
Thursday, October 19, 2023

Cam Slater: So Much for Protecting Indigenous People

Te Pati Maori are constantly banging on about indigenous peoples. But suddenly when Jews are under attack with Hamas pogroms and executions of civilians it isn’t them they are seeking to protect, no, it is Hamas. They are now showing just how deeply racist and anti-semitic they really are…and Marxist, but we knew that already.

Te Pati Maori has called on the New Zealand Government to expel the Israeli ambassador if Israel does not immediately implement a ceasefire in its ongoing war with Hamas in Gaza.

In a series of posts on social media, the party condemned Israel and Hamas for their actions during the conflict, who they say have both breached international law.

In one of the social media posts, Te Pati Maori’s co-leaders Rawiri Waititi and Debbie Ngarewa-Packer are “demanding” the government expel the Israeli ambassador. The Herald has sought comment from Israel’s embassy in Wellington.
NZ Herald

If Maori are indigenous, despite getting blown off course 800 years ago, then surely Jews are actually indigenous to Israel and the surrounding regions, having lived there for literally thousands of years. Certainly way longer than Maori have lived in New Zealand.

It seems that Te Pati Maori are allowed to get away with appalling racism and anti-semitism because they are brown. We see them.

Their views are based on lies, mostly propagated by the hard left of which they are a part.

They sicken me but sadly they are part of our body politic, even though they are a complete disgrace.

They’ll only be more emboldened after the election.

Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the BFD - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

You should broaden your knowledge by Googling Naqba

Robert Arthur said...

Of course they identify with the Palestinians. Both races desire to remove from their country races they see as interlopers. Remember Atarita Poananga who pronounced that we colonists are only guests here. Her spirit lives on in Te Pati (and much elsewhere in modern maoridom)

Anonymous said...

Indigenous people are gone. Most NZers are mixed race, the indigenous certainly are. When they say non indigenous are not welcome, they display self loathing. This is the same self loathing seen in the apologist and appeases of today. Changing ones name or brand, does not change biological facts.

Empathic said...

Indigenous to an area means originating in that area. Maori originated in the Pacific Islands whence they came so recently that Captain Cook's interpreter Tupaia was still able to converse with them and to understand their rituals despite never having set foot here.

It is true however that Maori were here before current non-Maori, and they don't have a homeland with which they identify and feel supported by or to which they could easily return as is the case for most of NZ's more recent immigrants. That calls for understanding, accommodation and special care regarding Maori cultural values, though not necessarily all of them. Not sure whether more than equal citizenship is necessary or appropriate to achieve that but, Maori at this stage being a minority, simple democracy may not reliably achieve it.

Madame Blavatsky said...

Clearly, if you read any of what could be described as his output, Slater is a devout Zionist. But if we flip his argument here (i.e. that Jews have a right to Palestine as being indigenous to the land), then he necessarily must accept the analogous claims of Maori to New Zealand. As far as I know he doesn't accept such Maori claims, which makes him just as much of a hypocrite as he claims Maori are.