
Friday, February 14, 2025

Ross Meurant: Guilty Before Found Guilty and Guilty After Found Not Guilty

If ever there was a shocking travesty of justice, it was Rt Hon Luxon’s ill-advised comment of, “ill-advised”, to Hon David Seymour, relating to the Epsom MP’s letter to Dr Polkinghorne(1)(2)

A fundamental pillar of New Zealand’s system of justice, predicated on the 1215 Magna Carta is:

We are all innocent until proven Guilty.

Polkinghorne was found Not Guilty.

Based on the vibes I discern, many hold a different opinion.  Some (ex-cops in particular) will say, “Not Guilty is not proof of innocence”.

Think as we may, the law is clear and Polkinghorne is clear. 

Accordingly, in my view, Luxon’s letter to Seymour was way out of line.

As equally intriguing; Why was Luxon’s letter elevated as it has been?          [Main Stream Media prejudice does not come into the debate.]

Two new political polls show support for National dropped three points to 34 percent. The ACT party had a one-point bump to 9 percent while New Zealand First dropped one point to 5 percent. Labour up four points to 33 percent; the Greens are steady on 10 percent and Te Pāti Māori is down three points to 4 percent. On these results, the left bloc would have 61 seats, the minimum level of support required to form a government. (4)

Luxon cannot fail to feel the heat - the growing hostility amongst traditional National supporters, many of whom will drift (or maybe stampede) to David Seymour.

Last week’s events provide a salutary lesson for Seymour, from Rt Hon Sir Bill Rowlings who once said:

“As you find out once again in politics, don’t worry about your enemies, you can always see them. It’s your friends you have to worry about. They come from behind.”(3)

If ever there was a blatant attempt by the National Party (which elected me into the Hallowed Halls of Power in three general elections), to undermine the Act Party at a time National is deservedly going out the back door, it is Rt Hon Luxon and his merry men/women/its – with this attack on the next Prime Minister of New Zealand.

Seymour is a problem for National.

Emerging as he is, as the only politician with the fortitude to stand against radical Māori interpretations of NZ’s legal integrity (much I am sure to the delight of lawyers who like parasites will feast on the taxpayers’ coffers), Seymour will take more and more traditional Tory support.

With John Key’s former hit man Christopher Finlayson, now leading another Māori assault on the Sovereignty of New Zealand, for Māori to take control of the South Island fresh waters, in my assessment, Seymour is the only politician to whom this county can turn to for protection.

The same sort of protection Rt Hon Helen Clark provide New Zealand with the 2004 Foreshore and Seabed Act, reasserting Crown ownership and the Sovereignty of Parliament, and putting then Chief Justice Sian Elias – in her place.

Parliament is Supreme.  There is no need to endure the cost and anxiety of endless charades in Court.  Parliament is Supreme.  Fifty one percent vote in the House and every law in the land could be annulled.

That’s democracy, mate.  Not rule by unelected, court room officials.

Start again?  With Mr Seymour at the helm, that might be a good idea.

STOP PRESS  Just in.

PS Apropos my paragraph 8: MSM neutrality?

Ross Meurant BA MPP.  Company Director.  Former Police Inspector, Member of Parliament & Honorary Consul.

(3) Meurant, Ross. Beat to the Beehive, Harlen Press 1982, page.5.


Anonymous said...

Hear, hear! Luxon seems blind to where NZ is headed thanks to political naivety. Treading lightly with radicals never going to work.

Ellen said...

I'm with you!

Anonymous said...

“Parliament is Supreme. There is no need to endure the cost and anxiety of endless charades in Court. Parliament is Supreme. Fifty one percent vote in the House and every law in the land could be annulled”.

And as (just) another Lawyer (part of the problem) has stated after exiting parliament and covering his backside:
“It is true the TOW Act 1975 and all the other statutes, which give explicit recognition to the treaty are not entrenched. They can be swept away by a simple majority in Parliament.

“That’s democracy, mate. Not ruled by unelected, court room officials”,( and other nefarious behind the curtain actors).

Anonymous said...

One of the advantages of our un-codified constitution is the unfettered power of our Sovereign Parliament, to create law.
Parliament can neither be subjugated to existing law nor bound by court interpretation of existing law.

mudbayripper said...

If it's that easy to sweep away bad law, then obviously there are other reasons to retain it.
Our legislators are dishonest.
I agree, it seems to me, only the Act party appear to be trust worthy.
I've also learned, that in this world currently, no one can be fully trusted.

Peter said...

Yes, mudbayripper, you have to wonder, for instance, why the Treaty of Waitangi Act still embodies an English version of said Treaty that is patently inappropriate? A vastly more appropriate version like the Busby English draft (aka, the Littlewood Treaty), or even Judge TE Young's, or Sir Apirana Ngata's back translations are much closer to Te Tirirt and would/should put an end to all this tino rangatiratanga non-ceding, co-governance, partnership hogwash. But, no - our gutless, deceitful politicians just allow the issue to fester. And who have allowed this and should know better? Past pollie legal-eagles who have since more than dined out on the issue - one of whom is currently again at the trough over water rights for Ngai Tahu in the South Island. When are Kiwis going to wake up and say (and DEMAND) - ENOUGH!

anonymous said...

Things are moving.... Seymour pushed for a public debate to raise awareness. This is succeeding. Views of the Treaty principles will always be divided. But the wider debate is now revealing the real issue - the replacement of NZ's democracy by tribal rule with privilege for the Maori minority( i.e. He Puapua).
To try to make this change without consultation with citizens - via a referendum - would be foolhardy.

Anonymous said...

And as time rolls on, the Gravy Train turns into a runaway juggernaut, with sleazy lawyers like Finlayson at the controls