
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Heather du Plessis-Allan: I'm shocked by Biden's behaviour following his decision to drop out

Do you know what’s surprised me the most about Joe Biden quitting this morning?

It's obviously not that he’s quit - I mean that was predictable, it clearly needed to happen. But what’s surprised me is that he’s been so badly behaved about it.

First of all, it shouldn’t have taken him more than three weeks to quit. It should've been obvious to him immediately after the debate that it probably wasn't survivable.

But if you give him the benefit of the doubt and say he deserved to at least try to fight to stay - fair enough, but come on.

When George Clooney and Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi made it pretty obvious nearly two weeks ago that they did not back him, he should've pulled out then. But no, he dug his heels in and dragged it on.

And then, to endorse Kamala Harris on his way out just feels really bratty. I would argue he shouldn't have done it.

For a start, she's going to struggle to beat Trump, she's one of the most unpopular VPs in a long time, if not in history.

And he must know that - he himself privately expressed that sentiment according to reports, which is part of the reason he didn’t want to quit.

He should not have endorsed her, because other senior Democrats clearly do not want her to be anointed by him like this. Neither Barack Obama or Nancy Pelosi have endorsed her yet, and it's been a few hours. That says a lot.

So it feels like what he’s just done is given them a massive middle finger, possibly in retaliation for forcing him out. He's entitled to do that if he wants to be a brat - but what he’s just done is laid out how divided and shambolic the Democrats are right now.

I’m sure there are a lot of people in the Democracts who would've hoped the division would end the minute that Biden stepped down.

But by endorsing Kamala Harris, he’s just made sure it goes on for potentially weeks until the party’s National Convention next month.

People have made a lot of Biden in the last few hours - they've sung his praises, they've hero-worshipped him, they've said he's one of the best Presidents they can remember. But he has just demonstrated what a brat he can he be.

Heather du Plessis-Allan is a journalist and commentator who hosts Newstalk ZB's Drive show HERE - where this article was sourced.


Chuck Bird said...

He should have resigned as president for the good of his country. He was never on top of his game as our PM said.

Anonymous said...

If one "looks back at the history of Joe Biden's pathway to become the next President (something that he has attempted in the past) and the other contestants who also stood to become the Democrat Party Presidential Nominee, you will find that Kamala Harris was among the "lineup".

Sadly, her record of being a Lawyer caught up with her, the entire saga was not only printed. but also presented on TV. it did not make for pleasant reading. Kamala "retired from the potential nominees".

When she was "shoulder tapped to become the VP", the question arose - Why?, when she "was supposedly not an insider to the Biden camp"??

Sadly, for those who have watched "this space", Ms Harris has not been an effective VP, and if one thinks that Joe Biden has a oral speaking problem, you should look at Kamala Harris - both when she speaks in public and or is interviewed by MSM - the common statement produced (by both Media & observers)- "Word Salad" - statements and answers that have "no rhyme or reason, or make sense".

Should Ms Harris make it to the White House, Heaven Help America!

Anonymous said...

Biden was incompetent when elected [sic] and it only got worse over the course of his Presidency.

Most telling is the account that he soiled himself during an audience with Pope Francis.