Of late there have been countless headlines stating Prime Minister Christopher Luxon 'must go' followed by reasons why. These include - in no particular order - his poor party polling, his poor personal polling, inability to articulate clearly what he stands for, overuse of corporate speech, running the country like a business and more.
For a member of the public who stands outside the beltway, outside of the political skullduggery and shenanigans in Wellington, it looks suspiciously engineered. Get the jungle drums beating and the sound will only intensify, especially with the combined enabling might of the media, unions and activist-left.
I don't like or dislike the PM. He seems capable when he is wheeling and dealing internationally, he's a very successful person in his own right and looks like a loyal, dependable family man.
But there is one reason why I believe he absolutely will have to go and that's his position on the Treaty Principles Bill. Here he is in parliament in November last year:
I don't like or dislike the PM. He seems capable when he is wheeling and dealing internationally, he's a very successful person in his own right and looks like a loyal, dependable family man.
But there is one reason why I believe he absolutely will have to go and that's his position on the Treaty Principles Bill. Here he is in parliament in November last year:
"...it is Government policy to support this bill to first reading. It is also Government policy to give parties a free vote at the second reading. The National Party, which I lead, will not be supporting it. The only way this bill will become law is if the Opposition parties do support it." [My emphasis]
To his credit he has not wavered. And it's a mark of his leadership that his Ministers and MPs also toe the line (though often rather robotically.)
But his truculence is not matched by the people who voted for him or one of the other coalition parties.
Yes, we all understand that some Maori feel beleaguered by existing as a minority. They anguish and appeal about the 'tyranny of the majority'. But Maori are only one minority in New Zealand. It is impossible to satisfy every minority which is why we have a democracy that vests rights and responsibilities in the individual.
In practical terms then, the country cannot be co-governed by one race on one side and every other race on the other. That is patently unjust, illogical and a recipe for never-ending dispute. Luxon says he opposes co-governance but while the derived Treaty principle of 'partnership' remains, the courts and councils can interpret it as such.
We cannot solve past wrongs by committing future wrongs. We have to commit together to a robust democracy that will abide. We have to agree as best we can what role the Treaty plays going forward. That's what this bill gives ALL New Zealanders a chance to do.
BUT the Prime Minister is standing in the way. Even though surveys show most people support a referendum to decide what the Treaty means for everyone who lives here, Chris Luxon is prepared to deny their wishes.
It is untenable for him to change his mind after months of steadfastly defending his opposition, though even he must concede in the deep recesses that unresolved, the issue will only come back again and again.
So he must go. His party must put New Zealand's future and democratic foundations first.
If Luxon stays, the country blunders on.
Lindsay Mitchell is a welfare commentator who blogs HERE - where this article was sourced.
Luxon needs to be frank and clear about where he stands. Once he places his stick in the ground then the polls will tell him if he is on the right or wrong side of the citzenry.
Blundering is what will lead us down the spiral that South Africa is going down. The difference only in that they have a black majority. Apartheid teaches us one thing that countries do not last long with the tyranny of the minority......whichever colour, creed or indentity.....
What an interesting article....the author states"it (the media attack on Luxon) looks suspiciously engineered" Then....
Goes on the attack over a single issue... "he (Luxon) must go"
And why? Because Luxon doesn't support the currently 'surplus to requirements' TOW Principles bill.
Why surplus to requirements?
The coalition agreements specify "ending race based policies," so... the TOWP bill is unnecessary whilst Luxon is in charge.
It will however, become vital when Labour gets back into power to stop the Labour Hierarchy re-establishing the funnelling of taxpayer funds into the Maori Kings family, and enacting law changes which allow the predominantly Maori gangs to thrive.
I expect a shift in Luxons stance when his term is drawing to a close, unemployment is low so there are fewer bodies for hikois, and Nationals popularity is improved so they can deal with the inevitable activist mischief making.
Hopefully in the interim, I can find intelligent and balanced articles on breakingviews.
Excellent article, Lindsay.
You have described very clearly the situation regarding Luxon and also regarding the total instability of any "co-governance".
A more familiar word for co governance is apartheid.
Three questions:
Who is mentoring Luxon?
Who is dictating that, as PM, he must refuse to give the people the opportunity to choose democracy or an ethno -state as NZ's system of government?
Who is he as a leader who accepts this pernicious control of his role as PM?
Undoubtedly! To say "there is nothing I like about the Bill" and to deny the public its say, is not only the epitome of arrogance, it is blatantly stupidity and only shows he doesn't understand the Treaty, its history, and nor can he read the room. IF that is not the case, then he is an activist hellbent on turning or country into an ethnocracy - He Puapua and Aotearoa/New Zimbabwe here we come.
