
Monday, October 9, 2023

Robert MacCulloch: From where did the PM get NZ's Quarterly GDP 2nd-in-world ranking that he used on Hoskings ZB show?

If you watch Mike Hoskings interview with Prime Minister Chris Hipkins, the PM clearly states that NZ's 2023 Quarter 2 Gross Domestic Product growth figure is bigger "than every country other than Japan" (at 10 minutes 20 seconds into the interview below). Stats NZ says our Q2 figure (for April to June 2023, compared to the previous quarter) was 0.9% higher.

Maybe Blog readers can do their own checking, but to the best of my knowledge there are lots of nations in the world with better comparable numbers. Was the PM only referring to the OECD? But he used the words "every country other than Japan" and even if you look at the OECD data base of Q2 Real Quarterly Growth Figures (below) for 2023 there are plenty of nations with higher rates than NZ. We are listed at 0.9%, but Coast Rica is at 1.9%, Greece at 1.3%, Iceland at 2.2%, Japan at 1.2%, Lithuania at 2.4%, Slovenia at 1.4%, Turkey at 3.5%, Croatia at 1.1% and India at 1.9%.

If the PM made up the NZ-best-in the-world-on-quarterly-GDP-growth-compared-to-"every country other than Japan" line, my view is that that's a big deal. A real big deal. Maybe I've got my wires crossed, but I checked the OECD data base of quarterly real GDP growth figures. Can the PM's office please send me its spreadsheets?


Professor Robert MacCulloch holds the Matthew S. Abel Chair of Macroeconomics at Auckland University. He has previously worked at the Reserve Bank, Oxford University, and the London School of Economics. He runs the blog Down to Earth Kiwi from where this article was sourced.


Peter said...

Nothing new there. He's nothing but a lying sack of the proverbial!

Anonymous said...

And will anyone ever know. That is the usual narrative from party that has purchased the MSM other than 1ZB who to their good fortune were large enough to get through the cluster of left leaning fools in the MSM

Anonymous said...

Unless the msm is dismantled immediately after 14 October, it will do any new govt irreparable damage.
They are getting ready for their new role.