Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill

Public submissions on the Government’s disastrous Zero Carbon close tomorrow, Tuesday the 16th of July – see HERE

We recommend that anyone concerned about the long term consequences for New Zealand of this Bill send in a submission – even a simple one – opposing it. The larger the number of opposing submissions, the more likely the Government is to listen – so please spread the message. 

You can see the submission submitted by the NZCPR below.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

James Delingpole: My Solution to Climate Change? Eat Prince Charles

The Prince of Wales has warned global leaders that if we don’t tackle climate change in 18 months the human race will go extinct. 

No, really. Here are his actual words, in a speech in London yesterday to foreign ministers from the Commonwealth.

“I am firmly of the view that the next 18 months will decide our ability to keep climate change to survivable levels and to restore nature to the equilibrium we need for our survival”.

OK. So assuming, for a moment, that the Prince of Wales isn’t just spouting gibberish, what kind of measures might we need to adopt in the next 18 months to “keep climate change to survivable levels”?

Friday, July 12, 2019

Clive Bibby: Finding a cure is more difficult than identifying the cause

Frustrations with the failure of the Public Health System to deliver for Maori have reached boiling point across the nation- in some areas more than others.

Understandably, some Iwi leaders are saying "Enough!"

Are they right?

The evidence that was presented mainly by Maori Health professionals to the Waitangi Tribunal Health Services and Outcomes Hearing at Ngaruawahia recently left those in attendance in no doubt that, according to them, the root cause of this failure is the institutionalised and individually practiced racism within the system.

Karl du Fresne: Taking a short cut to power

Sigh. Here we go again.

According to a TVNZ news report, Northland Maori are lobbying for greater representation in local government. Despite having one of the highest Maori populations in the country, Northland iwi leaders say the lack of Maori representation on district councils means Maori are not being heard.

Ngati Hine kaumatua Pita Tipene laments that local government legislation and processes are “shutting out our people”. Not for the first time, compulsory Maori seats have been touted as one possible answer. But the solution to the lack of Maori representation is achingly obvious.

NZCPR Weekly: Privatising New Zealand’s Coastline – Beach by Beach

Dear NZCPR Reader,   

This week we report on the progress of claims under the Marine and Coastal Area Act and renew our call for the law to be repealed, our NZCPR Guest Commentator Frank Newman – an interested party in the High Court claims – shares his observations of the process, and our poll asks whether you agree that the Marine and Coastal Area Act should be repealed.
*To read the newsletter click HERE.
*To register for the NZCPR Weekly mailing list, click HERE.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Barry Brill: Climate Scare Could Be Gone By 2030

The New Zealand Government’s published modelling for its Carbon Zero Bill estimates a wealth loss of $200-300 billion over 30+ years of ‘blood toil tears and sweat’ to increase New Zealand’s 2050 net emissions reduction target from 50% to 100%.

The NZIER report is at pains to say that its modelling should not be seen as a cost-benefit analysis”, nor a prediction of what will happen in future. It is merely the calculated outcome of certain assumptions – key ones being (a) there will be no exogenous technological change and (b) the following things would happen as “business as usual” (BAU)[1] without policy changes:

    electric vehicles will reach 65% of the fleet by 2050;
    a methane vaccine will be available from 2030;
    unidentified innovations will deliver a 50% reduction in emissions by 2050;
    the ‘rest of the world’ will take strong action on climate

Barry Brill: Climate-wise – We Are The Champions!

All climate policy lobbyists worldwide see the word “leader” as being the holy grail. It is used in a quantitative  and competitive sense as in “country X is now in the lead” or “country Y is the clear leader”. Achieving leadership is positioned as a much-desired vanity project.

So who is the current gold medallist in the climate policy stakes?

New Zealand has fancied itself for some time. Back in 2008 then Prime Minister Helen Clarke declared: “New Zealand is now a world leader in its action programme on climate change. Labour will keep it that way.”

