
Sunday, February 9, 2025

John Porter: National and Co-Governance

How many of us, on the evening of Saturday, 14 October 2023, exuberantly thought that co-governance was, if not quite dead and buried, was definitely being readied for a trip to the graveyard?

It hasn’t turned out that way, has it?

Over the past 15 years or so, various governments have gradually introduced “co-governance” arrangements over specific resources processes. Although, back then, the phrase “co-governance” was not a conventional part of our vocabulary as it is now.

We have been subjected to an incremental creep, minimal fanfare, minimal publicity and those who had the prescience and intuition to see what was actually happening were very much in the minority and if concerns were voiced; “Nah, gummint wouldn’t let that happen” was the response from an apathetic majority.

“The pubs still the same, the TAB’s still there, petrol’s gone up again and the grocery bill is getting dearer but she’ll be right!”

But along came Ardern’s Labour government in 2017 and the landscape of co-governance change dramatically and probably forever!

Although Ardern did warn us. “We will be the most transformational government…”

Transparent was another word she frequently employed but we later learned that was a long way from the truth!

In April 2021, the government-commissioned He Puapua report, the blueprint for Maori Sovereignty, was leaked. While repeatedly insisting that the report is not official policy, we soon found out that was just another Tui advert from Labour, yeah right!

In July 2022, Ardern’s government created the Māori Health Authority. Then we were sucker punched with Nania Mahuta’s  “Three Waters” water reform. That “reform” proposed to create equal membership between Māori and local council representatives. In actuality, Maori had full control through the power of veto; Te Mana o Te Wai statements.

As soon as these schemes and agenda reached the public domain, co-governance then became a contentious, “hot-button” issue. As the 2020 election campaign progressed, it turned into a political football, assuming ever greater importance for a large section of the voting public .

Judith Collins, in the 2020 election campaign branded Labour’s initiatives “racist separatism”. Remember when Judith unveiled her “Demand the Debate” billboards, arguing Kiwis were "being left out of important decisions by the Labour Government". 

National were steadfastly against co-governance. Well, so we thought.

Her 2021 successor, Chris Luxon in 2022, tiptoed around the prickly issue and “bravely” stated he had “serious reservations about co-governance in public service delivery.” Adding “ …no to a referendum on co-governance - for now.” The first signs of mentor Key’s influence?

Maybe we were just deceived by National? Given their Party’s Constitution in its Values section, states Equal citizenship and equal opportunity.”  Does not the favouritism afforded to maori via co-governance most certainly contradict that value?

So, were we conned leading up to Saturday, 14 October 2023? Were we so optimistic that change could be on the way we overlooked Mr. Luxon’s very reserved statements on co-governance? Were our expectations too high? Or did we conflate ACT and NZ First campaign assurances with Nationals very basic promises?

In my political mailing group, I am seeing an increasing volume of e-mails, mostly addressed to the Prime Minister, highly critical of his reluctance to call out and push back on the continuing implementation of new co-governance issues and the “force feeding” of all things maori.

From matters ranging from -

·        Whanganui iwi and the Crown are currently negotiating a Treaty settlement and as part of it they want to embed several co-governance dynamics into the Whanganui District Council.

·        Mount Taranaki will become a legal person jointly managed by iwi and the Crown. The park and its contents will be vested as a legal person. “A collective of both iwi and Crown representatives, will manage the park and develop plans”. Sounds like co-governance to me!

·        DOC’s discussion document, Modernising Conservation Land Management, openly promotes race-based entitlements, treating those of Māori descent as having superior claims to public lands.

To -

·        University of Auckland mounting a mandatory, Stage 1, course in the Sciences. This course contains incontestable content that represents a decolonisation view around Treaty politics as well as non-science content around “other ways of knowing”.   

·        The Department of Internal Affairs spent $375,048 on workshops aimed to help bureaucrats become “change agents” by “connecting through indigenous wisdom.

