Monday, August 31, 2020
Mike's Minute: Was a level 3 lockdown ever actually needed?
Labels: COVID-19 politics, Mike HoskingSo lessons from level 3 and 2.
Firstly, only Auckland is different today, the rest of the country is still held captive in a state many can still not fully explain. No cases, nothing close to cases, and yet limited in operation and movement through nothing more than deep conservatism and ideology.
Auckland is down to 2, and what we ask is, what's different this morning as opposed to yesterday, the day before, or any day over the past two and a half weeks?
We still have cases; they're still linked to the original cluster. There's the odd case where the immediate connection isn't instantly linked, but I think the vast majority of us have concluded this is a border leak not a community problem. Therefore we have trouble because we learned little if anything from last time.
Barend Vlaardingerbroek: Musings from Beirut – paying $35 for a pound of butter
Labels: International Affairs, Lebanon, Professor Barend VlaardingerbroekSunday, August 30, 2020
GWPF Newsletter: UN-Backed Climate Fund Faces Wave Of Abuse Allegations From Staff
Labels: Benny Peiser, Global Warming Policy Forum Newsletter
New Decarbonisation Policy Scandal That Could Bankrupt A Generation
In this newsletter:
Financial Times, 26 August 2020
Gaia Fawkes, 28 August 2020
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Karl du Fresne: I despair for Wellington
Labels: Karl du Fresne, Maori representation, Wellington CouncilI have a lot of affection for Wellington. I spent most of my working life there. Two of my children were born there. Many of my oldest and closest friends live there still.
It’s a place full of pleasant memories for me. I enjoyed my first non-European meal at the Shanghai restaurant in Manners St. I had my first under-age beer in the infamous Bistro Bar at the Royal Oak Hotel. I met the woman who became my wife in The Beachcomber at Oriental Bay. I knew most of Wellington’s pubs and I played in bands in its bars, cabarets and dance halls. In later years I spent many pleasurable hours exploring the city’s nooks and crannies on my mountain bike or on foot with our dog.
NZCPR Weekly: Political Agenda Endangers Lives
Labels: child abuse, Labour-NZ First-Green Government, NZCPR Weekly Newsletter, SeparatismDear NZCPR Reader,
In this week’s NZCPR-Weekly newsletter, we investigate the dangerous separatist agenda that claims institutional racism and colonisation are to blame for Maori child abuse and highlight the real problem, our NZCPR Guest Commentator former Judge Brian Giesbrecht shares his first-hand experience of the disastrous impact on children when Canada allowed tribal authorities to gain control of child protection services, and our poll asks whether you believe priority status on hospital waiting lists should be based on clinical needs or race.*To read the newsletter click HERE.
*To register for the NZCPR Weekly mailing list, click HERE.
Friday, August 28, 2020
Barry Soper - What has New Zealand Government learnt from virus?
Labels: Barry Soper, COVID-19 treatment, Government incompetenceFor all of us it's been a long, hard slog - particularly for Auckland, which by Sunday night will have been in lockdown for a total of nine weeks.
Well we've learnt to be obedient, to stay at home, to wash our hands, to be kind and from next week to accept that we'll be wearing masks when we climb on public transport.
But what have they learnt, those who call the shots that we are all ordered to follow. Well, the answer is surely bugger all.
Breaking Views Update: Week of 23.08.20
Labels: Breaking Views Update: monitoring race relations in the media. Fill in the form on the sidebar to receive mailouts of new information.Friday August 28, 2020
Matakana Island proposal: Panepane Point plan prompts encouraging level of interest
The proposal to return part of Matakana Island to Māori has already prompted an encouraging level of interest from people keen to have their say.