Barry Brill: 2050 - Costs vs Benefits

The fundamental question raised by the 2050 zero carbon proposal can be put simply: Is selecting that year worth the price? Or, is the proposed cure worse than the disease?

Governments and corporations everywhere answer similar questions all the time by cost-benefit analyses. But climate policy is an exception. No cost-benefit study of any kind is included in the 160-page Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) that accompanies the ‘Zero Carbon Bill’. 

We have a Government modelling estimate that the economic losses will amount to a massive $300 billion or about $20,000 per household. Is that a fair share?  Our current gross emissions are about 28 metric tonnes per household, so the modelled price might be slightly over $1,000 for each tonne reduced. Is that reasonable value for money? Are more cost-effective methods available?

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

GWPF Newsletter: BBC Faces Legal Challenge As Viewers Raise Thousands To Tackle ‘Bias’

'The Supposedly Impartial BBC Should Hang Its Head In Shame At Its Relentless Bias'

In this newsletter:

1) BBC Faces Legal Challenge As Viewers Raise Thousands To Tackle 'Bias'
Daily Express, 8 July 2019 
2) Help Us Stop BBC Bias
Crowd Justice: Stop BBC Bias

Monday, July 8, 2019

Bob Edlin: Yili’s gain on the West Coast brings a $500,000 windfall to farmers – but local leaders lament sale to foreigners

Westland  Milk  Products  farmer-shareholders  voted overwhelming in the past week to accept  the  $558m  takeover bid   by   Chinese  giant  Yili  for the   co-op’s  milk processing  operation.

For  individual  farmer shareholders, the  bid  means an injection of  around  $500,000 each  into their  bank accounts,  plus better  returns for their milk  over  the  next  10 years.
No wonder  94%  of the  96% eligible shareholders  cast their votes in   favour.  West Coast farmer and Federated Farmer president Katie Milne, who is also a WMP director, said it was an “absolutely stunning” result for West Coast farmers.
Yet the  sale  is lamented  by  many local leaders, as well  as  by  NZ  First  whose spokesman  Mark Patterson  wailed about an  “alarming trend”.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Rex Warwood: New Zealand in urgent need of a reset of the way it is governed

Former Prime Minister, Sir John Key, is obviously still hurting after losing his bid in 2016, to see a change in the make-up of New Zealand’s flag when the vote in the second referendum ended with 56.6 per cent to 43.2 per cent support for the current national flag.

Sir John was reported as saying recently he would not hold a flag referendum if he could have his time as Prime Minister again. “Instead,” stated 1 TV News, “he would simply change New Zealand's national flag and “let the public love it or lump it.”

This story raised the question of binding referenda, a subject which is taboo to most politicians who know very well that by giving the public a say on major issues, the politicians would lose a large proportion of the control which they now currently hold over the electorate.

Sandra Mckechnie: Celebrate the Climate

I feel sorry for the Green Party members, especially their MPs, because they have no idea about history, or geology. 

I have only a rudimentary knowledge myself: but I know how the sun governs earth, and what a  “star” it is. I also have some idea of how our planet Earth and humankind began.

By studying radioactive elements in the earth’s crust, scientists, geologists, etc, tell us that Earth may have been formed 4 billion years ago; that life of a sort existed some 500 million years ago and that humankind was not part of all this until quite late in the piece. 

Saturday, July 6, 2019

James Delingpole: RIP Christopher Booker, the World’s Greatest Climate Change Sceptic

Christopher Booker, the world’s greatest climate sceptic, has died. 

Booker – “Bookers” as I used to call him on our regularly weekly phone chats – would have hated being called the ‘greatest’ but he was, for a number of reasons.

Firstly, he wrote the definitive book on the climate change scam: The Great Global Warming Disaster: Is the Obsession with ‘Climate Change’ Turning Out to be the Most Costly Blunder in History?

