
Monday, December 9, 2024

Sir Bob Jones: Christopher Luxon

Journalists who are essentially spectators of life, are notorious for pack-hunting. It’s currently fashionable for them to dismiss the Prime Minister as not up to much, calibre-wise.

When Parliament is sitting I often watch Question Time. Understandably, many questions are directed at Luxon and frankly, I’m impressed. His responses are always succinct and to the point.

I watched him a fortnight back send Jack Tame into an ill-mannered frenzy, constantly interrupting and shouting. Throughout Luxon remained cool-headed, polite and unruffled. He made Tame look ridiculous.

I think Luxon is on his way to becoming a great National Prime Minister. I say that as I’ve always been dismissive of the Nats, who far from promoting their original raison d’etre, namely a market economy, have been primarily interested in retaining office by the proven method of not rocking the boat. This caters to the public’s natural desirability for stability.

In that sense the Luxon government is revolutionary as they’ve declared war on excessive bureaucracy, cut the infantile and frustrating nonsense of naming Government agencies in a redundant language few kiwis speak, and many other overdue reforms.

These sort of radical initiatives have historically been the role Labour governments have fulfilled.

If not quite to the degree of Sir John Key, Luxon also has a warm blokiness about him. That kept Key in office, aided by a chaotic Opposition, but they were wasted years in terms of achievements.

All things being equal I suspect the Nats will deservedly bolt home in the next election, less than two years away. And if so, one key factor will be respect for Luxon, who it must be remembered has only been in Parliament for a year. That fact alone makes him a standout P.M.

Sir Bob Jones is a renowned author, columnist , property investor, and former politician, who blogs at No Punches Pulled HERE - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

Bolt home? Not when ACT picks up alot of their votes as a protest for National failing to take the Treaty principles Bill seriously. He'll I've never voted anything but Labour and I will be switching to Seymour next election.

Anonymous said...

I think he came into Parliament in 2020 but yes the NZ media have an an ideological agenda so they aren't objective journalists.

Mark Hanley said...

I concur and add the following radical goals / achievements / actions (off the top of my head, I'm sure there are many more)
- smash the gangs. Isn't it great can no longer use patches to advertise and intimidate?
- reduce rents (relative to inflation)
- reduce house prices
- tame inflation without smashing the economy
- reduce government spending without smashing the economy
- negotiate and sign trade agreements
- sell nz to attract more foreign investment
- back to basics education
- charter schools
- etc.

CXH said...

He has declared a Clayton's war against excessive bureaucracy. Lots of noise, little change in actual numbers and a whole new dept. formed.

Sounds like the same old don't rock the boat effluent as before.

oneblokesview said...

You are definitely drinking the Kool aid Mark.
Will give you Nationals Gang Patch law.
And doing what all governments do negotiate and sign trade agreements. (Actually a coalition effort)
Reducing rents and House Prices was NOTHING to do with the National Party being in Government.

Hilarious when you assert reduce government spending.

The facts say otherwise.
The 2023 Budget(Labour) announced $175.5 billion in spending for the 2023/24 financial year, while the 2024 Budget(National) announced $180.5 billion in spending for the 2024/25 financial year, an increase of $5 billion.

The rest are nothing to do with National initiatives, but Coalition efforts. You really think that National would have allowed Charter schools if ACT were not in the Coalition.

But stay in your happy place. Reality really is a bitch.

Anonymous said...

Sir Bob, in your opinion, why will Luxon not deal with the huge elephant in the room, and continues an appeasement policy with Maori ?
I would value your erudite thoughts on this topic.
Thank you

Anonymous said...

The only reason he will be a standout is for ignoring democracy. Not even allowing the select committee to report on the public submissions on the treaty principles bill before making his decision is so anti-democratic .It will be his legacy

Basil Walker said...

Sir Robert Jones , thank you for your BreakingViews this year , however PM Luxon needs to define issues he opines . ie What is his objection with the Treaty Principles Bill and to define his stance on Zero Carbon which is frankly catastrophic for those whom breathe and grow things

Anonymous said...

Can I add " my tuppence worth of comment ".
[1]- Gang Patches, should have been done years ago, but sadly both NZ Political Parties - Labour & National did not have the temerity to do so. If one looks at what the Govts of Western Australia have done in the same domain , NZ can be perceived as " patsies '. If Labour become the next Govt. that Law will be struck down.
[2] - Charter Schools - worked well in the past, BUT the Teachers Union & associates did not like the, they had no control over that operating domain. Again, Labour back in power, watch them closed down, again.
Sorry have a three penny piece - Govt spending, some one had better look at what the NZ LTA are doing, some serious cost over runs occurring on current projects.
Great to hear from you Sir Bob.

Anonymous said...

Kool aid Mark.
Will give you Nationals Gang Patch law.
MH very generous of you.

And doing what all governments do negotiate and sign trade agreements. (Actually a coalition effort)
MH even a Labour spin doctor has to see the speed of the UAE trade agreement and the advancement of the Indian trade relationship have been impressive.

Reducing rents and House Prices was NOTHING to do with the National Party being in Government....

MH REALLY? So reducing landlords costs by allowing interest payments to be claimed as expenses, and bringing landlords back to the market with restoration of the 90 day no fault evictions doesn't reduce rents?

MH Reducing government spending, forcing councils to identify 30 years of land for housing supply, passing laws to allow building products approved by other like countries to be used in NZ, doesn't reduce the cost of housing?

Hilarious when you assert reduce government spending.

The facts say otherwise.
The 2023 Budget(Labour) announced $175.5 billion in spending for the 2023/24 financial year, while the 2024 Budget(National) announced $180.5 billion in spending for the 2024/25 financial year, an increase of $5 billion.

MH Really? Have you accounted for Inflation, population growth, and the horrendous interest bill left behind by Chris Hipkins and pals in Your government spending calculation?

The rest are nothing to do with National initiatives, but Coalition efforts. You really think that National would have allowed Charter schools if ACT were not in the Coalition.

MH Really? Isn't it National who are implementing the "back to basics" teaching based on the successful uk model? Do you really think Charter schools would be Implemented without National's support?

But stay in your happy place. Reality really is a bitch.

MH. Labour spin doctors never let the facts get in the way of their incredulous claims.

Anonymous said...

Il be giving my vote to ACT next time.

mudbayripper said...

It's a pity more voters weren't insightful enough to disregard the National party at the last election.
Act party policies, particularly regarding Maori issues were the only party likely to set New Zealand on a course of true democratic prosperity.

Anonymous said...

Oh I did, I did vote ACT in my electorate. But it was a labour seat. Nearly a National though.
And for the party vote as no candidate in the electorate I voted for a woman I believe worked very hard to highlight some of the truths, and who did not deserve the abuse she received.
But I am guessing she won't be running again so both votes to ACT.

So that was a waste of time wasn't it? Both shots drew a blank eh?