The e-mails to the prime Minister and cabinet ministers are progressively angrier and are containing statements   like -

·        …Prime Minister get on with implementing your election PROMISES /  UNDERTAKINGS to totally rid us of Maorification in ALL its dimensions…

·        Let us see you honouring your election undertakings to those who voted National into power

·        You PROMISED to dismantle and eradicate Maorification and Co-governance…

These e-mails containing criticism for breaking election promises started me wondering, just what did National promise regarding co-governance and ongoing maorification in the 2023 election campaign. “Googling” using various phrases I attempted to find out. Strangely or maybe unsurprisingly, I was not able to find very much on that subject!

I’m no internet whizz but I am reasonably well versed in using the internet for research. It seems National made very few definitive statements on the co-governance and Maorification issue.

·        "National’s position on co-governance is clear and will be applied by us in government.

·        We do not support co-governance of public services.

·        We are one country, we deliver our public services to people on the basis of need, not ethnicity. And we're all equal under the law, one person, one vote.

·        National will repeal the Water Service Reform legislation within 100 days in office. 

·        Fundamentally, we need to be very proud of our bicultural founding and starting point and acknowledge a special place for tangata whenua, but we also have to acknowledge we are a multicultural, modern, outward-looking country as well. We interpret tino rangatiratanga within Te Tiriti as partnership, not co-governance, and New Zealand should be governed under one system. Targeted and powerful interventions should also be based off need, rather than based off ethnicity.

The repeal and/or the abolishing of “Hot Button Items” such as Three Waters and the Maori Health Authority were announced with fanfare. However, those are turning out to be merely window dressing from National. Just enough to placate the older, wiser generation. Those who are the most concerned about the way Luxon pursues his, slowly being revealed, agenda to further empower maori.

Those of us who are shouting the loudest, those of us who can see Luxon’s true agenda are inconsequential to National. Don’t agree?

What about Nicola Willis’s recently revealed jibe that “Nationals polling showed it’s only the over 45-year-olds who are opposed to co-governance.”

Those who display their unease about greater co-governance and the power being vested in tribal leaders are just irritants to National. They are totally indifferent to our concerns. National are actively turning voters towards other minor parties.

Luxon has placed National in a precarious position, teetering  between success and failure.

If you are undecided if Luxon and National were just being fair to disadvantaged maori, were all about restoring equity to maori and were not actually “pro maori”, these articles confirm it. 

”....National – we believe in solutions that empower Māori with the means to succeed.”

Luxon is not simply walking down Appeasement Road as I have asserted previously; No, no, he his driving his Lexus down Appeasement Road at full speed!

What Luxon fails to comprehend is that Appeasement Road is a no exit road and at the end of this road, maori activist are assembled eagerly awaiting Luxon’s arrival and Luxon will have no option but to hand over the keys to our country!

I say it is well passed the time where Prime Minister Luxon began to think about the people who built New Zealand and more importantly, the people who will continue to build New Zealand in the future.

Because it will not be the maori activists, those who continue to demand, and receive, more and more from the taxpayers purse; they will destroy New Zealand!

John Porter is a citizen, deeply concerned about the incremental loss of democracy and the insidious promotion of separatism. 


anonymous said...

Excellent overview. The cancelled citizenry of NZ must " roar" and insist loudly on their rights. They do not exist solely to pay tax to fund the endless gravy train.

Robert Arthur said...

As I have laboured before co governance is effectively maori control. With the national network of interconnected Insurgency Coordination Centres (marae) and a myriad other organisations, committees, events and opportunities for coordination, and with single minded resolve to control, and masses of corporate and often tax free money available, the official trace maori half of any co governance body acts as a coordinated bloc. It requires only one of the more random, diverse, uncoordinated other representatives to side with maori for maori to have total control. Individuals align for a variety of reasons; relentless brain wash through education, by msm including TVNZ,RNZ, , blood relation, perceived commercial opportunity, response to (often contrived) flattery , physical fear, and especially cancellation fear. The effect obligingly demonstrated by the Tupuna Maunga authority in Auckland. (so much so it was seen fit to adjust the Council side to reduce the obvious pro maori distortion.)

Anonymous said...

