
Monday, September 23, 2024

Mike's Minute: Parliament - Should we have a longer term?

I am excited by the prospect of a vote with my vote next election.

The suggestion from the Prime Minister is we could be asked whether we want a 4-year term.

Do we? Now, there is a debate.

Firstly we need to work out whether the Prime Minister is actually going to deliver it or whether in a Q & A session last week in front of businesses he was merely musing.

So is there a vote in 2026 or not? And if there is, if there is change voted for, when is the first 4-year term?

Could I suggest if we are having a vote, we vote for the status quo, a 4-year term or a 5-year term? If you are going to the people why not explore the options?

Assuming there is a vote, which way would you go?

Personally I know my answer. And the answer is, I don’t have an answer.

This is one of those areas where there is no right or wrong. Both can work, both can fail.

It's an MMP type debate. There are failings in MMP - list MP's like Darleen Tana surely are arguments for First Past the Post.

The slapdash, amateurish nature of so much of the political scene these days, perpetrated by radicals and single-issue crazies, is a good argument for First Past the Post.

But MMP has given us diversity in gender and race and age. It is a spectacularly diverse parliament and you would argue MMP is what gave us that.

Anyway, off the back of the Labour Government 2017-23, and particularly 2020-23, surely the shorter the better is the answer?

Imagine if they had carried on their carnage this year, given their term would have been 2020-24.

How could you possibly vote for more of that?

But good Government, and this current combination might just prove to be an example of that, would need and want as much time as possible to right the ship and get us back to some sort of semblance of what we once were.

Either way you can see good and not so good.

That’s what makes this one, one of your better debates.

Mike Hosking is a New Zealand television and radio broadcaster. He currently hosts The Mike Hosking Breakfast show on NewstalkZB on weekday mornings - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

You are missing the elephant in the room completely Mike. All systems, like their human components, have a life cycle. Our Parliamentary system is in its elderly and decaying-rapidly phase. We need to find an alternative PDQ. Perhaps something like the Athenian system, but with careful filtering processes and strict time limitations. I’m sure the academics could design just what we need!

Basil Walker said...

YES .A referendum to be undertaken. Give us 4 matters to decide .
Waitangi Tribunal , Parliamentary Term . Coal fired electricity or Small Nuclear power station. Further spending on Climate Change YES /NO on them separately