
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Penn Raine: Beware the dismemberment of the Kiwi bloke

When you’ve finished checking your FakeNews? app for the veracity of the Victorian Federal Government’s appointment of a Parliamentary Secretary to judge men’s behaviour you might still be in a disbelieving state of mind.


However, the appointment appears to be genuine.

‘Tim Richardson will become Parliamentary Secretary for Men’s Behaviour Change, continuing the Allan Labor Government’s priority to make Victoria a safer place for women and children ….this is the first position of its kind in Australia – and will focus largely on the influence the internet and social media have on boys’ and men’s attitudes towards women and building respectful relationships.

In my career I have quite unintentionally avoided lurid feminist rhetoric and can truthfully say that the males and females in my life, both at work and socially, have slotted themselves into the categories of the nice and the vile equally, and without notable gender bias.


The males I have known have no especial propensity for awfulness than do females. Mansplaining aside, of course, which should be a capital offence.


Yet there is a trend in the most quotidian of our daily experiences, an early marker of the view the Victorian government has that law is not sufficient to oversee antisocial behaviour from a minority of citizens. This marker can be seen right here on our telly screens in advertising that jeers at the white Kiwi bloke.


The TV ad for the bank features a fit guy who is undeniably a bit of a babe. We see him getting long-winded investment advice, self-importantly delivered by a bunch of white people who, we are meant to understand, don’t have a clue. The babe is too smart to listen to these bores and the final shot sees him, the ethnically diverse person, getting good advice from a female Asian bank employee.


The advertising industry, charlatans though they doubtless are, used to have a straightforward schtick: having decided on a target market, the employee with Psych.101 would research that demographic’s aspirations and the campaign would proceed to a simple conclusion, thus, person with some cash wants to invest, ad shows bank giving good advice, thence a satisfactory outcome.


Finding what the advertisement’s target market wants is no longer the deal. Encoded now beneath the simple message of ‘you should spend with us’ is the narrative of ‘worthwhile identity’. And spoiler alert guys, youth is no advantage, not only will you be nixed if you are male, pale and stale, you are no better off if you are male, pale and hale, according to the identity czars.


Recent TV ads show that the white Kiwi male is but a bit player. Gone from the screen are the blokes in Drizabones and Swandris doing something manly in front of a backdrop of the Southern Alps. The bloke of today doesn’t really merit the appellation of ‘bloke’ as creatives have now cast him as the clueless ditherer. Notably, chaps, even young ones, have dreary weekends, fail to spot good employment opportunities, don’t ask the right questions at open homes and are relegated to the mindless hammering in of tent pegs while the female partner chats to the screen about a technical gadget.


Even when the male has a main – but slightly larky- role to promote X, Y or Z, he will often be played by that much maligned species, the ginga, with ineffectual facial hair and unremarkable physique. 


It is only a couple of steps from buffoon to outsider to perp.


On behalf of males who are and were fifty percent of my family I am taking offence.


Why has it become acceptable to overlook the roles played by all those decent men who loved their families and worked hard for them at mind-numbing and back-breaking jobs, who went to war to keep us safe and gave us their jackets on chilly walks? Why are we so brutalised by ideologies that we accord their civilising achievements in the history of science, engineering and the arts scant praise because, of course, they were attained to the detriment of women and every minority you can think of?


My advice to any Ozzie blokes even vaguely considering transitioning, get it done now before you get caught up in the latest Lefty pogrom aimed at putting all the men it can on the naughty step.

Penn Raine is an educator and writer who lives in NZ and France.



Anonymous said...

Australia is obviously going through their own equivalent of a "Jacinda" stage, no doubt popular in Melbourne and Canberra. I hope, in the interests of decent Australians (as most are) that the pendulum swings back.

DeeM said...

Just got back from Oz, our first trip since 2019, and boy what a woke nightmarish place it has become.

From Qantas...and Virgin Australia, acknowledging and praising the local indigenous people who used to live on the land the airport currently sits on; to the theatres playing a pre-recorded woke aboriginal announcement before each show, it is most certainly just as woke as NZ these days.