Let me add my voice to all those emails you see John. We are at a tipping point because NW may be right about the over 45 year-Olds. I like what you said about older and wiser too. My sons are Millenials and disagree with my POV. I wish I had never supported the Te Reo at kindergarten. It didn't seem right even then. They are Maori sympathizers but don't see the activism and the downward spiral of ethnic nation aspiration that is dragging us down. I tell them to go to Te Pati Maori website and see what is planned by the radical Maori who are already in Parliament and acting like crazy savages. So listen up all you over 45's, it's up to us to turn this around. A battle is coming and we need to be mentally and physically prepared. Luxon and National need to be made irrelevant. We have 18 months to find a new leader to unite us in the country we all built. One that never used to be full of entitled wingers.

Doug Longmire said...

Excellent article, John.
I have nothing further to add except to say "Welcome to New Zimbabwe" in the South Pacific.

Ellen said...

Yes - me too John. Looking back, you just wish those missionaries had left well alone, and let nature take its course as it has since humanity first came down from the trees - movin' on and movin' in. Fat lot of thanks they get for stopping slavery ( from whom most of today's Maori must descend), deprecating cannibalism, formalising the language, facilitating horticulture etc. Like you, I fear it is the woke and the apathetic descendents of Britannia who bear the blame for letting this happen. We do have strong intelligent commentators like you - and if they are mostly over 45, so what? Thank you for your persistence.

Ellen said...

PS. I see the name Luxon comes from Cornwall and Devon - strong, brave people by reputation.

mudbayripper said...

It would seem that the destruction of New Zealand as a democratic sovereign state, IS the desired outcome.
There can be no other explanation. For half a century know the slow creep and indoctrination of the generations prepared New Zealand for the great reset.
Together we could be united, divided, we will surely fail. Our only hope rests on yet another election, with the ACT party increasing its popularity.
I'm not holding my breath.

Anonymous said...

Then its time to stop voting for it. Vote ACT...simple as that

RogerF said...

I still believe that the only way to change National's current move towards even greater co-governance is to hit them where it hurts - in the polls.
Withdraw your support for National by cancelling your National Party membership. Even if you are not a member the most important step is to physically join an alternative party. It doesn't matter which party. ACT, Labour etc., bite the bullet. At the end of the day you are not compelled to vote for the alternative party you choose.
The thing is that National will be forced to respond, listen to the electorate or face the possibility of no longer remaining the major party in any future coalition..
I urge you to take this one small step and MOVE THE POLLS for positive change today!

Fred H. said...

The vast majority of the people that voted for National are very disappointed and extremely angry that National has failed to repeal the Maorification of New Zealand but instead is giving them more and more privileges that disadvantage the rest of the population including all New Zealanders of European, the Americas, Scandinavian, and Asian descent including Indians, Thais, Filipinos, Malayan, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese among other smaller groups.

And as you say, John, it is not the Maori who built New Zealand, it is the people from the above groups who have done that. But now those so-called "Elitist" Maori consider they can have all that for nothing because they consider themselves to be "indigenous" and it is their right, never mind that they and like-minded carpetbaggers (USA meaning) have been coercing the lefties in the UN and at Oxford to change the definition of "indigenous", but which no right-minded person will accept.

The voting public will not forget this deceitful pack of underhand dealings when it comes to the 2026 election. The National Party, led by its arrogant and unreachable President Sylvia Wood, will be destroyed with the votes going to ACT, NZ First, TOP.

Make no mistake, the Nats have signed their own death warrant not only through their deceitfullness but by attacking their main voter base, the rural sector, just to endear themselves to the ever voracious "climate change" con that keeps on taking but can achieve nothing. Withdraw from the Paris Accord, please, and save OUR money.

Anonymous said...

When Luxon decided on a career in politics, he was reportedly looking at both Labour and National.

This voter thinks he is essentially the 'Kim Philby 'of the National Party. Like lemmings, his MPs are following him off the cliff !

The simple solution, like the Tories in the UK, is to vote elsewhere....ACT in this case !

anonymous said...

This is exactly the aim . NZ is the poster child - a lesson to Western democracies that they can be destroyed.

anonymous said...

Yes - in 2026. Many " die-hard blue Nats" cannot admit that National has " gone woke" and find Seymour's candour disturbing. But they know he is right in this case.

anonymous said...

Post 45 year olds: this is the group who will pay through the nose for the coming change (CGT, death duties, wealth tax etc). They will finance the final phase of this deadly operation to achieve social levelling. Maybe this will be the wake up call needed.

