
Saturday, October 12, 2024

Ronald Stein, John Shanahan: Wind and solar cannot replace oil

The elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss is that crude oil is the foundation of our materialistic society as it is the basis of all products and fuels demanded by the 8 billion on this planet, of which only one billion existed less than 200 years ago.

All hospitals, airports, communication systems, militaries, planes, trains, and vehicles are based on the products that did not exist before the 1800’s, that are now made from fossil fuels.

Humanity’s addiction to the products and fuels made from oil has grown to a whopping consumption of 100 million barrels a day. For those unfamiliar with a “barrel”, it contains 42 gallons, which equates to 4,000,000,000 GALLONS of oil needed every day to meet the demands of today’s lifestyle and economies.

As a refresher for those high profile “green” torch bearers that are dominated by the opinions of politicians, movie stars, and popular athletes, that are preaching net-zero emissions, wind and solar do different things than crude oil.

* Wind turbines and solar panels only generate occasional electricity but manufacture NOTHING for society.

* Today, ‘Big Oil’ only exists because of humanity’s addiction to the products and fuels made from oil.

* Without crude oil, there would be nothing that needs electricity. Everything, like iPhones, computers, data centers, and X-Ray machines, that need electricity to function is made with petrochemicals manufactured from crude oil.

* Renewables CANNOT make any of the products to make wind turbines and solar panels.

Anyone with logical thinking will conclude that the scam of the century is ridding the world of crude oil, before a replacement is identified to support the supply chain for humanity’s growing demand for the products and fuels made from oil, would be global suicide!

Today’s policymakers are incapable of sharing a plan to support a supply chain for the products and fuels demanded by today’s materialistic society and the economy that is dependent on huge infrastructures that did not exist before oil, as world leaders try to reduce their dependency on crude oil.

The world now sustains 8 billion people—ten times the population prior to the Industrial Revolution and thankfully is also experiencing record crop production. This rapid increase in agricultural output is partially attributable to an increase in atmospheric CO2 since 1940, This rise in CO2 levels alone is linked to major yield increases for corn, soybeans, and wheat.

Wind power needs enormous amounts of oil to make and turn the non-degradable turbine blades that are filling landfills when they wear out. To provide the infrastructure for the planned forests of turbines requires massive amounts of raw materials including limestone, steel, aluminum, lithium, cobalt, and nickel. To make way for the wind and solar farm fields, millions of trees are being cut down. Remember when we used to call environmentalists tree huggers? Where are they now?

Real science is also revealing that the massive span of solar panels over millions of acres of land are changing the natural atmosphere. The materials the panels are made of cause warming. In the winter they will cause cooling, thus exacerbating weather extremes. When air is warmed, as happens over the solar panels, it rises. Even small differences in ordinary land surfaces can create powerful forces of weather. In short, solar farms will become thunderstorm and tornado incubators and magnets. There is nothing green about green electricity. Farmers must beware of allowing their property to be used for these installations.

MOST importantly today, there is a lost reality that the primary usage of crude oil is NOT for the generation of electricity, but to manufacture derivatives and fuels which are the ingredients of everything needed by economies and lifestyles to exist and prosper. To reiterate, ‘Big Oil’ only exists because of humanity’s addiction to the products and fuels made from oil. Energy realism requires that the legislators, policymakers, and media that are demonstrating pervasive ignorance about crude oil usage, begin to understand the staggering scale of the decarbonization movement.

Many poorer developing nations do not share the Western elite’s obsession with reducing emissions. Since life for most people on earth is still a battle against poverty, hunger and disease, many countries, particularly India and much of Africa, will continue to focus on becoming richer through fossil fuels and the many products that have made richer countries have a more comfortable living lifestyle.

World leaders continue experiencing a “dangerous delusion” of a global transition to “just electricity” that they believe will eliminate the use of the crude oil that made society achieve so much in less than 200 years. Without those products made from petrochemicals manufactured from crude oil, the policymakers must be imagining no jets, ships, defense, or space programs!

Looking back at the history of the petroleum industry, it illustrates that the black cruddy looking crude oil was virtually useless, unless it could be manufactured (refineries) into oil derivatives that are now the basis of chemical products, such as plastics, solvents, and medications, that are essential for supporting modern lifestyles. The thousands of products that are based on oil are being used for the health and well-being of humanity and the generation of electricity did not exist a few short centuries ago.

Today, we have more than 50,000 merchant ships, more than 20,000 commercial aircraft and more than 50,000 military aircraft that use the fuels manufactured from crude oil. The fuels to move the heavy-weight and long-range needs of jets moving people and products, and the merchant ships for global trade flows, and the military and space programs, are also dependent on what can be manufactured from crude oil.

For aircraft and ships, just like that for the diverse options for the generation of unreliable electricity by renewables, they all utilize parts and components made from the oil derivatives manufactured from raw crude oil.

Policymakers need to participate in conversations to discuss the difference between just ELECTRICITY” from renewables, and the “PRODUCTS” that are the basis of society’s materialistic world.

Ronald Stein P.E. - Ambassador for Energy & Infrastructure, Co-author of the Pulitzer Prize nominated book “Clean Energy Exploitations”, policy advisor on energy literacy for The Heartland Institute, and The Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and National TV.

John Shanahan is an engineer and energy consultant.

This article was sourced HERE


Rob Beechey said...

This excellent article is a sad indictment on how stupid our politicians are. How stupid our primary energy company management is, and how stupid the general public is to dumbly swallow climate alarmism. If anyone with half a brain traced the origins of this ridiculous notion that co2 was influencing climate change would discover that it was invented by the Club of Rome in the late sixties to specifically protect our finite resources “oil” from being exhausted by the rapidly growing world population. The co2 story was invented and sold to a gullible public who should take a hard look at themselves and start demanding an explanation from our complicit politicians.

nuku said...

This should be required reading for woke Greenies and their political dupes. Their willful blindness about the use of oil as the primary feedstock for almost all of the products (real material things) in the modern world is staggeringly stupid. They show a complete lack of understanding of physics (I'm talking about Science NOT "traditional knowledge).

Anonymous said...

This article proves the criminal negligence of the Labour-led Government banning exploration for oil and gas in 2018. Only 6 years down the track, that action has driven one of our largest manufacturing exporters, Methanex, out of business with the loss of 230 jobs and millions of dollars in export earnings. Did nobody point out that not a litre of the methanol produced from our natural gas would be burnt to contribute to global warming? It's a critical component of a host of downstream manufacturing processes, exactly as explained in this article. And even if they were warned, did anybody in that Government actually care? No votes for Labour in Taranaki!