
Monday, March 17, 2025

Dr Muriel Newman Tells Chris Luxon To Show Leadership

Dr Muriel Newman from NZCPR chats to Sean Plunket on The Platform about Maori preference, eliminating woke and Chris Luxon's leadership.

Click to view

Dr Muriel Newman is a former Member of Parliament who now runs the public policy think tank the New Zealand Centre for Political Research.


Chuck Bird said...

Excellent article and talk with Sean. It is bad enough that Hipkins can say what a woman is but Luxon when asked if it fair that man who claim to be women should play against women in sports or use womens' change rooms can not give a one word answer.

robert Arthur said...

Great stuff. But presumably Muriel is too busy to listen to RNZ. At least half the presenters are trace maori or aligned Polynesian and blatantly root for the maori domination cause. The rest have either been successfully indoctrinated or, as with thousands of other NZers, are compliant through fear of cancellation. From the selection of interviewees and the patsy questions the Board and producers are fully in on the pro maori interest and propaganda theme. Saturday mornings alternate between obscure maori "identities" led blatantly through interviews by sour arch activist Mih??ngi Forbes, and, for the appearance of balance, interviews of other often notables mere non maori by a non maori. Then Julian Wilcox comes on. More maori "identiries". Infuriating trivial hyenic maori laughter as heard around PD gangs and maori parties. With long reminiscences about convoluted family connections of absolutely no relevance or interest to very very many.
And early every morning we suffer Nathan Rahere whose backswood pleb maori type pronunciation never improves .(even Sue Bradford got better with time) This presumably to prepare us for the maori ruled world of tomorrow..

Anonymous said...

One of Luxon's problems is that he can never be direct, always has to respond in high speed meaningless gabble.

For all his faults, at least you can understand what Trump is saying, no matter how crudely he words it.
Nobody in NZ sees Luxon as the Messiah, but 70M Americans see hope in Trump.
God bless America, and NZ - we both need some help from a divine entity to get us through mess they are both making of it.

Anonymous said...

While Luxon is otherwise engaged out of the Country, how about David Seymour step up and sort the Maorification/co-governance nonsense overnight? Okay, it won't happen but what a lovely fleeting thought.

robert Arthur said...

i am astonished that Luxon has not received and/or responded to advice. Every delinquent maori youth knows that a consistent measured non spontaneous response makes it hard to detect what is truth, what conjecture, what is lies, what is rote platitude. In his refined world Luxon has presumably never observed this trait.