On July 28, Western Bay of Plenty District Council voted to consult on a proposal to return Panepane Point, also known as Purakau, to five Ngai te Rangi hapū. Like Mauao, the land will remain open to public access.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Peter Kurti: Beware the sinister dangers of cancel culture
Labels: Cancel Culture, Free speech, Peter KurtiFirst they came for the cheese. Last month, Canadian company Saputo agreed to change the name of its Coon brand of cheese. Indigenous rights activist Stephen Hagan quickly claimed victory in his long-running battle against the food brand.
Even though the cheese – named after American cheese maker Edward William Coon, who patented the ripening process involved in its manufacture in 1926 – had been on sale in Australia since 1935, Hagan insisted the name had racist connotations. So now it’s gone.
Next they came for the milk.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Clive Bibby: Are you sitting down!
Labels: Clive Bibby, Economic Affairs, Post-COVID19 RebuildGWPF Newsletter: 'Green Recovery' Flops
Labels: Benny Peiser, Global Warming Policy Forum Newsletter
ESG Investment Performed Worse Than Overall Market During Covid Recovery, Study Warns
In this newsletter:
1) ‘Green Recovery’ Flops: ESG Investment Performed Worse Than Overall Market During Covid Recovery, Study Warns
Institutional Investor, 20 August 2020
Financial Times, 24 August 2020
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Joseph D'Aleo: Climate Alarmist Claim Rebuttals
Labels: Climate change, Joseph D'AleoSaturday, August 22, 2020
Guy Steward: The Mask Debate
Labels: COVID-19, Facemasks, Guy Steward
Some, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (April, 2020), and #MASKS4ALL believe that everyone should use them.
There are others, focusing on handwashing and isolation, who maintain that the aerosol particles are too fine to be blocked by most masks and the virus is mostly spread through skin contact.
And there are those well qualified who are uncertain about it (e.g., Paul Glasziou, Professor of Medicine, Bond University and Chris Del Mar, Professor of Public Health, Bond University, Science Alert, April, 2020).
Breaking Views Update: Week of 16.08.20
Labels: Breaking Views Update: monitoring race relations in the media. Fill in the form on the sidebar to receive mailouts of new information.Saturday August 22, 2020
Māori framework sets ground rules for council
Auckland Council has adopted an Outcomes for Māori Framework, five years after a treaty audit recommended such a framework be an urgent priority.
Councillor Angela Dalton, who heads the Māori portfolio, says the CCO Review spelled out again how the council was not delivering for Māori.
Henry Armstrong: You Cannot Unhappen History
Labels: Henry Armstrong, Re-writing HistoyFriday, August 21, 2020
NZCPR Weekly: Important Developments
Labels: Election 2020, marine and coastal area claims, NZ's illegal lockdown, NZCPR Weekly NewsletterDear NZCPR Reader,
In this week’s NZCPR-Weekly newsletter, we look into some important new developments – the announcement of a new election date, the start of the first High Court case for claims under the Marine and Coastal Area Act, and the High Court decision on the legitimacy of the Alert Level 4 lockdown, our NZCPR Guest Commentator Karl du Fresne explains why the Government’s border management is a fiasco, and our poll asks whether you agree with Minister Chris Hipkins that his Government is “the one source of truth”.*To read the newsletter click HERE.
*To register for the NZCPR Weekly mailing list, click HERE.
GWPF Newsletter: California Doomed to Frequent Blackouts Due To Battery Shortage
Labels: Benny Peiser, Global Warming Policy Forum Newsletter
Is California’s Heatwave Really So Hot?
In this newsletter:
1) California Doomed to Frequent Blackouts Due To Battery Shortage
Bloomberg, 19 August 2020
2) Q&A: Why California Is Facing Power Outages, Rolling Blackouts Yet Again
Associated Press, 19 August 2020
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Barry Soper: Government will struggle to justify unlawful lockdown
Labels: Barry Soper, NZ's illegal lockdownHats off to Andrew Borrowdale. Who is he, your may well ask? He's a Wellington lawyer - in fact he used to write laws for Parliament.