Brief forays into breakfast news was just as horrible as it is over here with endless inclusivity stories and remarkably white people falling over themselves to tell you which ethnic "mob" they identify with.

Sorry, folks. If the Left get back in anytime soon Australia is not the safe haven we once thought it was.

Robert Arthur said...

there are meny boys and men who have expereinced psychological and/or financial damage from females. I have met several devastated blokes who would be ardent fans for a secretary for female behaviour.

Anonymous said...

It might be too late!!

Men and other mammals live longer if they are castrated, says researcher??

Cat Bohannon tells Hay festival audience it is not known why men go through life ‘smuggling two little death nuggets’??

Bohannon said castration was a “way to make male mammals live longer”.

You can castrate it. Cut off its balls she said.

The castrated men lived longer than their “regularly balled peers”.

Anonymous said...

The original Suffragist Movement sought equal rights and opportunities for both men and women.

There were as many men as women involved in this crusade.

It succeeded because its objectives were only right and proper.

Modern—or ‘Third Wave’ feminism—sees gender relations as a zero sum game.

Men and women are locked together in a gender war that women must win at men’s expense.

This is based on the Marxist analysis penned by Marx’s collaborator, Friedrich Engels, who stated: “Within the Family, man is the bourgeoisie; women and children the proletariat.”

Just as the workers need to be liberated from an oppressive capitalist system that exploits their surplus labour power; so too do women need to be liberated from an oppressive patriarchy that keeps them under the male thumb.

Modern feminists perceive that power, prestige, and control over one’s life is conferred by having a cock and balls.

Since the feminists tried without success to grow one, they’re determined that men won’t have one either.

These ball-cutters need a good kick in the **** with a hobnailed boot and told to get on with it.

Anonymous said...

Ooohhh for those heady days, when men were real men and women were grateful...

Greengrass said...

Penn, I am a white Kiwi bloke living in Australia.
Thankyou for your down to earth article.
There most definitely is a 'Gender War' underway.
You are absolutely correct about the advertising industry being woke and tailoring their adverts along the lines of diversity, inclusiveness and social engineering, that seeks to portray white males as mentally and physically inferior human beings. I note in Australia, that TV adverts must have a feminist/LGBTIQ+/person of colour as the central character.

The establishment of a Parliamentary secretary in Victoria, to examine male behaviour towards females can be good or bad, depending upon the terms of reference.
If they recognise that in most cases, that it takes two people to create an argument, then examine case studies to analyse who pressed whose buttons, then honest findings can be arrived at.
Passing punitive laws that target males only, is a one eyed approach that will not make much difference.
Men and women are wired differently and when a male is not able to endure the vitriol of the woman opponent, their response may become physical.
No-one condones this, but it just the way some men are made.
Women must realise that if they are dealing with a potentially dangerous individual, that if they push him beyond his level of self-control, then they risk being physically attacked. On the other hand, many men walk away and become hen-pecked and submissive.

However, if the woman can recognise the red line and not cross it, then she may spare herself from becoming the victim of violence. I am not saying that this is politically correct. Sure, women have their rights, but at what price?

If you stick your hand through the lion's cage and your hand is bitten off, do you blame the lion?

Perhaps schools could fit the topic into a program that discusses relationships and communication.

I do not condone male violence towards females, but it must be recognised that a certain percentage of the male population have a propensity for violence. There may be genetic and/or cultural elements that underscore this type of response. Either way, women need to be made aware of the red lights.

Greengrass said...

Just a bit of levity:
Mae West's adaptation of the saying, "A good man is hard to find", was "A hard man is good to find". you figure it out.

Pomper26 said...

Mrs. Penn Rain probably as a feminist still feels oppressed by men and blames them and ignore your womenssplaining probably in the light of the judgment of no equality anymore! and for a 10-year-old woman, you don't have a lot of material for history, apart from a few well-directed, true ones, like the rest, you rewrote the history