Secondly, he was one of very, very few journalists capable of getting climate sceptical arguments prominent coverage in the mainstream media – notably in the hugely influential and widely read Daily Mail and also in his weekly Sunday Telegraph column.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Bob Edlin: How Andrew Becroft is nudging the pakeha press to get out and learn te reo

There was a time when your Point of Order editorial team’s vocabularies enabled them to comprehend most of the press statements that came their way.

No longer.

It has become fashionable in government circles to inject te reo into English-language press statements, thereby creating a curious Kiwi argot.  The expectation, presumably, is that recipients are as well versed in te reo as the writers of these statements, or that they will be embarrassed into studying the language rather than confess to not knowing.

Theodore Dalrymple: Burning Indignation - a law student’s callous treatment of a homeless man sparks a national outrage

In February 2017, an 18-year-old Cambridge University law student, Ronald Coyne, was filmed on the streets of Cambridge at night burning a £20 note in front of a 31-year-old homeless man, Ryan Davies, who had asked him politely for spare change. According to Davies, Coyne said, “I’ll give you some change. I’ve changed it into fire.” Coyne then continued down the street as if he had done nothing worthy of note. A member of the university’s Conservative club, he was drunk at the time—though not dead drunk, for he was more swaggering than staggering—and dressed in white tie and tails.

The video of the encounter went viral; a picture of the young man, looking very pleased with himself, appeared in most British newspapers. Public condemnation swelled. Before long, 23,000 people signed a petition calling for his expulsion from the university.

Fergus Hodgson: Canadians Abandon Ownership Thanks to Mortgage Restrictions

An uproar is brewing over real estate in Canada, fueled by a misguided attempt to protect willing homebuyers from themselves. Owners see prices declining, while prospective first-time owners find themselves locked out by mandated stress tests.
As sought by lenders and industry experts, the federal regulator should ease stress-test requirements—if not eliminate them altogether—before they cause further harm and curtail construction and broader economic activity.

GWPF Newsletter - Breakthrough: Scientists Find Hard Evidence Cosmic Rays Influence Earth’s Climate

New evidence suggests that galactic cosmic rays affect the Earth’s climate by increasing cloud cover

In this newsletter:

1) Scientists Find Hard Evidence Cosmic Rays Influence Earth’s Climate
Kobe University, Japan, 3 July 2019
2) Benny Peiser: The Greening Of Planet Earth
Die Weltwoche, 4 July 2019

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Barend Vlaardingerbroek: Climate change is not a ‘left versus right’ political issue

The BBC reported “a swing to the left” in the Danish elections of last month, but noted that the resultant governing bloc would be “voting with the right on immigration”.

The two main issues for voters were climate change and immigration. Danes on the whole are concerned about climate change and want something to be done about it. They are also concerned about immigration and want something to be done about that – cleaning up migrant ghettoes and dispersing their inhabitants is a big issue in Denmark right now. 

NZCPR Weekly: Muzzling Free Expression

Dear NZCPR Reader,   

This week we reaffirm the crucial importance of the freedom of expression to a society and we reflect on the actions of Australian Rugby in sacking Israel Folau; our NZCPR Guest Commentator Dave Witherow examines press freedom and how the media is increasingly restricting the free expression of readers; and our poll asks whether you believe Australian Rugby should have sacked Israel Folau.

*To read the newsletter click HERE.
*To register for the NZCPR Weekly mailing list, click HERE.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

GWPF Newsletter: How Climate Scientists Fiddle The Data Again & Again & Again & Again

New Hope For Great Barrier Reef As Island Shows Remarkable Coral Growth

In this newsletter:

1) Man-Made Warming: How Climate Scientists Fiddle The Data Again & Again & Again & Again
Paul Matthews, Climate Scepticism, 30 June 2019
2) ‘Teeming With Life’: New Hope For Great Barrier Reef As Island Shows Remarkable Coral Growth
ABC News, 2 July 2019