He absolutely must be gone, and 'by lunchtime' is not soon enough in my book.
I dont understand the idea of minority and majority. In order to be considered minority a person has to be a part of a group that is widely accepted as a minority group. BUT....just because you are in a minority or majority does not make you the same as either of those groups. Everyone has differences in need, thinks differently, is educated differently etc. In fact everyone is so different that I think these terms are ridiculous, especially when it is to do with race or sexuality. Life is hard, at times completely awful for all people. This minority majority thing is just as bad as maori and non maori. Our focus should always be on children, the elderly, and those with disabilities and mental/physical health problems.
If Luxon is still National's leader come the next election, National may be a part of a governing coalition in the next parliament, but I doubt if it will be the majority party, certainly ACT and NZF together will outnumber it.
Let get one thing straight. The courts are wrong.
Co-governance is a complete myth that was made up by activists.
That is the biggest "wrong" with which the judiciary have brain washed themselves.
A poisonous concept that has caused nothing but division.
Sovereignty was granted to all citizens regardless of race.
It's quite simple.
My ancestors did not arrive until 1865 well after the Treaty.
So, I'll be damned if I will be judged by my "ethnicity" and be held responsible or accountable for the so-called sins of someone else's forebears.
It is not colonisation that should be blamed for inequalities in our present society but rather destructive ideologies that came later like iniquitous progressivism which has destroyed our education system, a permissive welfare system and liberal licentiousness. These have created a large underclass who are unemployable , socially unstable and cannot function independently from the state. Maori are only about a third of this underclass. But they are there in disproportionate numbers.
It is not nostalgia for the past that I suggest we return to traditional values, methods and discipline in schools and society but because what we have now doesn't work . But then Marxism and Socialism never have nor will ever work.
Luxon needs to read the room better and consider who his voters are and not give into the most strident voices . He ought to also develop a social conscience about what is best rather than what is politically expedient.
WELL SAID, Anon !!!
The man who doesn’t seem to want Parliament to rule for the benefit of all; who sees no merit in the protection of property rights; and doesn’t want everyone to be equal in the eyes of the law. More importantly, he doesn’t want to allow the public any real say. He has delusions of grandeur with his ‘A-Lister’ connections, but completely fails to articulate a unifying vision, even when the deepening divide that is poised to undo our country is plain for all to see. If he treats us with contempt, why should we treat him differently, least of all give him a vote of confidence? No, you’re correct Lindsay, he has no place as our leader. He both deserves and needs to be gone.
Oh, and Mark Hanley, since you seem to be the PM's chief cheerleader, what is he doing about the foreshore and seabed issue, the Waitangi Tribunal's and Judiciaries overreach, and, soon, our conservation estates management? And, I haven't even mentioned the 10,000-odd Waitangi Tribunal claims purportedly waiting in the wings per Minister Potaka's comments. But you carry on living in La La Land, as our debt surpasses $200Billion, with no relief in sight.
What Planet is this gentleperson on?
So Luxon getting ready to allow even more immigration from India in exchange for what is successful? I have a bridge for sale you would be interested in.
PS Quetions for Mr Hanley.... replies awaited.
Luxon was elected to do a job that he now refuses to do, will not even acknowledge the job, and prattles on about the economy being his most important task.
His job is to restore democracy, and if he fails to see or do anything about it, he has to go.
I expect he will doing his usual patsy interview again on Tuesday morning with Hosking - I for one will turn it off.
Quick update re. Identity politics today : any and all minorities deserve (not just assistance ) but political power - and immediately .
The welfare state provided for minorities legitimately needing social help. But this is the old system.
To Anon:
Yes; Luxons's job is - and must be - to restore democracy. We now need constant action on this precise issue until the 2026 election to make him do this.
Is this behaviour really sedition?
An excellent and objective article Lindsay. It is difficult not to think that Mark Hanley, March 24, 2025 at 10:48 AM, is either an existing Luxon staffer or he is trying very hard to secure a role!!!
I agree that the Treaty Principles Bill should go to a referendum but there are many other reasons why Luxon should go. The main one is Luxon's climate change alarmism which affects our farmers and that affects our economy. His funding of Hamas via UNRWA is another reason. I expect any reasonable person to know that allowing men who claim to be women to play against women in sports and invade women's spaces is not right. Why cannot Luxon understand this. Feel free to add to my list.
Thx for the promotion John. Any advice on where I can pick up my pay cheque.
If it were sedition it would not matter as our esteemed Parliamentarians removed sedition from the Crimes statute in I think 2007. NZF were the ONLY party opposed to its removal and that should tell us all something.
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