
Thursday, October 3, 2024

Sites of significance to Maori - Gore district

The Gore District Plan proposes to classify the entire Gore District under the Sites and Areas of Significance to Maori part of Section 6 of the RMA - Laurie Paterson of Groundswell explains it

 Laurie Paterson, Co-founder of Groundswell NZ - Laurie manages the day-to-day running of Waikaka Station, a multi-generational sheep and beef property in Southland. 


Anonymous said...

Sounds like this particular council needs a clean out at the next election. But with Maori representatives on councils all over the country, this will happen all over the country.

Once they get thus through, every time someone wants to make any alteration to their property they will need to pay out the local "mana whenua" to give consent, just like with the Tauranga container terminal.

Anonymous said...
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anonymous said...

The Gore model has the potential for replication in other areas. Very dangerous for property owners.

anonymous said...

A very dangerous system to adopt..

Robert Arthur said...

One really wonders at the naivety of the persons who now comprise councillors. Either that or the power of threatend cancellation is even greater than I imagined. It goes without saying that nowadays as elsewhere the Counil staff will have been infiltrated and captured by artful maori, but the simplest soul can see the danger of such loose wording. Incredibly the maori population skulking in frigid Southland was very low. It is absurd that trace maori presence hundreds of years ago can stifle and hugely complicate development today.

Anonymous said...

Pledge your support at

Anonymous said...

What utter madness, that will simply mean grift involving consultation and backhanders at every turn.
Sounds like something straight out of the LGNZ playbook. Look out NZ!

Ellen said...

You said it Robert. As a south lander born and bred, I laugh at the image of the Maori population 'skulking in frigid Southland' My word the very few who lived there could not believe their luck when the strangers from the northern hemisphere brought blankets!

Anonymous said...

Did the Gore councilors ask the people of Gore for this application of apartheid?
Or did they take it on themselves to destroy democracy in this district ?
A shame on them forever - I do hope that their great grandchildren at some date in the future are required to apologize to that generation and pay compensation for their appalling lack of judgment.

That's exactly what is going on at the moment.