Publisher NZ said...

Co-governance is code for takeover of NZ by Tribal Companies and their representatives … the end of democracy … and the installation of apartheid; leading eventually to full blown rule by Tribal elite.

The Maori King said, quote: “Maori can lead for all, and we’re prepared to do that”. (NZ Herald Jan 2024)

Maori revolutionists assure us that there is nothing to fear about them taking over in a leadership role. Yeah right. Time to wake up folks.

In order to push co-governance, activists convince otherwise intelligent folk of lies such as the treaty is a ‘partnership’ and that the chiefs did not cede sovereignty … by cunningly twisting the meaning of Maori words. Which also explains why many ordinary Maori feel so aggrieved – due to being brainwashed into believing the fiction.

Tragically, Luxon has also fallen for it because he’s pathetically “woke”, i.e. naïvely driven by a moralising ideology … resulting in virtue signalling. So aside from embracing te reo, he seeks guidance from a special Maori advisor who, unbelievably, is a committed activist.
God help us.

To learn the shocking truth about the biggest fraudulent scam in this country’s history, click here:
Or just google: The Truth NZ

Anonymous said...

Before the ballot box , what strong action can we take ?
Will this simmering anger get us to the point of violence ?

Why does Luxon try and appease Maori but not the great majority that voted for him ?

Never again.

My next vote might be in Australia.

anonymous said...

Strong message from the first week of the Select Committee on the TP Bill: these matters are to be decided between Parliament and Iwi as Treaty partners. Ordinary citizens ( though tax payers) have no role or voice.

rashby said...

Sadly I have now resigned in protest from the National Party which I am very sad about as I have huge respect and affection for Judith Collins as I was lucky enough to be her Electorate Secretary for a short while and worked with her electorate team. The two issues that "broke the camel's back" was Simon Watt's increasing the Zero Carbon targets, and the continuing appeasement of the "Co-Governance" inspired Maori radicals.
It is hard to do but as I had many times spoken up about these two issues I felt this was the only way to have a stronger impact.

Zip said...

This country is a waste of time. No matter who we pick, Maori come out on top. Luxon is a gutless sycophantic WEF shill with a white saviour complex. So many are leaving the country in droves and we will too if this continues.

There is no future for our kids here. I will not be relegated to being a second class citizen.

We bought Maori kicking and screaming into the modern age. They live in one of the most wealthy countries in the world and they have no gratitude about this.

Time for us to piss off to Australia where this garbage would never be allowed to happen

Barend Vlaardingerbroek said...

Zip, I know exactly how you feel but beware of holding Aussie up as a shining beacon - the same bullshit goes on over there with their Aboriginals. See for instance
I remember some years ago there was talk of letting Aboriginals conduct criminal trials the good old traditional way........ until someone pointed out that that involved sinking a spear into the accused's thigh; if it went gangrenous, he was guilty, and if he recovered, he was innocent!

Anonymous said...

I too am trying to think why the Nats would be so antsy about coming out clearly about all this ersatz Maori stuff. There won't be that many votes in it for them. Act can manage it without ever getting rude and vulgar. It is so pathetic and - frankly - dumb. They don't appear at all nobly open-minded and magnanimous - just ineffective.

Janine said...

Nationals website stated before the election that the Treaty was a Partnership. Subsequently many of us didn't vote National. I was rubbished by potential National voters when pointing this out before the election. Voters need to take greater care if they want to retain a democratic country.

Don said...

First priority for a politician is to get votes. Luxton could sense he was on to a vote catcher by offering to get rid of the Maorification trend started by Ardern et al. Now he fears he might lose votes by working towards the outcomes promised. Somehow the Coalition partners will have to move National in that direction or we will still have to have Te Reo jammed down our throats and all those other irritating things that are spoiling everyday life in our country. Many of my Maori in-laws, colleagues and friends are as sick of it as I am.

Robert Arthur said...

Be thankful for small mercies; the name of Petone did not change. Despite the promise to forefront English we are faced with an ever increasing flood of ever longer maori names for organisations... and everything . The function of language to facilitate communication is being seriously compromised. Have to keep a ntebook to fathom one contriving money sink from another.

