
Monday, December 16, 2024

Geoff Parker: New Zealand is being ruled by fear

Activist agenda driven Maori have virtually taken full control of New Zealand by utilising the vehicle of fear.

New Zealanders are frightened to speak out against this seditionist agenda, on social media, at meetings and/or social gatherings for fear of being labelled ‘racist’ or confrontation. In the case of social media the pack attacks can be very vitriolic.

The fourth estate has been captured by Maori nationalists, neverending publications promoting Maori wonderfulness, anti-colonialism, questionable Maori victimisation and oppression are published, yet balancing articles never see the printing press or the airwaves - even paid for advertising is rejected? Editors happily publish ‘letters to the editor’ that promote Maori wonderfulness and/or questionable history, yet appear reluctant to publish balancing letters, could this be through fear of losing Maori advertising?

Our elected authorities appear frightened to reverse racial separatist laws or special privileges for fear of an uprising from the mis-labelled ‘indigenous’ who have the time, systems, funding and lodgings throughout the country in place, to mass protest at short notice. Without doubt these protests cause inconvenience to working, law abiding New Zealanders who grizzle to themselves but timidly suffer in silence for fear of reprisal.

While most Kiwis leave our elected Local Government representatives to get on with business in a democratic way, tribalists inundate council meetings in an intimidating fashion that could sway decisions to their benefit. In fact it goes further than that: death threats were issued against a New Plymouth District Councillor who did not support Maori wards – frightening his children, promising to kill his dog, and shooting at his house until he fell into line. This reveals the dangerous influence that Maori radicals have on Councils to ensure they vote the ‘right’ way. Through fear for his family and property this councillor has now dropped out of airing his views on Maori issues.

Recently registered nurses were subjected to a new set of ‘Standards of Competence’:
“Nurses in New Zealand seeking to be enrolled or registered will now need to address the “impact of colonisation” on health as part of new cultural competency standards. The new Standards of Competence have faced sharp criticism from some nurses, who argue the requirements impose ideological perspectives and unnecessarily complicate training processes.

However, none were willing to speak on the record for fear that voicing their concerns could jeopardise their employment.”
Chris Lynch Media

To inform New Zealanders about the tribal takeover of New Zealand, Julian Batchelor, a courageous New Zealander, held Stop Co-Governance meetings throughout New Zealand in 2023. These were hampered with intimidating protests which resulted in citizens, who sought knowledge, eventually becoming loathe to attend in numbers. In some cases venues were difficult to obtain because local tribes put pressure on the venue owners. These meetings culminated in a rally on Parliament in Wellington which should have been a mass turnout, but sadly only a few brave souls participated.

Kiwis are now hesitant to host awareness signage on their property because it may attract damage to property and family harassment by Maori activists or their sycophantic followers.

Facial tattoos are becoming fashionable for those that reject colonisation and promote Maori sovereignty. As a google search suggests these tattoos are intimidating, therefore have the potential to install fear on others in society. Similarly the treasonous Tino Rangatiratanga flag with it’s red, black and white markings is becoming commonplace, but has a sinister air of fear about it.

We must not forget the ‘haka’ in which the primary purpose in bygone days was to intimidate the enemy with threatening gestures of stomping, arms waving, eyeball rolling and tongue poking, it is still a fearful spectacle used by Maori nationalists today, even in parliament house. 

It is getting that way, that New Zealanders cannot even go to the bathroom without fear of upsetting some invented cultural practice that harks back to a pre 1840, war mongering/infanticide/slaveholder/cannibal, time. It’s a sad joke!

Have we become a nation of wimps? If we want democratic control of our country back we must ‘man up’ and actively front up to these racist bullying hustlers. We cannot wait for a ‘saviour’, that saviour is in each and every one of us - “If it is to be, it is up to me”

Geoff Parker is a passionate advocate for equal rights and a colour blind society.


Nireaha Wong said...

0 percent correct Geoff. And none more intimidated than Luxon.

Anonymous said...

“Democratic control” is an illusion.
Thomas Jefferson said, “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.”
In every country, democracy appears to be benign, but it opens the door to collectivism.
Some 2400 years ago, Greece came up with the idea of a republic – a state in which the freedom of choice of the individual was paramount. Laws were minimal and, as long as he followed those basic laws, he was free to do as he pleased.
Ancient Rome was the same. After a state of prosperity due to increasing production, a republic was formed, but it was soon downgraded into a democracy, then later became an empire, then collectivism set in.
In this, we see an important aspect of the concept of government. The United States began as a Republic, but downgraded quickly into a democracy, then downgraded further, over time, into a quasi-collectivist democracy and is now moving quickly into a fully-collectivist state.
The pattern is the same. Productivity leads to prosperity, which leads to a rise in individual rights. The nation then peaks in terms of personal freedom. Then, the decline begins, as democracy slowly replaces individual rights.
Democracy sounds good, as it’s presented as “the will of the majority.” But, in fact, it’s the thin end of the wedge. Democracy introduced the “illusion of choice”.
That’s why this “Maori wonderfulness” is a Corporate Apartheid Agenda. It has everything to do with “democracy”.

Ellen said...

You got it Geoff. We have become a nation of wimps. Plenty of people can see clearly, but we suffer from self-induced 'white guilt', conditioned from early childhood to apologise. Good for David Seymour who takes it on the chin - and Michael Laws, who just tells it like it is - let's keep trying.

anonymous said...

