
Thursday, June 27, 2024

Winston Peters: Support for Maori Ward referendum

On Monday a poll was released that was conducted by polling company Curia Market Research on the issue of Māori Wards.

What may come as a shock to the out-of-touch dictators on the left, it showed that 58% of people believe that it should be the local ratepayers that decide on Māori Wards by a referendum, not councils.

Ironically, it showed 67% of Māori Party supporters and 51% of Labour Party supporters think it should be up to the locals voting in a referendum too.

What will not come as a shock is that not one single mainstream media outlet decided to report on this poll.

Curia Market Research, the same polling company that media decide to publish and report on for the political party vote polling they do every month.

Is the Māori Ward poll they didn’t report on highly topical? Yes.

Is the Māori Ward poll they didn’t report on of public interest? Yes.

Is the Māori Ward poll they didn’t report on currently highly politically relevant? Yes.

Is the Māori Ward poll they didn’t report on aligned with their woke media narrative? No.

Riddle me that.

This is organised mainstream media censorship.

Winston Peters is the Deputy Prime Minister (Until 31 May 2025), Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister for Racing. He has worked as a primary and secondary school teacher and has practised as a Barrister and Solicitor, including in his own law firm. This article was first published HERE


Anonymous said...

And nothing more than we have come to accept from a media still aligned to Labour and it’s $55 million bribe!

Anonymous said...

Winston, keep up the great work highlighting how biased and therefore politically corrupt our media are with their agenda.

However, I feel that the majority almost know that our media are far left, so it's actually your problem Winston. That's right, it's more your problem! You are in a position of power. I'm calling on you to halt their funding immediately. I want an unbiased fair media, but that will probably never happen in this country.

Anonymous said...

Please defund those woke biased media outlets then.

Anonymous said...

Once again, Winston is absolutely correct - when is our 4th estate going to wake up and do its job without the stupid woke bias?
On the other point of the Maori wards and now the select committee has ended this is a repeat of a previous comment submitted:
"Regarding the Māori wards bill, it would seem that the timescales are still as proposed in the original bill. What a travesty, Maori wards will continue to be imposed on an unwilling populace until 2028 if obdurate councils so choose. By then, we could have Labour et al back in the driving seat with their pedal to the metal on He Puapua and full tribal rule - oh joy! Mahuta killed democracy regarding the Maori wards with extreme haste under urgency and the current coalition should have extinguished it with the same level of haste. They have failed NZ."
Maybe this can be rectified by amendment when the bill goes back to the floor of Parliament?

Anonymous said...

How about the same referendum on the racist Parliamentary Māori seats?

Get rid of them, get rid of the race-baiting Te Pati Mokomai.

They stand an icicle’s hope in Hell of gaining a General Seat or cracking 5 percent of the Party Vote on their political merits.

robert Arthur said...

What astonishes me is the number in favour of council decided wards. The msm does not adequately make known the contrary obstructive potential of maori for maori wards. Already maori exert huge influence on the adoption of despised complex taxing to remember and to most meaningless names for streets, parks etc. Council policies are already loaded with pandering to maori in employment, (paid) consultation, management, contracts. With ward members motivated only by mana seeking and selfish maori interest, and with enhanced ability to wield cancellation, numerous maori wards will prove a disaster when fully established and with more prudent maori no longer seeing need to exhibit reserve.

Anonymous said...

RE: Anon 8.00 AM. One has to ask if the National component of the coalition have any real intention to roll back Mahuta's trashing of democracy with the Maori wards? The timescales in the bill would be laughable if it were not so serious. Come on PM Luxon/National show your metal, step up and put this wrong to rights immediately (if not sooner). As it stands, this bill is simply a whitewash drafted and designed by public servants to delay the implementation until Labour pops back into power and continues its trashing of our once proud democracy. It needs the parliament to see through this and amend the bill accordingly - will they? hmm not holding our breath.

Peter said...

Entirely agree with Winston and all the above comments.

It's time to defund and sell our legacy media, so they can wake up and make their own way in the world. I'm sick of their quite unbalanced, leftist, woke narrative.

Anonymous said...

Why do the people of this country continue to support a woke very biased media?
About time all government funding and advertising was pulled from all media, include the millions that go into Maori Television and the millions that go into funding Maori radio stations. We have better things to spend these hundreds of millions on.

dvrmcc said...

Keep the pressure on Winston we all support you. considering the amount of seats you managed to get you and your party sure punching above your weight.