
Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Ele Ludemann: No grey in October 7th atrocities

Few conflicts are black and white, but no intelligent and well informed person can think there is any grey in the October 7th atrocities committed by Hamas in Israel.

No matter people’s views on Israel’s actions since and whatever sympathy they have for the people of Gaza, they can neither excuse nor justify the rapes, murders and barbarism that took place on that dark day and which triggered Israel’s response.

So what was Labour’s associate Foreign Affairs spokesman Damien O’Connor thinking when he retweeted this?

Click to view

The post has since been removed, but as I write this, there has been no apology:

“The retweet has been removed,” he said. “It’s intolerable to see civilians continue to suffer disproportionately as innocent victims in this conflict. We call on the National Government to take stronger action on this situation, including recognition of Palestine and by intervening in the ICJ case brought by South Africa against Israel.”

With no apology, we can be excused for thinking that O’Connor really does support that tweet and thinks the barbarism is justified.

Ele Ludemann is a North Otago farmer and journalist, who blogs HERE - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

What a Zionist shill you're turned into, still spouting Oct 7th Israeli lies. Start researching the truth and stop repeating Zionist controlled mocking bird media narrative.

Ellen said...

Thanks for your blog Ele. ! - who am not Jewish- am so proud of the Israelis who are continuing to resist the Islamic hordes, although for civilised people , this must be horrific. Anyone who could write in justification for October 7 is - hmmm - I can't really write what I am thinking - but I wish them the worst.