
Saturday, February 10, 2024

Cam Slater: Is Luxon Going to Sell Us Out?

It appears that Christopher Luxon is going to sell us all out to Maori radicals and agitators. It is very hard not to come to that conclusion, after his dancing on the head of a pin over support for David Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill. It would seem that he has now wedgied himself:

Finally it came without any implicit ifs, buts and maybes attached: a firm statement from Prime Minister Christopher Luxon that National will not support Act’s controversial Treaty Principles Bill into law.

The one line in Act’s coalition agreement committing National to allow it to get to select committee has caused Luxon headaches ever since it was signed and he has finally made it clear that National will not support it beyond that point – even if there is a massive groundswell of public support for it.

He even set his expected date of death for the fraught bill which has not even yet been born: he hopes it will be done and dusted by the end of the year.

While Luxon has consistently said he does not support a referendum, he has repeatedly, and perhaps inadvertently, left a small question mark hanging about whether he might be persuaded to support the bill beyond that point.

He has clearly now decided that avoiding pre-emptively ruling out supporting the bill to spare himself any angst from Act leader David Seymour is simply not worth it. The angst on display at Waitangi as Luxon is trying to build trust among iwi was evidence of that.

So when he was asked if National would consider supporting it if there was overwhelming public support for it in submissions or the select committee, he again said a firm no. Asked if National would consider it if the referendum element was removed, again, a firm no.
NZ Herald

Christopher Luxon is wetter than an otter’s pocket, and it appears that he is going to sell us all out to Maori radicals and agitators.

He’s now wedged himself rather badly, stuck between NZ First and Act, who are going to squeeze his nuts on this issue, especially when polls start coming out showing that this policy initiative is popular.

I can imagine Don Brash and Hobson’s Pledge are salivating about running a Citizens Initiated Referendum on this issue in the lead-up to the next election. Don Brash told me as much in my interview with him on RCR yesterday. Imagine a billboard on the way to Auckland Airport on the route Luxon takes explaining to all and sundry that it looks like Luxon will sell us all out.

If Luxon keeps on being squishy on this issue then he is ensuring that Act and NZ First are going to profit from that, especially Act.

Imagine the outrage amongst his MPs where a robust campaign on this issue may cost some MPs their seats. Act has already shown a willingness to do this, both in Epsom and in Tamaki. They will identify electorates that look like Epsom and Tamaki, older, wealthier and with a decent-sized Asian population. Seats like Upper Harbour, East Coast Bays, North Shore, Pakuranga, and the Prime Minister’s own electorate of Botany.

Labour are crewed in campaigning on this and if Luxon continues to oppose it then he will rightly be labelled as Labour-Lite.

You do have to wonder though just precisely what sort of game Luxon is playing here, allowing something to only get as far as the first stage is kind of pointless, and in the process he insults his coalition partner.

Is Luxon going to sell us out? It sure looks like it.

Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the BFD - where this article was sourced.


DeeM said...

I wouldn't be surprised.
The guy breaks out in a sweat and his legs turn to jelly every time a member of the MSM approaches him. They know they just have to keep barraging him with the R word and he'll bit-by-bit backtrack on his previous statements.
PM's like him don't tend to last long.

Let's hope we get a succession of polls showing an overwhelming majority of NZders support the Bill and a referendum.
What will Luxo do then? Curl up in a ball probably.

Tom Logan said...

Somebody needs to remind Mr Luxon and his band of sycophants that he certainly didn't win the last election on the strength of his personal charisma and magnetism.

As Labour won the 2020 election because of the the voters adulation of Ardern they lost the 2023 election because of the subsequent loathing for her and her party. Even so had it not been for a strong showing from Act and New Zealand First National could have been in the wilderness for a long time yet. And Mr Luxon gone for good.

Recent polls have shown a substantial majority support a formal resolution as to what the Treaty means. And Mr Luxon may well deny that to his substantial detriment.

Peter said...

If he does cop out, he'll seal his fate as one term PM and, like Ardern, he'll be vilified by a significant percentage of the voting public. Instead, of his legacy being of the one who put us 'back on track', history will record his lack of fortitude as resulting in NZ's continuance in a downward, divided, death spiral. Ironic, with his past airline experience, you'd think he'd know better. But voters should've noted his former (slippery) soap background and that the residue can be scum.

Ken S said...

I think that a better headline might have been "When Will Luxon Sell Us Out? That aside, never forget that Willis and Stanford are just as wet as Luxon.
I also note that the latest Curia poll backs up Cams remarks 100%.

Robert Arthur said...

Looks like those bare arsed savages prancing about at Waitangi and flourishig willies acheived what they and most attendees set out to do; totally intimidated policy makers. None of this quaint colonist reasoned logic stuff for once were warriors. Thye will be doing stone age haka and breaking into smothering song in the Parliament gallery next. Clearly Luxon does not entireley trust his bodyguard, or wish to retire to Hawii beyond the average maori nutter.

Anonymous said...

YES he is. Thats why I voted ACT because I knew Luxon was not strong enough.

Chuck Bird said...

"If Luxon keeps on being squishy on this issue then he is ensuring that Act and NZ First are going to profit from that, especially Act."

Cam is half correct. While Act went up NZF went down to 5.0% which is where people wonder if their vote might be wasted.

The Taxpayers Union has Act up 5.6% to 17 seats. I would say a lot of this is due to Act’s Principles or the Treaty Bill.