Spot on. The entire strategy has been tailored to Kiwi apathy and reluctance to take a stand on any controversial issue ( except ironically apartheid in South Afcfrica) . This happens as often under the radar as it does in specific instances - especially education . This lulls ordinary people into thinking life is going on as usual. This is definitely not the case - the tipping point is very close. Then the price to pay will be very high.
NZ is on track to be the first democracy which submits to tribal rule. The profound transformation announced by Ms Ardern and Labour is very close to completion.

Anonymous said...

Well Geoff, why don't you tell it like it is? Thanks for doing just that, the power grab by JT and the rest of his power hungry gang is almost complete, PM Luxon just has to take the white flag out of his pocket (if he has not already) and it is over red rover. I don't know about others but I'm feeling a bit like a cornered animal and we know what they do when in that situation.

John Porter said...

Excellent article Geoff.
Donna Awatere Huata was accurately attuned to the kiwi psyche and apathy. Observing, “Pakeha politicians will continue to remain blind to virtually every aspect of the nationalists’ project, and that it is this, the Pakeha’s racist refusal to take Māori sovereignty seriously that offers its promoters their best chance of success.”
Democracy is being dismantled by apathy and deceit!
“The price of apathy towards public affairs, is to be ruled by evil men.”
A future book will be written – “Coup by Apathy”.

Anonymous said...

I agree that NZers’ have become apathetic and don’t want to put their heads above the parapet, but having been personally physically intimidated and threatened by Māori is not for the faint hearted. As a result, I for one could not possibly go through that again, more’s the pity. Having said that, I voted for parliamentarians who I mistakenly thought would have the country’s best interests at heart and would restore equal rights to all NZers getting rid of any 1975 Treaty Settlements Act legislation. Luxon and National are not moving fast enough to give the country certainty that if they go out next election, any new Government won’t reinstate the previous Labour agenda.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who voted for National expecting the real issue of co-governace and the insidious march of Maorification to be addressed when all they go on about is the cost of living and economy have been let down completely because National is totally blind to the fact that if those first two things persist there will not be an economy worth having. There is such a thing as living in cloud cuckoo land and that is precisely where National resides.

Anonymous said...

And Douglas gave her a platform in the Act party to spread/promote this indigenous (apartheid) agenda. More fool us.
Looking back, (and forwards) you can see the collusion between government, radical part Maori individuals and Iwi corporations pushing this apartheid agenda.

Fred H. said...

Matters will not improve in NZ while Luxon is PM. He is arrogant, spineless, and ignorant of NZ History. He is just another woke, weak, wimp, and just a bureaucrat with out any semblance of leadership. Get rid of him now before the left takes over again, and then the Party will be well and truly Over.

Anonymous said...

The biggest wimp is Luxon who refuses to even comment on the big racial fire burning under his feet.
Is he deliberately blind to what is going on ?
Another Nero ?

stopcogovernance said...

I fully agree with Geoff Parker. Most Kiwis have allowed fear to shut them down, to stop them speaking out. People talk in whispers in cafes now. People tell they never know whether sitting next to them is a Maori, or a white woke Maorification convert.
Our Youtube channel has grown over 300% this year. This is telling.
We started this channel for three reasons: that we would not / could not be shut down by activists.
it was more cost effective than doing a physical tour of the country.
2. we wanted to provide Treaty facts and Treaty related information for the public.
3. People could go to our Youtube channel, voice their opinion, watch the videos, and not be intimidated or bullied by Maori.

That is to say, people are joining our Youtube channel because they want facts and quality education, thus avoiding all direct contact with Maori. Fear is driving this. And yes, most definitely, business owners are very careful to APPEAR to be politically neutral about all things Maori, or they even act pro Maori, for fear of retribution.

The same behaviour developed in the German civilian population in the 1920s and 30s.

What I am saying here is just reporting what some of our 4,700 Youtube followers have told us. My blog goes out to another 11,000 subscribers.

This is just the truth of matter. This is ’the new New Zealand’.

If anything, Geoff understates the reality.

Anonymous said...

I'm disgusted at the government giving into the Maori.It seems not much has changed since the last lot govern.Good on Seymour for standing up to them

Doug Longmire said...

These words from your post sum it up:-
"death threats were issued against a New Plymouth District Councillor who did not support Maori wards – frightening his children, promising to kill his dog, and shooting at his house until he fell into line. This reveals the dangerous influence that Maori radicals have on Councils to ensure they vote the ‘right’ way."
This is terrorism.
This councilor of course is not the only one.
All over our (once free and united nation) public figures would be weighting up the risks to them or family if they expressed any opinion or vote against the violence threats from Maori radicals.
The Police seem to be in dreamland and just not there to do their job and protect us.

Anonymous said...

I don't like it, but I think you are all giving these radicals too much power. They are pretty dumb, ignorant - lots of numbers at the hikoi, but they didn't know what for. For goodness sake if we suffered a takeover from that lot we would deserve to lose. They are noisy and persistent - and stupid.

Anonymous said...

Anon@9.07, the vast majority on the hikoi were just useful idiots but, make no mistake, those pulling the levers are not stupid. The apathetic complacent masses need to wake up. It's not only the ethnogrifters, but also the woke we need to be wary of.