
Monday, October 9, 2023

Mike Hosking: Second election call - Panic? Or a plan?

So do we have panic, or a cunning plan?

In a sign the campaign has gone way too long, the Labour Party are spending their precious energy banging on about National's tax policy.

They are suggesting they are now falling apart and are doing this, mainly because they don't want to talk about their record.

The prize for hyperbole over the weekend goes to Chris Hipkins, who saw a "resurgence" this week and a "big poll surprise".

If you check the numbers Labour are at least 10 points behind National and there are, allegedly, 10 percent undecided. So that would require every single undecided voter to break Labour's way.

Guess what? That ain't happening.

As regards National, in suggesting a new election all it does is remind us that we never had to be here and that they should have ruled New Zealand First out before Labour did and, as a result, it would have been a non-issue.

There is a right-wing party that will do well today in the regional elections in Germany. But no one will work with them so they are not in play. The Germans get it, we clearly don't.

The interesting thing about a new election is we have never had one and who would be punished if we did?

Normally when you call a snap poll the way Robert Muldoon did all those years ago, you need a very good reason because people don't like to vote twice, or earlier than is necessary. All over the world early polls generally punish those who call them.

So would National get punished or New Zealand First?

My guess is National would have to explain the negotiations, what was asked for, what was rejected and why, and then say we found the requests from Winston Peters so egregious we would be more decisive in the second vote.

Here is one out of left field for you - what about National and New Zealand First doing a deal, with Act so repulsed they sit on the cross benches?

Anyway, back to reality. None of it is going to happen, which is the sad, mad thing about this whole last week.

We are so far into the weeds of bitching, moaning, backstabbing and inventing weird conspiracies that Saturday can't come fast enough.

Mike Hosking is a New Zealand television and radio broadcaster. He currently hosts The Mike Hosking Breakfast show on NewstalkZB on weekday mornings - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

Today no one is looking good in terms of what is needed for NZ - except NZ First.

Both Labour and National look as though power is their main goal - at any price.

Valid Point said...

"Today no one is looking good in terms of what is needed for NZ - except NZ First"

This is the same party (well, person really) that installed Jacinda Ardern and her Government in 2017. The Government who has trashed our economy, divided our people, failed to deliver anything of merit and allowed violent crime to run rampant?

So is, Winston really the answer? Particularly since there is no guarantee he won't go with Labour again given enough incentive.

Anonymous said...

@valid point, Winston the answer - dream on! How many times do you want to be sucker punched?

Anonymous said...

VP things turned to custard after Winston left the coalition in 2020. Labour had free rein to do their damage and took their opportunities. You can't blame Winston for that.
I think this nonsense will propel people to Winston's camp. The average Kiwi is not that stupid to not know when they are being manipulated. National are making it harder for themselves the stupid fools. I'm hoping Winston gets more votes than David now.

Linux said...

Winston does not appear to have a good record but if you listen to him on UNDRIP, and all other Maori issues there would be a terrible clash there with Labour. Similarly with his more thorough investigation into Covid management which could make Hipkins and Jacinda look like criminals.
I'm not sure about climate change and energy but the he is strongly against the transgender dominance.
He does appear to be persecuted badly by the media and intends to change media management and funding which would displease Labour supporters who rely on their propaganda and indoctrination from from them.