Anonymous said...

Sign up with a survey company and make sure your voice is heard! National closely monitors these polls and they play a powerful role in shaping their strategies and policies. Best of all, joining is free!

Anonymous said...

The Nats are no better than the UK Conservatives, who, as Badenoch put it, for 14 years talked Right and governed Left.

Anonymous said...

What can ‘we the people’ do about our “rigged system” masquerading as democracy?

Well I think John Wilson of the Freedom Union Australia is on to something and this concept can be replicated in New Zealand.

Can Australia be saved – Aussie Cossack talks to John Wilson of the Freedom Union, a Union built by the people for the people.

Freedom Union of Australia has just been nationally launched to protect and defend Australians against the cruel and unlawful treatment being inflicted upon them – by an “Unlawful Belligerent Occupation” who have seized control over all of Australia’s Public Institutions including our: Parliaments, Legal and Judicial System, Police and Law Enforcement, Media, Medical and Local Councils, Education. (sounds about right)


Anonymous said...

If ever there needed to be a compulsory course meted out to those in our government and dare I say the Law Commission, this has to be it! Forget the stupid compulsory clap trap dispensed by the REAA to its Real Estate Agents or the pending indoctrination of our latest tranche of students by Auckland University, what John has spelt out here is way more important, albeit way too late to change the tragic trajectory of New Zealand. I doubt very much that Prime Minister Luxon and members of the coalition cabinet ever read/digested John's previous open letter (Dec 2024). It would be great to know if he even received and acknowledgement let alone a cogent response.

John Porter said...

To Anonymous, February 8, 2025 at 11:52 AM.
To answer your question, no I did not receive a response or even an acknowledgement of my letter. No surprises there!

Anonymous said...

Me again, Thanks for responding John, yes not surprised. What do us older timers know eh?

Anonymous said...

National should treat the “only over 45s” polling result with caution because people can keep their concerns close to their chest until decision day. Witness the polls for Trump before both of his electoral wins

Anonymous said...

Hipkins won’t be Leader for much longer. But hold the phone! The leadership will pass to Willie Jackson. Why do you think W Jackson is hanging around? IWI will make sure he is the new leader. TPM will rejoice!

The Redbaiter said...

Hi John- re your Nicola Willis quote. I used your quote in a post on my X account. Ms Willis has responded saying she has never said this and it is a false attribution.

anonymous said...

Coincidence - three years ago, Chris Bishop denied having said " no one is interested in co-governance " in front of 100 people with brains.

Anonymous said...

Seems you have a connection. Could you ask Nicola Willis if she might grace John with a reply to his open letter ?

Robert Arthur said...

it is patently logical and obvious that co governace leads to maori control. The Tupuna Maunga authority among others have clearly demonstrarted. But incredibly I have never seen the theme fully developed in msm.

Ellen said...

Oh that's all right - he's such a fool, he won't impress any more than Hipkins does.

Anonymous said...

When a river is given personhood, and Mt Taranaki is to be treated as a person we are seeing a return to the animism that existed in New Zealand prior to the coming of Christian gospel. An amazing 70% of Maori, sick and tired of the old ways of tribal warfare, slavery and cannibalism, with utu as their guide, embraced the new faith with its message forgiveness and equality between men and women, white and brown.

The push for control of foreshore and water is a return to pre-colonial animism, in which all of nature has spiritual significance. The call for the return to the old ways is a call to those animistic beliefs. Beliefs that condoned the warlike attributes of a tribal people, and lie behind the haka and the blatant aggressiveness we see being played out even in Parliament.

If the Muslims in New Zealand started asking for the tenents of sharia law to be applied to all who call themselves Muslims there would be a great outcry. But when the same demands are being made by Maori for their animistic understandings to be made part of our common law, we don't see what is happening.

Can we stand by and say nothing when a mountain or a river is given personhood? What nonsense, and yet this is the thin end of the wedge. Our children are being indoctrinated as Maori mythology is being taught in preschools, and we are being desecularised by stealth.

Geoffrey said...

We don't just need a new (honest} National Party leader; we need a clearly stated party Policy. There needs to be no room for equivocation and escape clauses and divesting hard decisions to Local Government or Discussion Groups.