
Sunday, February 9, 2025

Professor Jerry Coyne: Identity-based hiring goes wild in New Zealand

Just to show you how, in the hiring process, New Zealand gives much more weight to identity than to merit, I enclose part of the job description for the position of Chief Operating Officer of Wellington Water, the water utility for the Greater Wellington region (Wellington, a lovely city, is the capital of New Zealand). The document was sent to me by a Kiwi who, of course, wishes to remain anonymous (you are not allowed to point out things like this for fear of losing your job or being demoted).

At the end of the whole job description (I have it on pdf), there’s a “person specification”, which gives both the “essential” and the “desired” qualities of the person to be hired. Note that experience in working in such a water system (“three waters” delivery refers to drinking water, storm water, and sewage) or having established a network in the water sector are only “desired” qualities (including a bachelor’s degree).

But the essential qualities, part of which I’ve outlined in red, include “an understanding and knowledge of te ao Maori, tikanga and the principles relating to Te Tiriti o Waitangi”. Here’s the end of the ad:

Click both images to view

I’ll explain the three terms. Teo ao Māori is defined this way by the University of Otago in NZ:

Te Ao Māori denotes the Māori World. While simple in definition, it is rich in meaning and vast in breadth and depth.

Here, Te Ao Māori refers to three key areas:
Together, these three areas will provide you with a broad overview, and hopefully, a better understanding of Māori culture and Māori realities.

“Tikanga” is Māori social lore, defined this way:

Tikanga, or societal lore within Māori culture, can best be described as behavioural guidelines for living and interacting with others. Tikanga tends to be based on experience and learning that has been handed down through generations, also deeply rooted in logic and common sense. While concepts of tikanga are constant, their practice can vary between iwi and hapū. For example, the way in which a hapū greet and welcomemanuhiri (visitors) may differ from the way another hapū extends greetings to its manuhiri. However, both will ensure that they meet their responsibilities of manaakitanga (hospitality) to host and care for their visitors.

Participating in a different culture requires a base level of awareness and understanding, which takes both time and patience. If you are unfamiliar with tikanga, learn as much as you can from as many sources as possible; this will enrich your experiences with the culture and improve your ability to participate more fully, and with greater confidence . Remember, ‘When in Rome, do as Romans do!’

And, finally, to run the water system you have to know the principles of the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi, regarded as a sacred document in New Zealand and used as the basis of the indigenous people’s attempt to gain power and equity.

Seriously, why do you even need these “qualifications” to run a water system?

Only if you know what’s going on in New Zealand can you see why the qualifications are given this way: identity—that is, Māori descent—is much more important than skills. As my correspondent wrote, quoted with permission:

So woke and DEI still rule in our capital city. The Person Specification is also borderline racist, because it is unlikely that anyone other than a Maori would be deemed to be sufficiently steeped in te ao Maori and tikanga.

The correspondent added this:

Given the required skill set, it will not surprise you to learn that Wellington has the most poorly maintained and least efficient water supply and sewerage system of any major city in New Zealand, and routinely loses more than 50 per cent of the water stored in its supply dams because of an enormous number of leaks in the reticulation system.

When I asked for evidence that Wellington’s water system is indeed in bad shape, the reader sent me a bunch of stuff (too much to post), including this headline from the New Zealand Herald (check the photos, click to read):

As if that wasn’t enough indication of trouble, this is from the Wellington Scoop last May (click to read):

From Wellington Water‘s own website, highlighting the problems; click to read:

Their “story” (again on their website; click to read):

An important aspect of Wellington Water’s story is “te mana o te wai”, essentially meaning “the spirit of the water”. And that, of course, can be divined only by Maori.

Bolding below is mine. Note the prevalence of indigenous concepts involving superstition:

Te Mana o te Wai

As a water services provider, on behalf of its shareholding councils, Wellington Water is required to give effect to te mana o te wai. Te mana o te wai is an expression in te reo Māori of the essential health of water, its significance to Māori, and the obligations everyone has towards water. Te mana o te wai is embedded as a fundamental concept in the management of water under the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management, and giving effect to te mana o te wai is a requirement of water services providers under the Water Services Act, overseen through Taumata Arowai.

Wellington Water carries out this duty by working with iwi mana whenua within its area of operations to understand and give effect to their expressions of te mana o te wai. This includes the aspiration to begin long term strategy and planning processes from a position of understanding iwi priorities, through to working with iwi [“iwi” are Māori tribes] on service delivery.

To further support this work, Wellington Water carries out ongoing training for staff on the principles of Te Tiriti, in te reo Māori, and capability building in te ao Māori me nga tikanga Māori. [“The Māori world and the Māori culture”]

“Mana” is, according to the Māori, a supernatural force in a person, place or object”that pervades all objects and gives them “power, prestige, and authority”.

