
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Chris Lynch chats to Winston Peters about the Covid-19 inquiry

New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters has blasted ‘legacy’ media for gaslighting the public and burying a significant COVID-19 inquiry update.

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On Tuesday, Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden announced there would be a second phase to the Royal Commission, featuring new commissioners and an expanded terms of reference. This phase will focus on ongoing public concerns, including vaccine efficacy and safety, the extended lockdowns in Auckland and Northland, and the disruption to New Zealanders’ health, education, and businesses.

Although Auckland-based media covered the announcement, the stories were buried online.

Winston Peters told that the mainstream media had been “duplicitous.”

“The mainstream media haven’t even covered this matter in today’s Herald and Dom Post. No mention at all,” he said.

“This is being shut down or gaslit by the mainstream media, who were complicit in the extreme.” Peters doubted the media was doing any soul-searching.

“I don’t think so. And watching TV One last night that never even covered this issue – it tells me these people are doubling down in their arrogance, and they think they’re going to get away with it,” he said.

“That’s the reason why they’re dying because the people know that this is not a place where you’ll find both sides of the story if you go to the mainstream media.”

Peters also said that Dame Jacinda Ardern should be made to publicly front up at the COVID-19 inquiry but doubted she would.

In the interview, Peters said he never speaks to Ardern and they don’t talk to each other.

Winston Peters is the Deputy Prime Minister (Until 31 May 2025), Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister for Racing. He has worked as a primary and secondary school teacher and has practised as a Barrister and Solicitor, including in his own law firm.


Anonymous said...

With this we can expect to see an increasing level of panic and desperation from those implicit in the great Covid deception. How wonderful. Everyone needs to hold the govts feet to the fire for as long as it takes to get to the unvarnished truth. Thanks Winston. Without your efforts any honest investigation would likely be impossible.

Anonymous said...

With this we can expect to see an increasing level of panic and desperation from those implicit in the great Covid deception. How wonderful. Everyone needs to hold the govts feet to the fire for as long as it takes to get to the unvarnished truth. Thanks Winston. Without your efforts any honest investigation would likely be impossible.

Anonymous said...

An enquiry that doesn't end until 2026 is unacceptable. The statistical evidence shows that there was no pandemic.

"We can discuss everything except the numbers", former French Minister of Health Olivier Véran once said.

After three years spent collecting and analyzing virtually all the figures concerning the Covid 19 crisis from French and international organizations, statistician Pierre Chaillot can confirm the opposite: we need to discuss everything, and especially the numbers.

Particularly those that political and medical leaders deliberately chose not to quote, because they risked causing the official story to collapse.

In his book "Covid 19: Decoding Official Data" Pierre Chaillot presents the results of these analyses. The data he cites are all sourced, his calculations are entirely open to consultation on his website, and his hypotheses have been discussed and reviewed by specialists in statistics, computer science, mathematics and epidemiology. His findings are astounding. Mortality, hospitalizations, tests, vaccine effectiveness, side effects, nothing stands up to the ordered confrontation of all the data, and before the eyes of the appalled reader, the propaganda collapses.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Winston for standing up to this abominable scam that has ruined the lives of multi thousands of NZders and millions world wide.