
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Breaking Views Update: Week of 23.2.25

Sunday February 23, 2025 

How the Manurewa Marae data breach scandal unfolded
Tamihere thought his organisation could help. A network of local providers, based out of urban marae, had successfully boosted Māori Covid-19 rates after partnering with health agencies during the pandemic.

Within a day or so of the meeting a Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency (WOCA) staffer followed up with Tibble, writing that the service was “very keen to deploy our considerable resources to help more Māori complete the Census”.

WOCA drew up a business case for a $5 million contract to target 10,000 Māori households across Auckland.

This would include a $100 ‘kai package’ for each household, with a $1m pot for supermarket vouchers. The overall census budget was $135m......
See full article HERE

Turnout will rule local election vote on Maori wards
It took South Wairarapa councillors just 10 minutes to confirm their support for a Maori ward seat at the district’s council table.

The unanimous approval came more than two decades after the body agreed to establish a Maori Standing Committee, to help ensure the local tangata whenua voice was heard.

Then central government intervened. The result is that 42 district councils across the motu will hold referenda on their Maori ward seats during the October local body elections _ a move that will costs ratepayers an estimated $2 million. Here, an estimated $20,000.....
See full article HERE

This Breaking Views Update monitors race relations in the media on a weekly basis. New material is added regularly. If you would like to send Letters to the Editor in response to any of these articles, most media addresses can be found HERE

1 comment:

Robert Arthur said...

One wonders what naive world the likes of Sowden have lived in these last few decades. I suppose conversation is now so PC constrained many experiences and observations are never passed around. One thing has been made very clear to maori; never cooperate with state requirements and you or some fellow maori will likely be rewarded with an official payment A message which has an effect completely the opposite of the intent of the effective bribe.
Hopefuly Councils have adopted maori wards on the assumption that the referendum will get shot of without incurring personal cancellation.It is up to the public to oblige and not be misguided by Coucnillor actions to date.