New Zealanders of all stripes should be embarrassed that they so blatantly put ancestry above merit. Perhaps if they prized merit more, the Wellington Water system would not be in so much trouble.

Professor Jerry Coyne is an American biologist known for his work on speciation and his commentary on intelligent design, a prolific scientist and author. This article was first published HERE


Anonymous said...

New Zealand has successfully become an international joke....sadly being played out on it's long suffering inhabitants by ultra-woke nincompoops!
Luxon and National were meant to be making in-roads towards reducing this mumbo-jumbo....instead it is worsening by the very day.
Voters must be cognisant of this fact at the next election !

Barrie Davis said...

Our water pipes in Wellington are in need of a large amount of money to fix them. The requirement for a Maori for the CEO of Wellington Water may bring one benefit to getting the pipes fixed. Perhaps it will give access, one way or another, to Government funds that are exclusive to Maori. I expect the whole process has already been arranged. Once it is done, it will be claimed that a Maori was needed to do it, which will be true enough. I believe you are being well and truly rorted.

Anonymous said...

Remember that all the consultation with iwi costs big bucks. Power and money to the Maori forever. They will bleed us to death if we let them.

Anonymous said...

Remember that all the consultation with iwi costs big bucks. Power and money to the Maori forever. They will bleed us to death if we let them.

Anonymous said...

Drawing a “long bow” Barrie!
I’m inclined to think the JD mirrors those used for Three Waters appointments. N Mahuta (Māori) lost out on control of fresh water nationwide however it wouldn’t surprise me Maori are having a crack at Local Body level. Māori in the South Island are making claims for control of fresh water. Tainui are getting a generous monthly fee for water co- governance of the Waikato river.

CXH said...

I really don't see the problem. The new Maori CEO will bring back tikanga, which means the old ways. So no running water or sewer needed any more. Think of all the money to be saved.

Doug Longmire said...

You have really exposed the ludicrous emphasis on those tribal/stone age items which are ESSENTIAL (apparently) to apply for the job of CEO of the water supply for Wellington city !!
Woke Gone Mad !!

Doug Longmire said...

Dead right, anon. New Zealand is a joke!!
Welcome to New Zimbabwe, south Pacific.

Barrie Davis said...

Yes, perhaps a 'long bow'. I take it you think instead that the requirements for CEO may lead to the Maoris in some way clicking the ticket on fresh water. My concern is that, step-by-step, one way or another, we the tax / rates payers are losing control of our money and it, or a portion of it, is being diverted to the Maoris. Insisting on a Maori or Maori sympathizer as a CEO will likely be an aspect of that. Thank you for your more likely realization of my rather worrying suspicion.

Anonymous said...

I understand that it's illegal to discriminate on the grounds of race, age , religion, and that you can not be asked about them in a job interview.

I have heard today about a young person looking for work , being turned down for interviews until he lied and put on his CV that he had Maori blood.

When is test case going to go through the Courts ?

robert Arthur said...

The fact that such a document got through to release indicates the extent and total confidence of the penetration of maori contol within the Council. And a general lack of competent, critical, objective oversight. It is frightening that staff are so sure of the security of their radical position. It does not suggest any ability to operate objectively, prime requirement for an engineering enterprise.. Little wonder the citizens are so fed up.

Anonymous said...

when was the last time you applied for a job especially in public sector?
That little collection of words or variations thereof about the treaty has been stamped in state sector jobs descriptions for decades now.
Usually, it was just a lip service comment that just required the applicant to politely smile and nod to the interview panel at the appropriate moment when it was mentioned.
It's nothing new or out of the ordinary.
What is new are the "training" (indoctrination) courses with their glossy reflection on NZ's precolonial history.

Anonymous said...

As noted earlier (Feb 9) it is supposed to be illegal to discriminate on the grounds of race, religion, age and probably several other factors. Obviously employers have to hold a level of control over who they want, based on suitability for the role. Fine, but the fact that job descriptions are now able to ignore firm rules about discrimination is a significant shift.

Anonymous said...

The simple answer is claim you are Maori, after all many others are, so called Maori with blonde hair blue eyes and whiter skin than me. All I need is a suitable tatoo and a dubious claim of some ancient ancestor then the white class can kiss my AR.... and I'll be on the graveyard train at last.
Seriously what a joke.

Manukacorp said...

Great Article even though it is highlighting our stupidity , Under Adern and Hipkins we were known as Aotearussia and under Luxon we are New Zimbabwee , hardly an improvement