He was so agitated about the lack of legal grunt behind the country being locked down on March 26 that he took a case to the High Court to challenge it - and today he won.
Borrowdale didn't argue about the wisdom of people staying at home, but he did argue about the Government's right to order them to do so.
His view was reinforced by a Crown Law Office opinion, that he didn't see before mounting his challenge, circulated to interested parties. The police top brass saw it and warned its officers that if they arrested people for being out and about during the first nine days of the lockdown they could be skating on thin ice.
GWPF Newsletter: California Declares State of Emergency As Blackouts Loom
Labels: Benny Peiser, Global Warming Policy Forum Newsletter
Californians Face Dark, Hot Summer As Green Energy Is Sapped
In this newsletter:
1) California Declares State of Emergency As Blackouts Loom
Deadline, 18 August 2020
Financial Times, 18 August 2020
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
GWPF Newsletter: California's Green Suicide?
Labels: Benny Peiser, Global Warming Policy Forum Newsletter
California Blackouts Expose Problems In Transition To Green Energy
In this newsletter:
1) California Blackouts Expose Problems In Transition To Green Energy
East Bay Times, 17 August 2020
Editorial, The Wall Street Journal, 17 August 2020
Monday, August 17, 2020
Kate Hawkesby: Combating Covid 19 requires competence
Labels: COVID-19 politics, Kate HawkesbySaturday, August 15, 2020
Ryan Bridge: The team of five million is splintering
Labels: COVID-19 politics, Ryan BridgeThe team of five million is splintering and there are early signs Jacinda Ardern’s campaign that wasn’t a campaign for re-election is wobbling.
It’s becoming abundantly clear the Prime Minister’s sworn mission of stamping Covid-19 out of New Zealand is neither sustainable nor the right thing, morally, to do.
I’ve had business owners call me this week in tears at the fact their enterprise is again on skid row. Queenstown Mayor Jim Boult told me businesses there will fold because the resort town’s largest source of domestic tourists, Aucklanders, can’t leave the house let alone attempt a day’s skiing. A call from Kaikoura confirmed people were chanting “f**k the lockdown” in unison and spontaneously while queuing in a local store following Ardern’s Tuesday press conference.
The evidence has been just as damning.
Viv Forbes: Lock-ups and Shake-downs
Labels: Australian affairs, COVID-19 politics, Viv ForbesBreaking Views Update: Week of 9.08.20
Labels: Breaking Views Update: monitoring race relations in the media. Fill in the form on the sidebar to receive mailouts of new information.Saturday August 15, 2020
Democracy and the petition on New Plymouth's Māori ward
Most New Zealanders do not want local government defined by race. Our goal by using the provisions of the binding referendum process is to allow our citizens to express what they want to see happen.
If councillors believe that they are not able to represent all of their community fairly, regardless of ethnicity, then they should not be holding their positions.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Jeffrey A. Tucker: Authoritarianism in Auckland
Labels: COVID-19 politics, Jacinda Ardern, Jeffrey A. TuckerClive Bibby: A poem for the times
Labels: Clive Bibby, COVID-19 politics, Rudyard KiplingThe opening couple of lines from Rudyard Kipling's famous poem "If" says it all.
NZCPR Weekly: Covid Disruptions
Labels: COVID-19 politics, NZCPR Weekly NewsletterDear NZCPR Reader,
In this week’s NZCPR-Weekly newsletter, we raise concerns about the new Covid-19 outbreak including disturbing revelations about border security, our NZCPR Guest Commentator Professor Andrew Geddis explains the process by which a New Zealand General Election can be re-scheduled, and our poll asks whether you think the election should go ahead on September 19 or be delayed.*To read the newsletter click HERE.
*To register for the NZCPR Weekly mailing list, click HERE.
