
Sunday, May 28, 2017

NZCPR Weekly: The 2017 Budget

Dear NZCPR Reader,   

This week, we examine the Budget - and in particular the appropriation that provides millions of dollars of taxpayer funding for groups claiming ownership of New Zealand’s coastline, our NZCPR Guest Commentator Frank Newman provides his analysis of the Budget, and this week’s poll asks whether you believe $8.45 million should be available to groups claiming our coast. 

We have been looking into Marine and Coastal Area claims and found that the only one to be resolved in the High Court had no groups opposing it – only the Attorney General. The Judge found in favour of the applicants. As a result, we have been working hard to ensure that all of the 100-plus High Court claims that have been advertised in newspapers will be opposed by fishing and recreation groups. However, while claimants have access to millions of dollars of financial assistance, those objecting to the claims have to pay $110 for each one they oppose. Accordingly, we are now launching a fundraiser to help these fishing and recreation groups cover the tens of thousands of dollars in Court application fees and other costs that they are incurring on behalf of the New Zealand public. If you oppose these Marine and Coastal Area claims, please help those who will be standing up for you in the Court, by clicking HERE. Please be generous, because the task these groups have taken on - in the public interest - is certainly not an easy one!

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1 comment:

Brian said...

A short comment.

Again we see the failure of our Political Parties to grasp the nettle of our total indebtness, like Australia we are just handing down a continual legacy of debt to those who will inherit this country.

Meanwhile payments to Maori in the establishment of a Maori state continue unabated, and any chance of the removal promised by the National Party of the Maori seats has vanished under the constant threat of Maori Party blackmail.

Cheer up we have the Rugby Crown.
