
Friday, October 20, 2023

Ele Ludemann: What an endorsement!

Could National’s promise to be tough on crime get a better endorsement than this?:

A prominent Mongrel Mob president claims National’s gang policies are devastating, a breach of their human rights, and will create a “psychological war”.

Speaking exclusively to the Herald, Waikato Mongrel Mob Kingdom leader Sonny Fatupaito said after reading up on the proposals, he believes they will cause chaos. . .

National’s police spokesman Mark Mitchell said they would not be “threatened or intimidated” by gang members.

“If you choose to remain in gangs, peddling drugs and misery in our communities, life will be a lot more difficult under a National-led Government.

”There is a simple solution though. Leave the gangs at once. National will work with and support any gang members, especially those with families, who wish to leave and rejoin society.” . .

Click to view

The steep increase in gang numbers and crime and growing fears about safety were big factors in Labour’s election loss.

National and Act both have policies to be much tougher on crime than the outgoing government and a crackdown on gangs’ illegal activities will be part of that.

Ele Ludemann is a North Otago farmer and journalist, who blogs HERE - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

Yes - to forge change and resolution , it will come down to the government confronting the problem with a blunt challenge. In the gang area and in others.

Anonymous said...

I will never forget how jacinda's govt locked ordinary kiwis behind an akl border, unable to visit sick or elderly relatives, while police were told to let gang members drive through without being stopped. Labour treated gang members like vips and they got used to it. Hamas has reminded us that there is true evil in the world. Cuddling criminals and telling him that white colonists are to blame for their mindsets must be dumped along with everything else in the evil woke cult.

Anonymous said...

I was a Black Power junior pres in Christchurch in the 1970s-1980s .as.a Group it was our kaupapa to live under the radar stealing what ever wasn’t nailed down and we worshipped the patch we wore I’m now a Christian rehabilitated and reborn . Depatching is a solution and just the first step . Taking the brother out of the gang is easy removing the gang from the brother is harder .Involve strong Christian communities These need to know there is a better life awaiting .