The decision of the
Dunedin City council to develop a rates remission policy to take into account
the special relationship Maori have with the land is - well – interesting. All DCC
ratepayers will I’m sure be sympathetic to the idea that all non-revenue
bearing land should be exempt from rates yet intrigued to understand the
principle the DCC employ that will allow for rates remission for only Maori
freehold land not producing revenue.
It is a policy that
will be embraced by most if not all rate payers as it sets a wonderful
precedent. Cr Hillary Calvert sensibly noted that DCC staff should develop
policy which included non-Maori land as well for consideration.
It won’t take long for
most residents of Dunedin to coherently argue that the ‘special relationship’
they have with their land and freehold residential property should also qualify
for rate relief as their home and surroundings are unlikely to produce any
revenue by which they can pay their rates, yet pay rates they must. Currently most
councils are very even handed. Both Maori and non-Maori rate payers are too
often denied the opportunity to create some revenue from their property due to
planning rules.
Existing residential properties
owners have often been refused council permission to gain some revenue thru
subdivision because of (say) a beautiful privately owned and nurtured specimen
tree growing on their land and is viewed by the council planners as a “public asset”.
Little if any consideration is given to the long suffering owner of the tree as
to shading, roots blocking drains and lifting concrete. This outstanding
proposal of rates remission will surely therefore produce rational claims for
rate relief for all property owners and will be extremely popular with property
owners and councillors alike -
especially as it is an election year for Local Government.
Councillor MacTavish
is quoted as saying this (rates remission) is a cultural issue and must be
viewed as such. She comments “This is because Maori see themselves as kaitiaki
or guardians of the land” unquote - which implies the rest of we property owners
don’t. Really Councillor? Try telling
farmers they have no cultural attachment to the land despite making a conscious
decision to live and work on and with the land.
If the issue is about
fairness and justice as Councillor Peat suggests, then perhaps such wonderful
concepts must apply beyond one’s ethnicity.
Where is the fairness
and justice when Governments force private freehold land to be “laid off” along
rivers where no marginal strip applies? Where is the rate relief or
compensation when councils identify and “appropriate” valuable significant
natural areas (SNAs) on private freehold land which effectively renders such private
land - as non-revenue bearing public property. (The words “laid off” and
“appropriate” have been skilfully developed to replace the words – ‘stolen’, ‘filched’
and ‘pilfered’ - by Government decree)
The great value of
rates on the capital value of land to councils is that it is applied to all privately
held land with very few exemptions. Exactly the same principle applies to the successful
GST tax. If bread, butter and cheese was to be exempt - how is a hot cheese roll
served in a café to be viewed? Or milk being exempt but not a milk shake. The
same principle applies to this rate remission proposal.
Many people have
developed a strong personal and cultural objection to paying tax and rates as
they feel they don’t get value for money yet most recognize that each of us
must contribute to the rate-take, based on the value of the land held in
private ownership which surely includes the highly successful and extensive
Ngai Tahu Holdings, including their land not producing revenue.
An extremely good question.
I await the Dunedin City Council's reply
There is already work being done on rating relief for Maori Land refer: Te Ture Whenau Maori Bill currently at submission stage in Parliament. The Bill sets up changes to the Rating Valuations Act 1998 (RVA) and introduces a new set of regulations that will be made under the RVA. The regulations set up a formula that will calculate an adjustment to the starting values (CV, LV and VI as already defined in the Act). The adjustment will alter the CV, LV and VI and these adjusted values will be the ratable value in terms of the Local Government Rating Act (2002)
Any separation on the basis of enthnicity is nonsense in NZ in the 21st cetntury, because to accurate, all ethnicity of any individual or grouop would surely be the only accurate way to determine that So if I am 25% maori, and 75% other , my ethnicity is exactly that...I am not a maori, nor a european, or asian, unless I am of a "pure"race, and no-one fits the description pure, if we go back far enough. There is no definition in law for a maori, and this is why.It would be unworkable in law. So separating us (incorrectly) on the basis of ethnicity, is to use long outdated profiling based on tribalism, which just does not cut it in the 21st century. I guess it does enrich a few though,at the expense of the many, like all tribal behaviour did in the past. We are stuck in the past.
Someone has to realize that NZ is for NZers. It is not a specialty shop for business. It is a user pays society now. The users are the residents. The businesses are set up to support the residents, not the other way round/.
If residents choose not to support a business in their community,[ because they may get an item cheaper in a big town or online ] why should businesses support these residents by paying extortionate rates.
Business should not be charged rates if only for the reason above. Yeh right, that's not going to happen.
Lets stop pissing around pandering to no hopers. We are developing a society where we support 3-4 generations of no hopers on the dole. Pitiful. And we[ NZ ] borrow money to support this. That's not good business practice
So in conclusion, there should be NO rates relief for anyone. Full Stop.
Being Maori, these days, is little different to belonging to a religious sect.
I am taking a lot of flak for a grass roots approach to race based inequality.
I say that the problem is now so institutionalised that the only way forward is a dedicated political movement. I am sure that the inequality that Nanny promotes will result in here downfall, as irrelevant as the Labour party. .NZF is the precursor to this movement.
As all part-Maori are of mixed pakeha descent just send the rates bill to their pakeha bit.
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