
Monday, October 2, 2023

Michael Bassett: Hapless Hipkins and his racism

Without so much as batting an eyelid, Chris Hipkins told an audience on Saturday that there had been “more racism” in this election campaign than ever before. And he blamed it on the opposition parties, National, Act and New Zealand First. In those statements he indicated his unworthiness to be the Prime Minister of New Zealand. It doesn’t seem to have occurred to him that whatever racism has been apparent during this 2023 campaign stems directly from the racist crusade the Labour ministry embarked on immediately after the 2020 election.

Without mentioning their intentions, ministers set out deliberately to give Maori greater rights in New Zealand than all other ethnicities, using the full resources of the state to do it. To hell with Article Three of the Treaty guaranteeing equal rights and duties for all. Within minutes of Labour’s election victory, a campaign by the Maori members of the Labour caucus pushed the government into a full-throated promotion of Te Reo, and authorised state agencies to give pre-eminence to Maori names for government departments; they changed road signs, and insisted on untranslated Maori flooding the airwaves. Calls for co-governance stepped up. Maori alone were allowed to fish in exclusive high protection areas like the Hauraki Gulf; they are the “priority population” for Pharmac; and they must be pushed up the priority lists when it comes to public hospital surgery. The Three Waters scheme that is designed ultimately to give total control of water to Maori was advanced by Nanaia Mahuta, and despite promises from Hipkins, it still hasn’t been fundamentally changed. A phoney history syllabus that ignores all the shocking events in Maori history and accentuates all past wrongs done to Maori has been inflicted upon our school children; while at exam time ethnicity, not merit, now determines whether a student passes. We are being constantly told that Te Ao Maori and superstition are superior to modern science. Moreover, we are expected to accept that Maori are indigenous to New Zealand when, by their own traditions, they aren’t. The Maori Party, whose support will be indispensable if Hipkins is to put together a coalition after the election, has told us that Maori possess superior intelligence to everyone else. Those who question such nonsense “are deliberately trying to persecute minorities”, says the Prime Minister.

Alongside all of this is the phoney narrative, which the Prime Minister obviously believes, that our current system of government is uniquely disadvantageous to Maori. No other ethnicity, including the 150 different ones that have come to New Zealand over the years, is so put upon as Maori when it comes to accessing state resources. Daily we are spun balderdash that it’s colonisation and an unfair system that means that Maori die younger than Pakeha. We must overlook the fact that Maori make choices in life like smoking, eating junk food and doing drugs that take years off their lives. We must also ignore the fact that more Maori than Pakeha parents fail their children by allowing them to truant from school, become over-represented amongst young ram-raiders, join gangs, get involved in drive-by shootings and engage in shop-lifting. Last year Maori formed 17% of the population, but were 53% of the men in prison and 67% of the women. Hapless Hipkins would have you believe we must overlook all this and give even more special privileges to Maori because his government’s crazy interpretation of our Treaty of Waitangi demands it. And every one who campaigns against his racial policies is a racist.

When I was growing up, New Zealand was a fair society. The first Labour government introduced public health nurses who travelled the countryside ensuring that as many young as they could reach could be vaccinated. Babies were weighed and Maori schools visited so that children could be taught how to take care of their health. In several rural areas which happened to be ones where Maori were plentiful, some general practitioners were put on to state salaries so that poverty was no barrier to accessing their services. When I was Health minister in the 1980s I bumped up their number. Hospital boards and then district health boards spent countless hours trying to ensure that Maori heard about the specialist services available at public hospitals. Board members pored over the “Did Not Attend” statistics trying to work out better ways of reducing them. Those were the days when the welfare state was a “hand-up”, not a “hand-out”. When offered assistance, the recipient was expected to put his or her best foot forward and make the most of what was provided.

