
Sunday, October 1, 2023

Lushington D. Brady: The Yapping Dogs of NZ’s Race-Baiters

Is there a more odious, pathetic, political buzz-word than “dog-whistling”?

Because, here’s the funny thing about a dog whistle: only dogs can hear them.

So, if you’re a journalist or politician screeching that your opponent is “dog-whistling”, you’re admitting that you are a dog. Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to hear this supposed “dog-whistle”. If you claim to hear a “racist dog-whistle”, then you must be a racist dog.

Over to you, journos and pollies. Who among you is hearing a dog-whistle, now?

Well, Stuff for a start, apparently. “Maori leaders”, too. In other words, two groups in New Zealand who’ve profited mightily from race-baiting. The embodiment of Thomas Sowell’s observation of those who keep racism “on life support”: politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as “racists”.

And nothing says Labour know they’re on a hiding to nothing in the upcoming election than the flailing, desperate resort to race-baiting.

National leader Christopher Luxon may face ongoing pressure over willingness to work with parties who some accuse of inflaming anti-Maori sentiment.

The Labour leader Chris Hipkins met with Maori leaders in the Far North and directly questioned the National Party leader on race relations during Wednesday night’s leaders’ debate […]

After confronting Luxon about working with NZ First, when both leaders agreed comments from its party had been racist, Hipkins continued his focus on race relations.

Because, of course he is. He’s got nothing else.

But, here’s the thing: Tweedledum can agree with Tweedledumber until the cows come home that a comment is “racist” — but neither of them, nor the pearl-clutching journalists and “Maori leaders” have done anything to prove it.

The comment quoted by Hipkins on Wednesday, from Rob Ballantyne, targeted who the NZ candidate called “elite Maori”.

“Cry if you want to, we don’t care. You pushed it too far. We are the party with the cultural mandate and courage to cut out your disease and bury it permanently,” he said.

So, where’s the “racism”?

Is it as blatantly racist as, say, claiming genetic superiority? That one race (and sex) is the sole source of violence in the community? Both of those are unequivocally racist, especially the claim of racial superiority, something straight out of the Nazi playbook.

The only thing is that both of those statements came from prominent Maori in the Labor government’s partnership. Indeed, the most open racism is spewed by the one party in New Zealand which is explicitly racial.

Then there’s this sterling piece of towering hypocrisy from the “Maori leaders”:

“Race-baiting for votes is not new here in Aotearoa. But this election, the dog whistling and the outright public displays of racism from political candidates have increased to unacceptable levels,” their joint statement said.

I’ll repeat: if you can hear a dog-whistle, what does that make you?

ACT leader David Seymour on Friday downplayed the critiques. He called them “self-proclaimed Maori leaders”. (Most iwi and marae leaders are elected.)

Seymour continued: “The open letter goes on to reference ‘the race-baiting policies of the Act Party.’ The letter never says what they are. It is a serious accusation backed up by zero evidence.”

Of course not. Because if they had to produce evidence of legitimate racism, they’d have to hold up a mirror.

Lushington describes himself as Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. This article was first published HERE


Hazel Modisett said...

Here's some interesting statistics...

70.2% European (3,297,860 people)
16.5% Māori (775,840 people)
15.1% Asian (707,600 people)
8.1% Pacific peoples (381,640 people)
1.5% Middle Eastern, Latin American and African (MELAA) (70,330 people).
There are more Asians & Pasifika people living in Auckland than Maori & the % of Asian populace is expected to rise to 27% Nationally by 2043.
Will Mandarin speaking Kava Ceremony's become compulsory in the near future ?

Less than 170,000 people speak Maori worldwide & less than 5% of NZers are fluent in Te Reo. If all of the Te Reo speakers in NZ were Maori, that means that over 75% of Maori cannot speak their own language & yet a language that has no use outside of its customary use on the Marae is being forced onto all of us ! Adoption of Maori road signs will only enable us to become further lost as a Nation.

Over 400 species of native Flora & Fauna are estimated to have become extinct prior to European colonization. So much for Kaitiaki. Maori corporations are still selling our precious water to the Chinese & Coca Cola Corps.

Everybody that studied NZ history prior to the Millennials were taught about the Musket Wars (Maori vs Maori genocide) & were also taught that the Treaty Of Waitangi guaranteed Maori equal rights under NZ Law for abdicating their Sovereignty to the Crown...nothing more.

As an aside, after living in Hawaii for almost 20 years I can also add these facts...
Kupe did not discover NZ as the result of following an Octopus. He ran away from Kau after stabbing the paramount Chief in the back during a fishing expedition because he coveted the Chiefs wife. If he did not run away, he would have been killed.
King David Kalakaua built Iolani Palace & travelled Europe & the USA while NZ Maori were running around barefoot & living in dirt floored shacks.
If Maori really want to claim Kaitiaki, then they should research & adopt the ancient Hawaiian agricultural system based on "Ahupua'a" instead of claiming their primitive "slash & burn" monoculture agriculture & hunter gatherer lifestyle would not inevitably have led to their extinction if they had not been colonised. I'm not denying that colonization has led to major deforestation & pollution of water sources, but NZ would look like Rapanui now if the pre Euro Maori had continued with their practices.

Doug Longmire said...

it all feels like it is straight out of Monty Pythons “The Life of Brian”.
“But what have the Colonists ever done for us Maori ?
Well apart from, …
• Housing
• Warm clothes and blankets
• Enamel baths
• sustainable farming of crops, sheep, beef, pigs, chickens
• Multiple fruit and vegetable crops
• Soap
• sewerage and water supply
• Metal tools for woodworking
• Metal stoves and fireplaces
• Metal kitchen knives, utensils, plates, cups and saucers.
• Ceramic cooking vessels, water bottles
• Leather shoes
• The Wheel, and wheeled transport
• Written language
• teaching, education,
• a welfare system,
• a health system,
• an organised legal/justice system
• An end to cannibalism and slavery
• electricity systems,
• medicine,
• Music, entertainment
• Also .. technology, refrigeration, tools, science, technology, vegetables, toilet paper, the internet, , financial systems,.,
Apart from those things, the “colonists” have done nothing for the Maori - except pay out billions for the alleged crimes of our fathers, forefathers, forefathers!
All this plus multiple millennia of the best learnings from what was at the time, the most advanced civilisation on earth.

Doug Longmire said...

Well said, Hazel.
Excellent and very informative post.