
Thursday, August 24, 2023

Garrick Tremain: Lame Duck

 Here is Garrick Tremain's cartoon commentary on the Maori Sovereignty Movement leading Chris Hipkins on his way out! 

Garrick Tremain is one of New Zealand's best known artists and political cartoonists. With a background in farming and advertising, he has a wonderful ability to capture in images exactly what people are thinking in a way that makes us laugh. You can see his more of his work on his website HERE. 


robert Arthur said...

Although many cigarettes are probably stolen, or from tobacco grown privately, it always amazes me that so many supposedly hard up maori smoke.There are reasons many of us are realtively quite well off.

Robert Arthur said...

Garrick sure churns them out. Presumably he dreams the themes at night for he must spend all day sketching.
Maori are not shambling to the lead somewhat aimlessly with Hipkins and Labour in tow. More accurately they are advancing belligerently in haka mode, turncoat women in the front rank alongside career activists, corporate moguls and bikie thugs (or their sIblings). With Hipkins and Labour in the lead propelled not so much by threat of taiaha and mere but by the threat of contrived cancellation and otherwise political insignificance