
Saturday, October 7, 2023

Kate Hawkesby: I wonder if the Govt. regrets dropping the ball

As we reflect on the —let’s be frank— end of this government’s tenure, I can’t help thinking about all the stuff they dropped the ball on, that I wonder if they regret.  

Mental health, the $1.9 billion none of us know where it is. Light rail. Child poverty. Kiwibuild, a tangible disaster. Not taking the country with them when they had a majority, an unheard of opportunity to take us with them, and they blew it.  

The MIQ shenanigans, the shutting of the borders for so long, the crime levels, the co-governance, three waters, they had so much promise, and they just dropped the ball on it all. Too many consultants, too many reviews, too many ministers with scandals and issues that saw them off one by one, just too much chaos. 


But I wonder if we only feel acutely about the stuff that affects us directly. I was in the car yesterday and heard a caller ring Kerre when she had Hipkins on. He had a question for the PM, who was sitting in his hotel room, doing the interview over Zoom. But this guy sounded really mad, he sounded emotional and he sounded angry, and you just got the sense he was speaking from the heart. And his question was about vaping.  

Now I don’t know for sure if he was the Dad of some young vapers, but he sounded like he might be. He sounded personally affected by it. He started by saying to the PM – “I really don’t think you or your party have any idea what goes on in the real world.” So, a bold start to the question. He told the PM he thought he was “detached from reality”. He went on to say that one of the things that “disgusted and perplexed him the most about the Labour party was the lack of will to follow Australia’s lead around hardening up on vaping.” He said it was “akin to child abuse” in his view. He said the “fluffy regulations” they’d put in place were “a detachment from reality.”  

You’ve got to ask yourself at this point if Hipkins is thinking twice about doing Zoom interviews from isolation. I mean personally if I was him and tanking in the polls like they are, and stuck in a hotel room isolating with Covid, I’d just hunker down and watch the Beckham doco on Netflix and be done with it. So you’ve got to hand it to him that he’s even still bothering turning up virtually for this stuff.  

But this caller said he reckoned they’d ‘passed the buck here —passed the responsibility onto others— palming it off to retailers,’ he said. Hipkins replied with Labour’s policy on it – limit the number of vape stores nationwide to 600, and keep them away from schools etc. But he then defended not going any harder than that because he said he didn’t want people going back to smoking tobacco.  

I think Hipkins missed the point, in that this caller was talking about youth access to vapes, the epidemic now so prevalent among that cohort who’re taking up vaping. So maybe they were talking at cross purposes, the PM was more interested in adults who’re giving up smoking and switching to vaping. Which perhaps made this caller’s point. A slight detachment from reality here in terms of who vaping is really harming.  

And it made me think about how much of this stuff the government’s misread. And whether in their quiet moments they regret not doing more with the mandate they had from this country in 2020.  

If being in politics is all about legacy, I just wonder what this past term government’s really is.

Kate Hawkesby is a journalist and broadcaster who hosts the Early Edition show on Newstalk ZB.


Anonymous said...

Another example is when hipkins rocked up to the otara markets, thinking they would all be worshipping him and fainting at the sight of him, as the saviour of the brown people. Instead he got drowned out by protesters yelling 'what is a woman' and 'no more labour pains" . He loiked like an absolute fool. Same with ardern who went up the north with her saviour complex and couldn't get out of her car because people were calling her a nazi. These clowns in the labour party do not live in reality. They are part of a woke cult and have very dangerous views.

Anonymous said...

Kate I don't think that labour in their quiet moments regret anything. Don't forget that they called nzers
"rivers of filth" for diagreeing with them. Their biggest regret is that nz is a democracy and that they can't get more control and stop blogs like this and free speech. They are doing their best to stop democracy by gaslighting nzers with phrases like " tweaking democracy" and " co-governance is nothing to be scared of."

Kevn said...

Their legacy? Incompetance in all areas.

Terry Morrissey said...

"I wonder if the Govt. regrets dropping the ball"
What ball? There is not one of them that has the balls, competence or intelligence to make a rational decision and their future will be determined by their incompetence, ideology, arrogance and sheer contempt for the voters who pay their inflated salaries.
Glad to see the back of them, but cannot wait to see them held responsible for being complicit in the harm done as a result of their authoritarian, divisive actions over the past six years.

Anonymous said...

And aside from the debt and the division, their most appalling legacy is what they've done to the education and futures of our young.

Linux said...

Another legacy is the weakening and damaging of millions of NZ's health with now thoroughly proven lethal experimental gene-altering vaccines. That many thousands of doctors resisted the 'totally safe and effective' vaccine has come out with leaked information to Guy Hatchard which can be read about on this site or on a Reality Check Radio interview with Paul Brennan.