
Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Centrist: Poll - Majority of New Zealanders support equality in Treaty debate

Recent polling commissioned by Hobson’s Pledge shows 62% of New Zealanders support honouring the Treaty of Waitangi, provided it upholds fundamental human rights, with only 12% disagreeing.

However, the poll also found low support (13%) for the belief that the Treaty mandates 50% Māori representation in Parliament, with only Te Pāti Māori voters expressing overall agreement.

Spokesperson Don Brash argues media coverage of Te Pāti Māori’s interpretations and activism, which he calls “radical and in the minority,” misrepresents the broader electorate’s priorities for unity and human rights.

When asked the question of what body should determine the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi, respondents favoured a referendum (+25% net agreement) or Parliament (+21%) over the Waitangi Tribunal (+16%) or the judiciary (+7%).

Notably, NZ First voters signalled their support for ACT’s proposed referendum on Treaty principles, while every other voting group aligned with their party’s policy. For instance, Labour supporters believe the Waitangi Tribunal should have the final say on Treaty principles.

Brash called on Prime Minister Christopher Luxon to resist pressure from “activist academics and the Wellington beltway” and heed the opinions of voters who supported his government.

“New Zealanders are entitled to expect that any law, policy, or action taken by our Government should not breach fundamental human rights. It is not remotely racist to expect equal rights for us all,” he said.

Poll: Majority of New Zealanders support equality in Treaty debate 3

Poll: Majority of New Zealanders support equality in Treaty debate 4

The Centrist is a new online news platform that strives to provide a balance to the public debate - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

"New Zealanders support honouring the Treaty of Waitangi"?
Yeah, but what one.
The honest inclusive Maori language original one, or the fraudulent dishonest Freemans English language version, that excludes All the people of New Zealand and includes Estates, forests and fisheries ?

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone sane want to become a second class citizen? If all the "Wellington beltway" Karens and Kens want to give the whole country to the Maoris, why don't they donate their own property rather than trying to give away everybody else's?

Anonymous said...

Yes we must keep on asking this of our Govt, Te Papa because we need to overturn the stupidity of past govts that put errant nonsense in our legislation. We are ALL New Zealanders and no select group has any more rights over the Forests and Fisheries - MACA must revert to the 2004 Act

Chuck Bird said...

There is the results of another TVNZ poll addressing the same issue on tonight.

Paul Peters said...

I notice polls on the treaty bill and refendum have an unusually large percentage of don't know or unsure. I am probably being OTT but is there a chance people who favour the bill and referendum are wary about saying so over the phone to people who have their phone number and possibly through that their address and who they might be? I have work and other associates who refuse to answer polls for that reason. A few years ago I answered a phone call for a survey on something or other political. She took my answers to the questions and my ethnicity and age and then said oh sorry you don't fit the demographic (for the poll). And quickly ended the call. I gave the wrong answers I believe.