
Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Robert MacCulloch: Does New Zealand's Mainstream Media not Respect the Election Result?

The front page the NZ Herald is running today [17/10/2023] has this headline and this photo [below]:

Is this an unflattering photo of Chris Luxon, or what? What's with the dark foreboding background; the gnarling teeth? Using the word "axed" conjures up an image of him as running around with a weapon. What will he chop off? 

What Get's Axed Under the National-Led Government?

Now Google "NZ Herald" and "Ardern". Here's their latest photo a few days before the election, complete with headline "Did Ardern Just Have a Dinosaur Dig at Luxon?", implying Luxon may not believe in them.

Meanwhile, Newshub rolled out its favorite economics panelist yesterday, Shamubeel Equab, to make disparaging comments about the incoming government's ability to effect change. Equab is the guy who called National's revenue estimates on its proposed foreign buyers tax "bullshit" and David Seymour "economically illiterate".

Here's a personal story. Two days before the election I gave an interview for OneNews about our economy and political parties. I laid blame on Labour's economic mismanagement for our current mess, though added that the policy proposals of our major parties to get us out of the mess are not particularly different. The entire segment of the interview during which I critiqued Hipkins was removed from what appeared on the 6 o'clock news that evening.

My impression is that Newshub, Stuff, NZ Herald and our State-owned TV Channel do not like the election result - they don't like how the people have spoken. Actually, Hipkins was never elected by us - he was elected by his own party when Ardern stepped down. Now the people have clearly said they want change. They have rejected what Chris Hipkins and Grant Robertson stand for. We, the people, want the incoming government to change things and to succeed. We want NZ to succeed. Does the mainstream media want NZ to fail?


Professor Robert MacCulloch holds the Matthew S. Abel Chair of Macroeconomics at Auckland University. He has previously worked at the Reserve Bank, Oxford University, and the London School of Economics. He runs the blog Down to Earth Kiwi from where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

Does the mainstream media want NZ to fail?

The mainstream media are PRESSTITUTES and sold their soul to be the propaganda arm of the last administration masquerading as our democratic government.

They know we know and like the cowards that they are are running scared and lashing out and failing to realize that they are doomed.

Good riddance.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully luxon gives winston broadcasting minister portfolio so that he can sort out the indoctrinated msm. They have had 6 years of harvard- like indoctrination. The wokester students over at harvard are so indoctrinated that they support hamas, but then backtracked when several ceo's said they won't hire them. . One good thing about the israel conflict is that it may help end the woke cult, some usa media are saying. We need to have a 4th estate that gives nz balanced journalism once more.

Rob Beechey said...

The corrupt MSM has responded like performing seals as the ex Marxist Govt tossed them fish. The performance was scripted by their benefactors which eared these legless mammals additional fish. What we are watching now is a petulant performance before the fish spigot is turned off for good. We will never forgive them for their treachery.

Anonymous said...

I recall the media meltdown after the cannabis referendum. The people who voted no to cannabis were accused of being manipulated by the American Far Right. Somehow the no voters were racist as well. It doesn't surprise me that the media don't like this result.

Grumpy said...

I fully agree with the article and everyone's subsequent comments. The PIJF corrupted a number of our media. Changes are coming. If some of them disappear into the wilderness I will not be losing any sleep.

David Lillis said...

Unfortunately, Professor McCulloch is correct. I repeat what I said in response to another article on Breaking Views:

Read the Public Service Association website:

"Bullying is widespread in the public sector, especially in health and education."

Unfortunately, as a former public servant, I must confirm the truth of this statement. I only hear of health anecdotally but I worked in Education for several years. Oh my God!!!! People who hold no qualifications at all managing Ph.D-holders out of their jobs; plagiarism; systematic abuse of staff; brutal and unfair performance management of staff out of work, constructive dismissals and firings for trivial reasons. The list goes on and on. Lucrative careers in research management and statistics management for complete nobodies who never completed high school. Obscenely overpaid senior executives making decisions about education but who have no background in education research or policy.

Now that we have a new Government, it's high time for a reconfiguration of our public service, away from grossly over-remunerated executive clowns and non-subject-matter bullying managers towards a system that rewards and promotes people of integrity and who know the business and the work of the people who they manage.
David Lillis