
Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Mike Hosking: The Pharmac CEO has to go

I have always had an element of sympathy for Pharmac in the sense the model we run in this country is a fiscal set of handcuffs.

If you have a set budget you can only spend what you have. Other countries have models that have criteria saying if the medicine or treatment reaches a certain threshold, it is funded.

Neither system is perfect and given the way medicine operates, there will always be someone who has a case or who has some sympathy behind their cause. There will always be a new treatment or breakthrough and that’s before you get to the vexed areas of funding for cures as opposed to treatments.

How do you take all of those ever-changing and varying sets of circumstances and cover them off with a budget with a limit?

You can't, and that is the Pharmac dilemma.

But when you do it, you do it with professionalism and humility and that is where they have been found so atrociously wanting. With the realise of the various emails we find a CEO who treats people with arrogance and contempt.

The fact she was stupid enough to put it down in writing only adds another nail to her coffin. The fact she still hasn’t been sacked given the story broke Friday is of some surprise.

It's not a complete surprise given the hallmark of this Government is allowing astonishingly long ropes in which people may, or may not, hang themselves.

For all the Official Information Act is maligned, and it is and rightly so, this time the OIA has done Sarah Fitt in.

She cannot continue. Doctors and patients are now openly calling for sackings, resignations or just her general removal. And they have every right to.

The stance Pharmac has taken around some cancer treatments is defendable, at least in part because of the constraints I mentioned. What is not defendable is the sneering arrogance of Fitt, who in her emails, shows a personality trait of a narcissist.

There are calls for the chairman to go as well. I am not sure we need to go that far, unless of course he doesn’t remove her.

But the buck stops at the top. The crime was committed by the CEO, the evidence is irrefutable and the disgust and outcry entirely predictable and justifiable.

Pharmac need to be seen to be doing their best. They can never be perfect and they can never meet everyone's needs, but they can do what they can with professionalism and humility and give us all a sense they care about what they do and they work hard at it.

The Fitt emails show beyond a shadow of a doubt they are being led by the wrong person.

Mike Hosking is a New Zealand television and radio broadcaster. He currently hosts The Mike Hosking Breakfast show on NewstalkZB on weekday mornings - where this article was sourced.


Kevn said...

Exactly... Be gone. Along with 'Pause' hipkins.
Both cut from the same cloth it would seem.

Robert Arthur said...

Aw come on. It is so easy to contrive heartstring tugging articles and snipe at Pharmac, persons striving to do a real job. It is however a little troubling that in this day and age the reach of the OIA is not appreciated by persons in top positions. But among close associates similarly and needlessly beleaguered, such observations are sure to be at least muttered between them in similar circumstances.
There must be enormous scope for trawling through all the staff in the many maori based govt departments and the innumerable pro maori 5th column infiltrated through teaching, nursing, all govt depts and Councils. Many must express their blatant sneering contempt for those with colonist convention based attitudes. it is just none today would risk the inevitable cancellation which any covergae would gaurantee.

David Lillis said...

Sorry to have to tell you - but other Government organizations have been, or are, led by bullies. Ms. Fitt is not the only one by any means.

I could name several CEOs and second tier public servants who should be up in court for the hurt that they have caused to staff. Instead, they leave office as millionaires, are given titles and public accolades and go onto lucrative quangos and directorships.

They should be made to get down on their hands and knees and forced to apologize to all of those who they have damaged through their bullying middle-management clowns.

I know - because I worked in some of these places and saw it all.
David Lillis