
Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Mike Hosking: Do Labour expect us to believe them on crime?

I have found one of the Prime Minister's real skills - announcing bollocks with a straight face.

How is it humanly possible to stand there in front of the nation's media and tell us that when it comes to crime, when it comes to ram raids, we have had a gutsful.

Have we Chris?

When did you work that out, you insightful genius, you?

Did you work that out when the National Party announced that those filming these sorts of events will get extra sentencing, because it's an aggravating event? And so you copied it?

Or did you work it out when you saw yet another poll with your party tanking because, among the many other things you’ve cocked up, crime is a catastrophe and your hair-brained plan to let people out, or not put them away, or stick an ankle bracelet on and watch them abscond anyway, hasn’t really worked?

Or have you actually suspected it all along, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to admit what an abject failure the whole mad, ideological balls-up has been?

Anyway, there you were announcing tougher sentences.

Here is the next problem, as we outlined yesterday. We had the 19-year-old facing two ram raid charges, both of which carried maximum ten-year sentences, in front of Judge Cassidy. She also said, like good, old “tough as nails, take no prisoners” Chris Hipkins, that people are sick of it, they are fed up.

And then after telling the punk about the ten years of jail, she went on to discount the sentence to the point of 14 months jail. But because that’s below two years Government policy kicks in, spot the soft on crime Government policy, so they will now be spending a few months at home with name suppression.

So when Chris tells you about jail, firstly you have to believe he believes it, which he clearly doesn’t, given he has had 6 years to sort it but is now in full panic mode.

Then even if you can bring yourself to believe he believes it, you then have to have judges that have a backbone.

Desperation in politics is an embarrassing and ugly thing.

There is nothing more unedifying than someone heading up a Government about to lose, literally making stuff up in the hope that you are fool enough to believe what they have done for six years doesn't matter, and it's what they do now in panic, that does.

If you're that naive or, dare I suggest, thick, you and Labour deserve each other.

Mike Hosking is a New Zealand television and radio broadcaster. He currently hosts The Mike Hosking Breakfast show on NewstalkZB on weekday mornings - where this article was sourced.


Terry Morrissey said...

I find it very hard to believe that a normal rational person would even consider voting for any of the parties in the coalition of cockups.
After the last six years of corruption, coercion, lies, incompetence, introduction of apartheid and failing to achieve anything but failure, the labour cult expects the voters to be taken in by their promises of a different outcome in the future.
Hipkins and his sycophants must be on some sort of mind altering drug if they really believe the majority of voters are that gullible. At least I hope they aren't.

Anonymous said...

Terry - you need to factor in all the indoctrination that has been forced on us by the Labour propaganda team when it comes to gullible voters.
Ardern said, at the Pulpit of Truth during covid " of course, we use sustained propaganda"
And most of the population don't know about and read Breaking Views, so have very little understanding of what is happening to them - like slowly boiling frogs.

DeeM said...

Ardern was awful ....but Chippy is just as bloody awful.
The guy doesn't have a clue - about anything! Especially those things he was in charge of for years.

What a terrible state NZ politics is in when we get two shockingly incompetent sorry specimens in a row "leading" our country.

Anonymous said...

Great form Mike. And good to see you back Dee M. The Dam and the Chip are like retarded twins. They were skipping along holding hands until they fell into the lake. Stupid as anything.
Labour are toast but what will we get? I'm voting NZ First for centrist policy if there is enough influence.

Anonymous said...

Hipkins would say anything to stay in power, and that dear reader is the crux of the matter.
Don’t forget the joker is in his back pocket, Mahuta!
The most divisive person ever to draw breath on gods green earth.