
Monday, June 12, 2023

Bob Jones: The cell-phone addiction

Well-known Christchurch identity Reg Garters sent me the enclosed set of photos, some I’ve seen before.

The cell-phone addiction is now a major issue, leading as it has to spell-binding stupidity. Fortunately, there’s action being taken as governments and individual schools increasingly are banning them.

The latest such report was from Ireland in which a small town’s parents met and all agreed not to allow their off-spring one until they’re 15. This overcame the problem of being a cell-phone pariah.

Mind you, in an ideal world, only 70 year olds should own them. The boost to efficiency would be enormous.

Sir Bob Jones is a renowned author, columnist , property investor, and former politician, who blogs at No Punches Pulled HERE.


Brian said...

I`m in the Pathlab waiting room for a blood test.There`s 6 of us.I`m the only one not staring into a cellphone.
Sad but true.

Anonymous said...

Now cover each of these faces with the faceless black mask that is the new Apple Vision Pro, and you have the dystopian future we sort of knew was coming, already here.

Anonymous said...

To Brian -

Are you sure they are not 'reading their test results, that the Lab said they would text, and supply follow up info/gen as to what to do next - that is - "once you have read this message and accompanying info, you can go home".

From Someone who 'feels like you".