
Friday, June 21, 2024

Ele Ludemann: Are Maori not New Zealanders?

A disturbing example of separatism was on display at Parliament on Wednesday:

. . . “They’re not New Zealanders. They are Māori children. And you just don’t get that,” Te Pāti Māori MP Mariameno Kapa-Kingi told Children’s Minister Karen Chhour, during a heated hearing at the social services and community select committee earlier in the day.

Are Maori not New Zealanders any more? Imagine the uproar if anyone who wasn’t Maori suggested that.

“I think all children deserve the same level of care,” Chhour responded.

“Not the same,” Kapa-Kingi interjected.

If not the same level of care, does she expect some children to get better care, and therefore some to get worse care than others, and that this should be on the basis of race?

There’s only one word for that – racism.

“Yes the same. Every child in this country deserves the same level of care. We need to make sure that they’re safe, they’re loved, and they’re provided with everything that they need,” Chhour insisted.

Kapa-Kingi interjected again, raising the issue of connection to whakapapa, belonging, and the importance of recognising where children have come from.

Chhour agreed that sometimes a by-Māori, for-Māori approach was the right one to take, but not at the expense of a child’s safety.

Nothing should take precedence over children’s safety and the care they are given must be based on their needs, nor their race.

Ele Ludemann is a North Otago farmer and journalist, who blogs HERE - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

Watch the exchange here >

Anna Mouse said...

Kapa-Kingi is a shining example of what absurdity, arrogance and entitledness looks like.

She is the perfect fit for the sort of ideology that was espoused by a failed Austrian artist.

The mental fitness of people like this is questionable when they cannot align their thinking to reality particularly when it comes to the welfare of children.

The even sadder part is that Kapa-Kingi is not up in arms about the ongoing deaths of children, she is up in arms that culture comes before anything else and the death of children is less than a secondary issue which she seems to think is an acceptable part of ensuring culture is paramount.

This is the ends justifies the means thinking and as Lord Farquaad in the movie Shrek stated....."Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make".

Kapa-Kingi like her cohorts is no friend to children maori or otherwise.

Anonymous said...

If it wasn’t for New Zealanders there’d be no Maori of any percentage left.

This ideological young woman with her absurd claims (let’s not forget her fabricated home invasion) clearly hasn’t spent a day researching her own whakapapa. She & the other lunatics in TPM love to paint early Maori as a united people sitting around the campfire singing kumbaya, instead of the cannibalistic warring factions that they really were.

Then there is the question of why these treasonous troughers have not been suspended - any other MP or Party alleged to have committed electoral fraud would have been.

Why is it always one rule for thee but not for me when it comes to these racist, separatist nutters?

Anonymous said...

Maori kill and abuse their children at a much higher rate than the non-Maori population, then blame it on "colonization", close ranks and protect the killers. The Jews suffered the Holocaust and 3 thousand years of persecution, do they kill their babies?

CXH said...

This has been going on for decades. I was unfortunate enough to be introduced to Steven, sorry, Tipene O'Regan more than twenty years ago in a different country. He informed me I wasn't a true New Zealander, as that claim was limited to Maori only. It didn't go down well, much to his surprise.

Anonymous said...

Anon: 10.42am no, but 50 years of dispossession, oppression, torture, rape & murder of Palestinians suggests they don’t mind it happening to other people’s children,

Probably not the best example to use…..

Anonymous said...

All these Maori children also have other heritage, and surely it is just as important to cherish and value that. Some of them would be safer with their European/ Asian relations that with their Maori ones. Isn't it racist to claim that Maori people are superior? Each person is an unique individual and what DNA they inherit from their ancestors is a totally random lucky dip. We are all New Zealanders.

Anonymous said...

New development in elections:

Minor identity parties of the Left are banding together to be elected as a group .

Then they elect the leader of the party which gets the most votes in the election..... maybe the Greens, maybe another party. Thei leaders negotiates for any Coalition arrangement on behalf of the group.

This way, all the minor - and often extreme- Left parties are sure to be part of any Coalition deal. So they might well be in power.

This will happen in the French election next week.

Very frightening prospect.

Ray S said...

Anonymous @ 12:59
Quite right, but only a extremely small % of Kiwis kill their children.
100% of those have DNA superior to any other race.
According to a "leader" of TMP.

Go figure.

Anonymous said...

This is the mindset that insists that all Maori (what ever that actually means) children have to live with Maori caregivers (parents, distant relatives they have never met, etc.):
“Colonization was a severe shock and
trauma to Māori people, because it broke up
all of those ways that kainga and whanau
protected families and the Māori world. And
now, we yearn for that... We all have this kind
of contamination story, right? Things were
beautiful. We had everything to ourselves, all
our lands, we lived this perfect life. And then
we got colonized, it all got taken away. And
now it’s really bad. And now we’ve got to get
everything back. And this is how we do it.”
(Academic (Māori), 6 Dec 2022)

Yeah right. "We lived this perfect life" Typical bull sh_t by a Maori "academic" who has never lived in a real tribal society, drives a nice car, uses a cell phone and computer, lives in a city, and is FREE to live the lfe they want, not like in tribal societies where you do what you are told or else, (unless you are a member of the elite). All these "Maori academics" dream of fantasy tribal society with THEM at the top.

Anonymous said...

Like any warrior social construct most people would have lived in fear of their lives, warriors fuelled by adrenalin. Slaves, murder, cannibalism, infanticide, starvation, rape and degradation all part of the social construct. Not a pleasant way to live.

Not about string games, songs and poi around the fire at the end of a pleasant day of Hunter gatherer activities.

Greg Dervan said...

Maori quite happy to take 180k income from the NZ taxpayer,accept the accomodation allowance,air travel,and all the other benifits,but they are not New Zealanders,they get it all because they are the poor colonized maori!

Empathic said...

Seems to me that Kapa-Kingi's statement was dishonouring Te Tiriti, an agreement that clearly envisaged all those here having the same rights as each other and as all subjects of the British Royal family.

Grumpy said...

So this Kapa-Kingi believes that previously abused children should be uplifted and returned to the source of their abuse, if and when they have a degree of connection with Maori? Other children aren't included apparently.
Minister Chhour believes that the safety of all children comes first, certainly well ahead of cultural/racial concerns.
Be glad she is the Minister holding authority, and not the other.

Anonymous said...

I believe all people living in NZ today are settlers from other lands.

Sure, some arrived earlier than others (like the Mori Ori) and some came later like Maori and white settlers.

And anyone born in NZ is obviously indigenous to NZ.

But... no Treaty should bestow preferential rights depending how long a settler or race has been in NZ.

And as to certain treasures (like crayfish) they weren't invented by Maori or white settlers, they just happened to come with the territory.

So no disproportionate racial rights to those treasures either!

All settlers should share natural assets - especially given it is good enough for all settlers to be sharing infrastructure actually invented or paid for by earlier generations.

Don said...

CXH mentions "Tipene" O'Regan. I understand from contemperaneous students of his time that he was not particularly interested in being part-Maori until he realised there was money in it. He promptly joined the gravy train and became a "professional" Maori. What a success he has made of it!