Things have changed in the modern era of “hand-outs”. After the introduction of the Domestic Purpose Benefit in 1974 expectations that the state would provide people with a living that required little individual effort began to grow. Significant numbers of Maori in particular warmed to the idea that incomes, housing, school lunches and medical care would be delivered to them with little energy required from them. Today, we are dealing with the results of a couple of generations of the hand-out mentality. Low achievers, and especially their advocates, many of whom are on the public payroll and are part of the huge industry that now farms disadvantaged people, assert loudly that closing the inevitable gaps that have opened up requires even more special privileges. And Hapless Hipkins and his political colleagues have naively bought into this fundamentally flawed narrative.

On Saturday, when he concluded his complaints about racism, the Prime Minister said that he himself intended to “lead by example”. If that means another three years of policies based on race, ordinary Kiwis will shudder and realise that the Labour Party that once led the way in shaping a fair society, has lost its mojo.

Historian Dr Michael Bassett, a Minister in the Fourth Labour Government, blogs HERE. - where this article was sourced.


Rob Beechey said...

The only way to staunch racism is to vote these Marxists out of power.

Robert Arthur said...

If only such straight, factual, succinct reporting appeared in the msm and RNZ, NZ could go to the polls genuinely informed. Otherwise democracy is severely flawed.
Persons who project great confidence are regularly appointed to positions often far beyond their real ability. Even when they are a disaster their manner often carries them on. Hipkins is an example.

Anonymous said...

NZ society could only improve if the blindly Labour-following portion read this with an open mind.

Anonymous said...

Hapless Hipkins, leader of the APARTHEID party, is mystified about a rise in racism??

His only conclusion is that it must be the fault of the opposition parties??

But fear not he will rise above this racism and lead by example??

You really can't make this stuff up eh!!

Brian said...

Once again spot on Dr Michael.
How can we get Sean Plunket to read this out in its entirety on "The Platform"

Anonymous said...

That they even call themselves the Labour Party these days must have the early founders of the real Labour Party rolling in their graves.

Hazel Modisett said...

I honestly believe it has become a prerequisite to have Borderline Personality Disorder in order to become a politician in the modern world.
This would explain the narcissism, constant gaslighting, petulant outbursts, poor me attitude, proclivity towards depression & alcoholism & the "I hate you, Don't leave me" patheticness displayed by all but the most emotionally mature among them. It would also go a long way in explaining their smug arrogance...

Gaynor said...

Our education system now, progressivism in philosophy, was unfortunately introduced by Beeby and Fraser and that has caused the catastrophic failure we now have.To begin with progressivism ,seemed innocent enough. Its founder John Dewey, (1859-1952), a genius, author of 50 books endeavoured to proclaim a new secular religion along with extensive writings on democracy , doing away with almost all the entire western educational tradition. He was an aggressive atheist,Darwinist and Fabian socialist. His writings are ambiguous, verbose, contradictory and difficult to follow. Only last Wednesday, one of his disciples wrote an article in 'The Post', 'The Changes To Education That Might Slip Through',Tom Pearce )expounding Dewey's warn -out views. Distinctively and highly destructively, Dewey gave specific instructions on teaching methods like avoiding phonics, not learning tables,nor memorizing knowledge and facts, not testing and attaching little importance to the basics.

This, slavish adherence to Dewey for 70 years, has been ,for me, the most devastatingly destructive element in our society, and particularly harmful to low SES students including Maori.

Sax Dearing said...

New Zealanders need an single, entrenched, constitutional Law; promulgated widely so it is assesible to all, written in plain English so it may be easily understood and misinterpreted with difficulty. It is time to stop the institutional obscuration by Government and Judiciary. It is time to stop the Legal and Tribunal gravy train.

DeeM said...

There are none so blind who will not see.

In Chippy's case, there are none so racist ...or stupid ...or woke ...or hypocritical ... as a "progressive" socialist who will not see.
And he's a Grade A example.

But he's in good company because just under half of NZ's population must agree with him and his unhinged mates in the Greens and Maori Party, judging by the polls.
And, I'm sorry, public ignorance or stupidity is no longer an acceptable excuse. You'd have to have had your head up your rear end for the past 3 years not to have become aware of their toxic agenda.

That's what's really worrying. NZ is full of racists - there, I've said it.