GWPF Newsletter: China To Expand Its Influence In The Middle East With Major Oil Deal
Labels: Benny Peiser, Global Warming Policy Forum Newsletter, 11 August 2020
2) Fierce Competition Starts Between US, China For Energy Corridors in Central Asia
Times of India, 3 August 2020
Bob Edlin: Biodiversity, Science and a Maori World View
Labels: Bob Edlin, Maori World View, New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy, scienceIt looks like science has come off second best in government considerations during the development of Te Mana o te Taiao, the Aotearoa New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy, which envisions New Zealand as a place where ecosystems are healthy and resilient, and people embrace the natural world.
The press statement announcing the strategy says the Science Reference Group provided information that underpins many of the key decisions about the way forward for prioritising the recovery of biodiversity. But it also says:
The Te Ao Māori Reference Group was responsible for getting a Māori world view to form the basis of the strategy structure.
Brian Giesbrecht: Hydroxychloroquine -The Political Drug
Labels: Brian Giesbrecht, Hydroxychloroquine, President TrumpWednesday, August 12, 2020
GWPF Newsletter - Exclusive Poll: Amid Covid-19, Americans Don’t Care About Climate Change Anymore
Labels: Benny Peiser, Global Warming Policy Forum NewsletterWill Johnson, Fortune, 10 August 2020
2) Gallup Poll: Most Americans Rank Climate Change As Least Important Issue
Climate Change Dispatch, 7 August 2020
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
GWPF Newsletter: China’s Emerging Middle Eastern Kingdom
Labels: Benny Peiser, Global Warming Policy Forum Newsletter
Biden vs. Trump: The Battle Over US Energy Policy And Its Geopolitical Consequences
In this newsletter:
1) China’s Emerging Middle Eastern Kingdom
Michael Doran and Peter Rough, Tablet Magazine, 3 August 2020
2) China's New Coal Plants Account For 90% Of Global Total In First Half Of 2020
Reuters, 3 August 2020
Monday, August 10, 2020
Grant Duncan: Election countdown – can Collins crush the ‘Jacinda effect’?
Labels: Associate Professor Grant Duncan, Election 2020The starting gates in New Zealand’s September 19 election race are finally full. Labour’s prime minister Jacinda Ardern is the bookies’ favourite and the opposition took a long time to settle.
All the same, punters may still want to hedge their bets. While the National Party’s internal disarray has made it look easy for Ardern, with a tough contender in new opposition leader Judith Collins the race for the prime-ministership could be more gruelling than the earlier odds suggested.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Point of Order: Govt books won’t be affected by new reading ambassador
Labels: Point of Order, Reading AmbassadorThe public debt is among the victims of the Covid-19 epidemic.
According to the 2020 Budget Economic and Fiscal Update, in the current year and the next two fiscal years, operating deficits (operating balance before gains and losses) average around $28 billion while net core Crown debt is expected to increase on average by around $35 billion a year. Net core Crown debt is expected to reach 53.6% of GDP by the end of the forecast period, in June 2024.
Karl du Fresne: Institutional overkill? The case of Deborah Hugill
Labels: Free speech, Karl du FresneI wonder if anyone else felt uneasy reading the story on Stuff - see HERE - about a Taranaki nurse, Deborah Hugill, who was deregistered by the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal for making racist comments.
Hugill was held to be guilty of professional misconduct after a social media post – prompted by a news report about the absence of Maori voices from a mental health and addictions inquiry – in which she described Maori nurses as lazy, cunning and underhanded [sic]. She also said they got a lot of unfair handouts and spent too much time eating and going to meetings.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Viv Forbes: Pure and Sterile
Labels: Environmental Extremism, Great Barrier Reef, Viv ForbesGWPF Newsletter: EU's 'Climate Funding' Con Revealed
Labels: Benny Peiser, Global Warming Policy Forum Newsletter
Deutsche Press Agentur, 6 August 2020
2) Excellent News: British Government Delays Net Zero Homes Until 2050 To Boost Housebuilding
The Independent, 6 August 2020
Breaking Views Update: Week of 2.08.20
Labels: Breaking Views Update: monitoring race relations in the media. Fill in the form on the sidebar to receive mailouts of new information.Saturday August 8, 2020
Christchurch's Guy Fawkes display moves to July to celebrate Matariki
Christchurch’s public Guy Fawkes display is being canned after 23 years, in favour of a July celebration to mark Matariki.
