
Saturday, May 11, 2024

Sean Plunket is joined by Muriel Newman & Maurice Williamson for Free Speech Fridays

Sean Plunket chats with Dr Muriel Newman and Maurice Williamson on the Platform about the Law courses requirement of Tikanga Maori, Te Tiriti justice system, take treaty and race out of legislation, Khylee Quince's comment, and more.....

Click to view

Dr Muriel Newman is a former Member of Parliament who now runs the public policy think tank the New Zealand Centre for Political Research

Maurice Williamson had a 30-year career as the National Party Member of Parliament for Pakuranga and is currently an Auckland City councillor.


Graham Adams said...

Thanks for raising the question of the Marine and Coastal Areas Act (2011), Muriel, on Free Speech Fridays.
It's pretty slow and difficult to get that issue in front of the public but it's a real sleeper issue.
I suspect Winston Peters won't make anything of it until someone creates a groundswell of criticism he can use to ride in to save the coastline for the public.

Anonymous said...

Shane Jones is on record as saying " Amendment will happen" without specifying when......

However, Finlayson has lobbied National hard to keep the current law.
Quite likely, Minister Potaka is against any change.

So maybe NZF and ACT would support amendment - but National is blocking it for fear of Iwi reprisal.

Meanwhile, Tikanga is gaining ground - very fast.