
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Chris Lynch: Christchurch council votes to leave Local Government NZ

The Christchurch City Council has voted to leave Local Government NZ.

Councillor Sara Templeton voted against the move, expressing concern that Christchurch was “slowly but surely” losing any relevance and influence on the national stage.

“We need a strong voice, and as those of us who’ve been members of unions in the past will know, there’s strength in numbers,” she said.

She also highlighted the personal development training that councillors received as members of Local Government NZ.

Councillor Victoria Henstock acknowledged the benefits of membership for smaller councils but argued, “We’re a metropolitan area, and I just don’t see it adding value to us in that same way, and certainly not advocating for us in Wellington.”

Councillor Jake McLellan supported the decision to leave LGNZ, stating, “Fellowship and the training in local government doesn’t need to come with such an expensive executive overhead.

“We don’t need to invest in a multi-million dollar organisation to still have opportunities to connect and to have training.

“I also reject the idea that this is a union. It is not a union. It is a professional services body like chartered accountants or the Automobile Association. Unions stand up for workers who don’t have any other choices and very little power in their employment situations; they fight for basic health and safety and workers’ rights. This is entirely different.”

Deputy Mayor Pauline Cotter warned that leaving LGNZ would cause reputational damage. “For the second biggest city in New Zealand not to be supporting Local Government NZ, I think we would regret this decision,” she said.

Councillor Andre Moore criticised central government cuts, saying, “Central government’s got local government by the balls.

“If councils start disbanding from one another and lobbying for things that contradict one another, nothing will ever change.”

Councillor Melanie Coker expressed her disappointment saying “Are we just trying to send them all a big FU, that we don’t care about working with other councils? If that’s the case, I’m very disappointed with councillors who decide to vote to leave LGNZ today.”

Councillor Tim Scandrett said council’s primary responsibility was to Christchurch ratepayers.

“To say that two reasons why we should stay are because we owe it to Sam Broughton and a conference every two years is absolutely ridiculous,” he said.

“I think there’d be a lot of ratepayers out there questioning why they’re paying for our personal development. When we choose to stand for council, when we chose to stand for community boards, we chose from an educated position.”

Broadcaster Chris Lynch is an award winning journalist who also produces Christchurch news and video content for domestic and international companies. Chris blogs at Chris Lynch Media - where this article was sourced.


Anna Mouse said...

LGNZ left the councils that they were meant to advocate for and represent when they took money to promote Three Waters. LGNZ has zero credibility now and as an organisation they are 'hollow-men'.

They long ceased being advocates for local councils so leaving them is the wisest choice the CCC has made in sometime.

IMO this is a big 'FU' to LGNZ which is a mark of how bad they are and other councils have already left and many more will follow.

When you stop being the thing you were created to be then you will cease to exist.

Anonymous said...

LGNZ is a woke, Treatyist lobby group.

Hopefully this marvellous decision from what used to be known at one time as “The People’s Republic of Christchurch” has opened the floodgates for other councils to follow suit.

LNF said...

Right choice. As for the personal development issue. If prior to election you think you need development you should tell the voters then, not after you are elected

Anonymous said...

Excellent news. LGNZ has become a left wing activist group. They haven't served the people (who local govt represents) well.

Roly said...

Great news, and as a CCC ratepayer this is the first time in a long time I can say that about a council decision.
LGNNZ is nothing more than a fig leaf for the Labour party's divisive emasculation of local democracy.

Anonymous said...

Great news! Eventually even Kiwis say "Enough is enough" and I hope many more Councils say it too. I agree with the above commenter's. I object to my rates money going to this organization. Campbell Barry please take note!

Rob Beechey said...

Sara Templeton reveals her true ambitions by voting against the move to break ties with Local Government NZ. For years I have publicly stated that there is no room for political ideology in local government. The councils role is to focus on the basics and minimise wasteful spending like the excesses of over engineered cycle ways to save the planet. This year the rate payers are going to be hit with an outrageous 13% increase. Those not willing to cut ties with the LGNZ should resign from the council and join Central Govt so they can realise their own political ambitions.

Anonymous said...

Next step, vote to leave central government with its unrealistic diktats, get back to basics and engage with your community once again.

Anonymous said...

I have a question -

"If the French Govt (1839) had been more assertive in its Colonizing Policy, please note that the Tricolor was already flying at the French Settlement [now know as Akaroa], and had dispatched ships with both Troops and settlers, achieving the aim of colonizing the South Island and when the British Warship arrived in the (Akaroa) Harbour of February 1840 and told in "no uncertain terms to b"... off - would the Christchurch City Council (and for that matter the Gore Council) - be having the issues they currently face". ??

No joke!

There was a NZ Newspaper article of many years past, that raised the question of what if - "The French owned/operated the South Island and the British the North Island". ?? Leave readers to ponder on a rational debate!

Be interesting if it had happened, would the North Island now face illegal immigrants crossing the Cook Strait in rubber RIB's with outboard motors?

Merci Mon Compatriot's.

Anonymous said...

You're a lucky man Rob, we're in for 16.9% and then double-digit increases for the next decade!

LGNZ are woke ideolouges and a useless waste of money. All Council's should follow CCC and be well shot of them.

Anonymous said...

When FNDC makes the same sensible decision we will be hanging out the flags (well almost), a Council that does not stick to its primary function and instead makes statements in support of Palestine/Gaza is paying little heed to anything in its primary remit. Have to agree with the above statement "LGNZ has become a left wing activist group" and like many we are annoyed that a portion of our rates are being diverted into the LGNZ coffers to be squandered on ideological concerns instead of core functions.