
Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Bob Brockie: Dolce Vita

Bob Brockie's take on blissfully unaware Kiwis as the Maori sovereignty agenda rolls in......

Bob Brockie MNZM is a New Zealand cartoonist, scientist, columnist and graphic artist. He was an editorial cartoonist for the National Business Review from 1975 to 2018, specialising in political satire. This cartoon was published HERE


Robert Arthur said...

Presumably not reprinted from the legacy msm. The sort of cartoon National/Act/NZ First should now be swamping all media with. The situation might then become apparent to the ordinary citizen, isolated or who isoate themselves from current objective information and developments.

Anonymous said...

Co- Governance by VETO and Tribalism by COUP.

Anonymous said...

One picture says 1000 words.

Anonymous said...

Imagine if someone were to crowdfund this art as huge posters and have them put up on skyscraper sides, in main streets and airport lounges all over NZ. What do you (any of you) think would happen? It would give me great joy, enough to make me cry. Free tissues at airports?

Kiwialan said...

Couldn't be 1000 words if it was Maori Te Reo before the missionaries invented the written language; they only had 4 to 700 according to most historic research. Kiwialan.

Erica said...

Are these the baby boomers who had the best of NZ's education, social welfare and prosperity, invested in a couple of properties which they have recently sold
and are now millionaires and live out the rest of their shallow lives going on cruises? No social conscience at all and still read SMS focusing on the garden, home decorating ,food ,crossword and sports pages.,but so smug and self satisfied. Yuk !

mudbayripper said...

I think you're missing the point Erica.
The cartoon isn't a depiction of smug baby boomers.
The message is trying to demonstrate that we are all being lied to and kept in the dark.
That means you as well.