
Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Clive Bibby: Coalition of the willing

At my time of life, there is no longer the luxury of being able to pursue personal (mainly physical) objectives that have been on the bucket list for years but still remain as works in progress. 

Because of the limitations associated with declining health, there are few challenges left that are realistic possibilities. 

Consequently, in order to satisfy a lifelong desire to continue contributing to society in a meaningful way, I must concentrate my efforts on goals that are achievable even if the grim reaper allows me a few more years but with conditions.

There is no point in attempting to change the world in areas that have already been high jacked by the corrupt politicians or self appointed champions of our fragile democracy. 

Far better to join forces with those who want the same things for their grandchildren and are willing to do what it takes to make it happen. That shouldn’t be difficult - or is it! 

Just for arguments sake, let’s make a short list of things that most kiwis hold dear and then see if there is a silent majority who would join such a movement to force change - I’m not talking about joining a political party where policies are based on partisan preferences. Instead I am suggesting that we organise a coalition of the willing where the only requirement for entry is a commitment to the following simple achievable objectives. 

* a truly egalitarian society where access to equal opportunities are available to everyone irrespective of ethnic origin, gender, religious or sexual preference or position on the social ladder.

* a society where respect for the law is non negotiable and where changes to the laws that govern us remain as the responsibility of the highest Court in the land - our Parliament. 

* a society where a single vote has equal value and where the right to exercise that vote either at Local community or National level is considered a privilege and a duty. 

* a society that seeks to unify people of different cultures and backgrounds, respecting their individual contributions to a multi cultural society where we share the natural and human resources equally in the best interests of us all. 

That just about covers it. 

So, what do we have as a blue print for progress towards that utopian dream. 

On paper every one of those achievable objectives would seemingly sit well with all but the radical pressure groups who currently have far too much influence on what we have become rather than what we could become. 

It isn’t hard to identify the groups who are restricting and stalling our acceptable growth prospects simply because we have lazily indulged their greed to a point where we have lost control of the long term plans that are capable of leading us to the promised land. We no longer sit at the decision making table. And we only have ourselves to blame. 

It’s called “ APATHY”. 

Unfortunately time is running out for those who want to redress the balance.

This next election provides the opportunity to change direction and embark on a revitalised evolution where anything is possible as long as it is not happening at someone else’s expense.
Let’s do it!

Clive Bibby is a commentator, consultant, farmer and community leader, who lives in Tolaga Bay.


MPHW said...

I like it. I would sign up to all your principles.

BRIAN said...

Well done Clive,I agree 100%.
Its really going back to old school NZ which worked OK imho.
Re item 2 - Parliament responsible for law changes, yes I agree but not this bunch of crooks we have at the moment. They have to go, so remember folks DO NOT VOTE LABOUR GREEN OR MAORI they`re all a bunch of traitorist fizzwhistlers.I feel that your average kiwi whatever nationality is not happy with where the country is heading.So shake off your APATHY do some research on this current governments policys and vote them out.
Lets get the job done in October.

Anonymous said...

Very well said Clive it sounds very much how it was when we grew up.The only thing stopping you from achieving your goals was if you didnt have any. Every one was treated the same, colour ,religion, belief's didnt come into it, but most of all we respected our elders and people in authority and they also respected us and encouraged us.The Big Greed and entitlement will be the hardest to overcome, but's lets try.

mudbayripper said...

I'm already a member of this club. No one is put on this earth to serve the needs of another, who is capable of doing the work themselves. There is but one exception, a parents duty to care for and to guide the next generation to respect and live by those same values.
Oh! And to make sure my pension is in my bank account every 2 weeks.

Anonymous said...

It seems that I have been waiting for the coming election for a very long time.
Who can save us is the question?
Maybe I will vote for Winston.

Terry morrissey said...

Yep, I know just the way you feel Clive.
Almost sounds like Utopia now, but it was just the way of life before Teddy Boys, Hippies and gangs. When every young man was required to do compulsory military training, learned about discipline and self discipline,respect and physical labour, personal hygiene and self respect. If you stepped out of line a bit of barrackroom justice was imposed to get you back on the straight and narrow. Cant see that working on the present wilting violets somehow. Just need to look at what is in parliament at the moment with maybe one or two exceptions.

ihcpcoro said...
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pdm said...

I am in Clive and I am taking the liberty of re posting at No Minister.

Keep up the good work and watch that health - we need you around a lot longer.
Bob Foster taught you well.

Anonymous said...

i always thought that apathy was the problem with kiwis until a long time migrant (30yrs resident) said to me that kiwis were politically ignorant.i was a bit taken aback but on reflection i think he was right.just a thought.