
Thursday, October 19, 2023

Point of Order: Buzz from the Beehive - 19/10/23

Announcement of $5m aid for Israel and Gaza reminds us of who is our Prime Minister – for now

Yes, there has been fresh buzz from the Beehive – the first since before the election.

It was posted on October 17 and Point of Order might have failed to detect it at that time. In that case – our apologies.

It’s the news that New Zealand is providing humanitarian support to Israel and Gaza.

The New Zealand Government is providing $5 million in funding following appeals to address urgent humanitarian needs in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

The announcement came not from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nanaia Mahuta, but from Prime Minister Chris Hipkins.

He said:

“New Zealand is deeply saddened by the loss of life and devastation in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories.

“The situation continues to evolve rapidly, and New Zealand is joining other like minded countries to support those civilians and communities affected by the conflict.

The government is making an initial contribution of $2.5 million to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to help meet humanitarian needs in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

The ICRC protects and assists victims of armed conflicts under international humanitarian law, and is working to gain access to people held hostage, distributing cash and other assistance to displaced people, and providing essential medical assistance and supplies.

The government is also contributing an initial $2.5 million to the World Food Programme (WFP) under the umbrella of the United Nations appeal.

“This will help address major food insecurity concerns in Gaza and the West Bank, including through the positioning of emergency food stock ready for distribution once access is guaranteed.”

And then a request:

“New Zealand calls for rapid and unimpeded humanitarian access to enable the delivery of crucial life-saving assistance. We call on all parties to respect international humanitarian law, and uphold their obligations to protect civilians, and humanitarian workers, including medical personnel,” Chris Hipkins said.

Both the ICRC and WFP act with full independence and neutrality.

The Government has also requested that NZDF remain on standby to assist with the evacuation of New Zealanders if required.

Many of the 244 New Zealanders still registered as being in Israel have now departed the country. MFAT’s focus is now on approximately 50 people we understand are still in Israel. There is no reason to be concerned about their welfare at this stage but MFAT have made contact to clarify if any require assistance.

“Commercial routes remain the best option to depart the region, and MFAT is actively providing consular assistance to New Zealanders who remain in the affected region. Anyone who wishes to depart should take the earliest commercial opportunity to do so,” Chris Hipkins said.

“While not everyone wanting to leave can necessarily get themselves to a departure point, the Government has requested NZDF to remain on standby to deploy if necessary.”

New Zealand’s contribution was determined following consultation with the Leader of the Opposition.

Latest from the Beehive

17 OCTOBER 2023

The New Zealand Government is providing $5 million in funding following appeals to address urgent humanitarian needs in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

Point of Order is a blog focused on politics and the economy run by veteran newspaper reporters Bob Edlin and Ian Templeton

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