The move, which is part of a new-look Christchurch City Council events programme, is being applauded by the Māori community and Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Fenz).
Friday, August 7, 2020
NZCPR Weekly: The Key Election Issue
Labels: COVID-19 politics, Election 2020, NZCPR Weekly NewsletterDear NZCPR Reader,
In this week’s NZCPR-Weekly newsletter, we investigate the current crisis facing New Zealand and ask whether a Labour-led Government or a National-led Government will best manage the country going forward, our NZCPR Guest Commentator Professor Barend Vlaardingerbroek shares his experience of how Covid-19 is forcing his university to adopt e-learning, and our poll asks whether you think it’s possible for New Zealand to fully eliminate Covid-19 in the long-term.*To read the newsletter click HERE.
*To register for the NZCPR Weekly mailing list, click HERE.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Clive Bibby: The Age of the Appeasers
Labels: Clive Bibby, Dangers of appeasementHeather du Plessis-Allan: Labour's hiding away this election
Labels: Election 2020, Heather du Plessis-Allan, Labour PartyLabour’s election strategy is becoming obvious: they’re going to try to do a Joe Biden.
If you’ve been following what’s going on in the US, you’ll know what I mean. Joe Biden seems to poll better when he’s invisible. The idea of him is better than the reality of him. The less he’s in the media, the better he does.
It’s looking like Labour might try to pull the same thing here. They’re running an invisible campaign: hardly any policy, hardly any typical campaign media stuff, almost trying to pretend the campaign isn’t happening.
GWPF Newsletter: The Global Battle For Freedom Of Speech Intensifies
Labels: Benny Peiser, Global Warming Policy Forum NewsletterBrian Maloney, Real Clear Energy, 4 August 2020
2) Salman Rushdie Warns That Left-wing ‘Cancel Culture’ Is A Threat To Literature And Freedom Of Speech
Daily Mail, 4 August 2020
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Point of Order: Robertson chirpy while business leaders anxious about economic outlook
Labels: economy, Point of OrderAs Auckland business leaders and the city’s economic development agency hold a day-long summit to thrash out a Covid-19 economic recovery plan, Finance Minister Grant Robertson is singing from a different song- book.
Brian Giesbrecht: Systemic Racism
Labels: Brian Giesbrecht, Canadian Affairs, Systemic RacismThe current Prime Minister recently publicly contradicted RCMP Commissioner, Brenda Lucki, for saying there is no systemic racism within the RCMP. Actually, Lucki said she didn’t know what “systemic racism” is.
In her words, “I have to admit, I really struggle with the term ‘systemic racism’. I have heard about five or ten definitions on TV. I think that if systemic racism is entrenched in our police and our procedures we don’t have systemic racism”.
Kate Hawkesby: Legalising cannabis - why would we be so dumb?
Labels: Dangers of cannabis, Kate HawkesbyI was pleased to see some sense finally reported on the comparison between harm caused by alcohol versus that by cannabis.
A Professor of Psychiatric Epidemiology and Youth Mental Health, from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dr Mary Cannon pointed out the argument - that alcohol is legal and more harmful to people than cannabis, therefore cannabis should be legal too - is redundant.
Or as the professor describes it, "a spurious argument along the lines of 'would you rather be run over by a truck or a bus'."
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
GWPF Newsletter: Labor Party Splits Emerge Over Costly Green Energy Down Under
Labels: Benny Peiser, Global Warming Policy Forum NewsletterStop These Things, 3 August 2020
2) Climate Activist James Murdoch Steps Down From News Corp
Daily Mail, 31 July 2020