Rumours in Wellington are that Chris Bishop has 20 of caucus behind him, meaning he only needs four more to roll Luxon.
Extensive reporting efforts have been unable to confirm this – mainly because no one actually likes Chris Bishop in caucus. The thought that he could get 20 votes lined up before the coup is really on is likely to be a malicious rumour.
If Scott Simpson or Todd McClay are doing the numbers for someone else, it is exactly the kind of rumour they would start, but it appears the rumour was actually started from the Wellington left, who really, really, hate Nicola Willis. They will do anything to stop her being leader.
There are other factors that make Bishop’s attempt on the leadership at the moment highly unlikely. Bishop is not blessed with a face that the camera is kind to, he has a terrible faux-Boris haircut and he is carrying a few extra pounds. His shabby chic wardrobe seems to channel an inner Worzel Gummidge that sneaks through despite the best efforts of Bishop to look prime ministerial.
A Bishop leadership bid would have been demonstrated by a decent hair cut, a serious exercise regime shared on social media and a queer-eye type to refresh his wardrobe. None of this has happened.
So, Bishop may be doing the numbers, but the indications are he is not.
Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the GoodOil - where this article was sourced.
There are other factors that make Bishop’s attempt on the leadership at the moment highly unlikely. Bishop is not blessed with a face that the camera is kind to, he has a terrible faux-Boris haircut and he is carrying a few extra pounds. His shabby chic wardrobe seems to channel an inner Worzel Gummidge that sneaks through despite the best efforts of Bishop to look prime ministerial.
A Bishop leadership bid would have been demonstrated by a decent hair cut, a serious exercise regime shared on social media and a queer-eye type to refresh his wardrobe. None of this has happened.
So, Bishop may be doing the numbers, but the indications are he is not.
Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the GoodOil - where this article was sourced.
Cam's secret source of information is......
If one reads this posted comment and others of recent days, from same author, with the story lines being " roll Luxon ", if true then it shows how shallow the current duly elected members of The National Party are. BUT (always that but) - if what said author states, this is nothing new to The National Party, who have a history & track record of doing the same thing.
Jenny Shipley is a name that comes to mind - she of the Mainzeal $35 million monetary loss which there has been no Legal solution to that incident.
Sadly, the author (by his own past admission) has a vindictive issue, relating to past history with National, that those who know, will undoubtably say, that any ' current finger pointing ' is part of that past issue.
I contend that The Nats know they have issues, one would be a lack of ' team work ' an inability to work with ACT and allowing NZ First ' free reign ' on all matters, led by a Gent who of our past political times had an issue with The National Party himself (Bolger sent him into the dark at the Green Parrot Cafe - now closed - I wonder where he eats now?)- cue the election of Helen Clark - and how he ' stepped to the left '.
So do we have a Govt who has an inability to Govern, if one reads ' the tea leaves ' - (aka social media postings, comments posted under NZ origin media/commentary postings on YouTube) - should we have a sudden GE, me thinks that National might have issues with creating a government.
Heaven help us if Chippy gets back in with his lack luster lot.
If anyone is going to be rolled it would be imperative to actually have a candidate who would be able to shift/improve the status quo. Now, I have to ask, is there such an animal? Not within National from where I sit.
Looks like he has intervied his typewriter to me
The most dispiriting aspect is that, if they get rid of Luxon, who will replace him? I have no time for Luxon, but nor do I think that anyone else in the National Party has what it takes. What is required is taking the country by the scruff of the neck and radically change course. And I mostly mean social change, not economic, the latter having become the only area of allowable debate (and even then, only at the edges) with the former now a domain of non-negotiable dogmas, despite the disastrous effects.
If a leader is sufficiently charismatic and convincing, people will follow. That is human nature. After a long succession of anodyne middle-manager types (which is precisely who must head "liberal democracies," not despite, but actually because, they have no will or ability to change anything)
'Get boosted' Bishop would be a crazy move and his idea that growth is to increase New Zealands population to 10 million is idiotic.
Mr Bishop told a National Party meeting in an Auckland constituency sone 3 years ago that " noone was worried about co-governance" .....
What he really meant was that no-one that matters to him was worried about co-governance
Cam , Perhaps the numbers are in Months not MP's. David Seymour will be Deputy PM in months , Winston is excellent with foreign affairs and Luxon can step aside for family reasons and the Treaty Principles Bill will continue to referendum and NZF introduce the Waitangi Bill which will pass . The public will be assured that the reasons the coalition was installed is being taken care of as we move towards the next election which will be without the Maori seats .
Like Biden, Luxon’s longevity will be due to horror of the replacement. Bishop is at least as woke as Luxon, as is Willis and Dooley. Their complete lack of testicular fortitude really concerns me, as does their elitist attitude that they don’t have to respond to what the people want. An interesting observation regarding Trump is that he is concentrating on the 80/20 stuff, with his policies reflecting what the sizeable majority want. He (currently) stays away from policy areas that are more 50/50. Nation would do well to respond to what the people across all parties want, and no where is this more obvious than the Treaty bill.
Vilfredo Pareto would be heartened to see that the Principle he is credited with is being put to such great use. Luxon would do well to read up on it and then apply same to NZ. His time to make a meaningful mark on the social (and economic) profile of NZ is running out, so dropping his elitist attitude, grasping the real nettle of separatism and racial division plus dealing with the Maori gravy train would be a good start.
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