Anonymous said...

No surprises there then!!

It was our government(s) that created this apartheid, racial division that grew these Iwi corporations, the Maori party, Maori radicals and agitators in the first place, so I can't see our government(s) under this current democratic system, back tracking away from their He Puapua 2040 set agenda.

Our governments since 1970 have all been sell outs as far as the truth around the Treaty of Waitangi is concerned. They do not want to recognize our 1839 and 1840 Royal Charters/Letters Patent, the 1869 official back translation of the 1840 Maori language treaty by Mr T E Young, the 1877 ruling by Chief Justice Prendergast, the law lords 1941 ruling and Busby's 1840 final draft (Littlewood treaty) dated 4th February.

New Zealand, as of 1987, became a free-standing constitutional monarchy whose Parliament has unlimited sovereign power.(Where does that leave 'we the people'?)

Anonymous said...

The debate must be had or the country is stuffed. The brave win the day, not a lot of bravery coming from The Great Luxo.
I think Shane Jones has a far bigger role to play in this issue than maybe even he realises, Winston is up to his eyeballs in foreign affairs.
Going to be an interesting year ahead.

Anonymous said...

Is there not a provision that referendum can be demanded if a significant proportion of the people sign a petition. I think well over 500k would sign such a petition within days and it may well run on from there.
Also Arderns $30B gift for climate change to the UN should also be subject to such an event lets take Luxon out of the loop and by pass his squeamishness.

Anonymous said...

I recall reading articles on this Blog Site -the subject matter being pre -e election , than post election and many comments "posted to specific articles "
made the same comment -

1/- "Luxon is a wet rag"
2/- "Luxon is a one term PM"
3/- " I am waiting to see which National MP decides to create a group to oust him".

My thoughts are that David Seymour needs to starting looking- NOW - for People who can contest an Electorate Seat, train them up and be prepared for the next General Election - because - can I add a thought?? - " that should National fail to Honour the Coalition Agreement, that ACT may 'just' walk a way from it'!

Anonymous said...

Maybe - maybe not.
I have to say it certainly looks that way, Cam.
But as HDPA said on ZB - why would Luxon agree to allow Seymour’s Bill a first reading (with all the attendant debate and “divisiveness”) and just leave it there?
I mean, the country would be split and in an uproar (some say it already is) but for nothing.
Doesn’t make sense.
Is there something we’re missing here? A conscience vote with no obligation on MPs to follow the party line? A secret ballot of MPs?
Or as you say, a Citizens’-Initiated Referendum at the next election, courtesy of Hobson’s Pledge and/or others? Is a government legally obliged to legislate the result of a CIR?
Which-ever path is taken, you can be sure (courtesy of polling trends we’re yet to see) that the country’s views will be well-known well before the term of the current Parliament comes to an end.

Anonymous said...

Luxon has three choices : allow the referendum: implement the referendum principles as indeed taking steps to restore NZ democracy and social identity is why he was voted in: quit.

I have no faith in Luxon and his crew progressively acknowledging’ partnership’ instead of sovereignty.

I do not want to be part of a society where naked genitalia ( and I am not talking ordinary nakedness), threats of death (haka) and utu ( currently represented by the appalling threats of violence from so called Maori elite) not to mention rudeness, bullying and arrogance are the norm.

Anonymous said...

ACT gains a lot by standing up to the Maori revisionists who want a two state solution. Firstly, they get more voters. Secondly, they get more donors.

Today I received an email from ACT asking for donations for this specific issue. I obliged - it was my first donation to them but I would be happy to donate again for this issue.

I'm sure there are some people with deep pockets who will donate generously.

Fred H. said...

As mentioned before, National needs to oust Luxon as PM before the electorate ousts National from Government. Luxon is carrying on just where he left off at Air New Zealand -- a wet, woke, wimp. National, your only chance is to replace Luxon with someone who is willing to implement what the electors voted you to do.

Basil Walker said...

Hold it for a moment NZers,
Take a breath and read the Coalition Agreement of National & NZ Firstand ACT.
The NZF Coaliion Agreement is :
!5H - Pro Democracy - Upholding the principles of liberal democracy , includes equal citizenship , Parliamtentary sovereignty, the rule of law and property rights especially with respect to to interpreting the Treaty of Waitangi

The Coalition Government will defend the principle that NZer's are equal before the law etc .

The Coalition Government will work to improve outcomes for all NZer' and will NOT ( my emphasis) advance policies that will seek different rights and responsibilities to NZer's on the basis of their race or ancestry.
!6. The Parties will work together and in good faith reach agreement on specific policy and legislative initiatives where NOT (my emphasis) specifically agreed in this Coalition Agreement or the National & ACT Coaltion agreement .

Mr Luxon has to define what he uses as thow away line : ie Zero Carbon , Partnership , or the above as NZ will demand he goes back to being a soap representative .

Mr Luxonn has to show he has more spine than former Mr Muller and state unequivacably I retract saying that National will not support ACT or resign and join Jacinda and Mallard as lame ducks .

Anonymous said...

The Electoral Commission recommended the future of the Māori seats should be decided by a referendum with a vote of more than 75% saying they should be abolished. This could be “the rabbit” Luxon will pull out of the hat to divert attention away from Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill. My view is both be on the ballot paper when National call a snap Election!!

Kay O'Lacey said...

"Christopher Luxon is wetter than an otter’s pocket" says it all, really. Love it!