The coalition government has introduced legislation to extend the parliamentary term to four years, contingent on the outcome of a binding referendum.
The proposal, supported by National, ACT, and New Zealand First, includes a key condition from ACT: the extension would only take effect if select committees are structured to reflect the proportion of non-Executive MPs.
Otherwise, the term would remain at three years.
Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith stated the bill aligns with ACT’s draft Constitution Amendment Bill and will undergo public consultation through a select committee.
While the government has yet to decide on the bill’s future beyond committee stages, a referendum could potentially be held alongside the 2026 General Election.
Daily Telegraph New Zealand (DTNZ) is an independent news website, first published in October 2021. - where this article was sourced.
Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith stated the bill aligns with ACT’s draft Constitution Amendment Bill and will undergo public consultation through a select committee.
While the government has yet to decide on the bill’s future beyond committee stages, a referendum could potentially be held alongside the 2026 General Election.
Daily Telegraph New Zealand (DTNZ) is an independent news website, first published in October 2021. - where this article was sourced.
No, no and no again from me. Just think if the Ardern Government had had another year. The calibre of politicians is so poor at the moment, the shorter their time in the sun the better. There is a real disconnect if they think the people want them in "even greater doses".
This sucks. Note how quick they are to look after themselves. I don’t even want them there for three years.
But if they want something they should give us something in return.
I suggest the Bill should be conditional on also having the following Article added to the Constitution Act:
“Source and exercise of governmental powers
“All powers of government vested in the State - legislative, executive and judicial - derive from the people of New Zealand”.
Good luck with that. Instead, how about a term of 2 years. In that case if an incoming government actually has any intention of honouring its election promises it has to get on with it quick smart a la Donald Trump.
So simple .
If the politicians do a good job they get another three years.
A four year term would invite further moves to manipulate the system to benefit them , not the people.
A big NO.
Concur with all the above comments with one minor tweak: “All powers of government vested in the State - legislative, executive and judicial - derive from ALL the people of New Zealand”. As it is currently, all the power seems to be in the hands of an elite minority group that seems intent upon misusing it to bleed the rest of us dry - and Luxon is allowing it, nay he is actively facilitating this!
Talk about warped priorities, this instead of dealing with the No1 issue that we voted the coalition into power to change - deal with the Maorification/Co-governance problem that continually drags the Country down.
Possible deal: citizens get a referendum on the Treaty issue (i.e. our democracy) and we - might - consider a 4 year term. No promises though. How cheeky can MPs of all stripes get !
Timely attempt to divert attention (such as it is) from the treaty referendum etc
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