
Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Sir Bob Jones: Common sense from Australia

Recently I signed an everyday, minor event statutory declaration for the Australian government, this as is customary, requiring a lawyer’s witness signature. Except in fact, no longer so.

I say that as the form was accompanied by a government leaflet re the Aussies’ Statutory Declaration Act which advised that the witness to my signature could now be any registered practitioner in a lengthy range of activities, such as a doctor, nurse, Police officer, MP, pharmacist, veterinary surgeon and so on.

In other words, the witness no longer had to be a lawyer as we’re all accustomed to. This is sensible.

Witnessing a signature is a simple act and the convention we’ve been historically accustomed to that it must be done by a lawyer is a massive nuisance for most folk, who in the normal course of events, have no contact with lawyers.

So too for the lawyers concerned who usually don’t charge for this despite its inconvenience.

The change is yet another sensible rationalisation in human affairs, occurring world-wide.

That said having a witness to a signature can be critical.

Coincidentally, I’m familiar with two recent cases where former wives of a deceased have tried to make claims on his estate saying he’d promised them a legacy. But his actual will ignored them so they argued his signature must have been forged. The witness to his signature thus became pivotal in resolving the matter.

As an aside I suspect the Aussies may have been a bit too liberal in including chiropractors in their list given the number of times we read of court proceedings when the buggers have got a bit too intimate location-wise with some of their clientele.

Sir Bob Jones is a renowned author, columnist , property investor, and former politician, who blogs at No Punches Pulled HERE - where this article was sourced.


Robert Arthur said...

Did the list include eye surgeons?

Anonymous said...

Can't rely on common sense in Aoteabloodyroa any more, I'm sure that Ardern made a Captain's Call and prohibited it for all Govt employees (and contractors).

K said...

JPs used to be the go-to people.