
Monday, August 21, 2023

Hugh Perrett: The Government Must be Stopped!

The Government’s activist-driven drive towards separatism and a Maori dominated neo-apartheid political structure must be stopped right now.

Like many other New Zealanders I am more than concerned at what this Government is about, especially as NONE of their ideologically-driven intentions - now actions - were disclosed during the 2020 election campaign, which makes them not only fraudulent (by omission), but totally without mandate and treacherous in the extreme.

I am quite sure that if they had disclosed their intentions, they would NOT have been elected into office. The fact is that this Government has been totally captured by the Maori activists in its caucus, whose sole interest is clearly Maori “rule” and wealth-generation through effective legally-entitled control/“ownership“ of New Zealand’s wealth generating resources and natural assets.

This of course would mean the end of our democratic system and democracy in favour of a Maori-dominated neo-apartheid governance structure — and structurally, there is nothing more a direct antithesis of democracy than the autocratic structure characteristic of typical tribal organisations and authority structures, wherever they are.

We would have circa 16 percent of the population maximum (Maori) being LEGALLY ENTITLED to control the other 84 percent of us and tell us what we can and cannot do — in practice the politically active Maori-activists and tribal-elite-activists and their cronies, almost certainly account for fewer than 1 to 2 percent of the population. That means then, fewer than 1 or 2 percent of the population telling the other 99 percent of us what we can and cannot do. NO WAY!!

Nanaiah Mahuta is an excellent and typical example of what would seem to be total abuse of the privilege, power, responsibility, objectivity and integrity normally associated with and expected of one in her position/office. Her indulgence in family and tribal nepotism, for which she has recently been exposed, in unswerving pursuit of her own, her family’s and tribal self-interests, in my view means she has disqualified herself from holding Cabinet office and she must be relieved of her portfolios. In any event she is clearly not interested in the Foreign Affairs portfolio and is not competent to discharge her responsibilities under it.

There is a widely held view too that of the activists in caucus - and the Maori tribal-elite activists - few, if any, would have more than 1/8th Maori blood, and many/most would have considerably less. On this basis, it can very reasonably be argued they are not really Maori at all. Certainly not predominantly Maori. But Maori only “by choice” - and for convenience. Convenience regarding the opportunity at hand, and while it is there within their grasp — to fraudulently create and manage/ control situations such as Three Waters, for their own ends, namely to “steal” from Councils/ ratepayers, community-owned/controlled assets and governance-control of “community-owned” natural resources — and replace them with Maori tribal-ownership, governance-control/rule — for future exploitation and huge Maori/tribal enrichment to the direct cost of/at the expense of all us other New Zealanders. Again — NO WAY.

It is clear, I believe, that these Maori “by choice and not by bloodline”-activists, are involved in a huge attempted governance and asset/wealth grab/rort in favour of Maori, but essentially themselves, at the expense of and to the total detriment of all the rest of us (anything from 84 percent to circa 98/99 percent of the population) while they have the opportunity and time is still available to them.

This Government’s activist-driven drive towards a Maori-dominated neo-apartheid political structure, cannot be allowed to continue. We must not just stand by and watch our democratic structure and democracy be overridden and destroyed — particularly by a group of in-caucus-activists driven solely by self-interest and totally, deliberately and fraudulently misrepresenting and misinterpreting the Treaty of Waitangi in an attempt to justify what they are about.

What we are seeing and being subjected to is a TOTAL abuse of the privilege, power, objective-responsibility and trust and integrity inherent in and expected of those in Parliamentary office. Particularly galling is the fact that it has all been fraudulently sprung on us, following the election, without notice. It is treachery at its very worst — and it must be stopped.

Hugh Perrett, a member of the New Zealand Business Hall of Fame, is the former managing director of Foodstuffs and founder of the Pak n' Save discount grocery chain. This article was originally published HERE, 8June 2022


Anonymous said...

The man responsible for creating "Principles and Partnership" and the TOW Amendment Act, after realizing his mistake owing to the Richard Hill's report into full and final settlements in the 1930's/40's and the discovery of the Littlewood final draft document, said on his way out the door;

"It is true the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975 and all the other statutes, which give explicit recognition to the treaty are not entrenched. They can be swept away by a simple majority in Parliament".

That would be the democratic way if you still believe we have a democracy and conservative parties?

Anonymous said...

Agreed. But how?

Anonymous said...

How you say? All political parties are putting out their manifestos, policy documents and stupid ideas right now. The only two who have openly said they will take action against tribal government in NZ are ACT and NZ First. So take your pick! It doesn't get easier than that. But you need to find out how they differ and what you support. If you vote for Labour or National we will get more of the same as the last 30 years where things are getting worse and worse.

Anonymous said...

@MC And you think NZ First will behave any different to how they have behaved in the past and where is their succession? While I do have some time for Ms Costello, her leader's past missteps and attraction for the baubles in my book reduces our choices to only one.

I'd sooner back a certainty in ACT any day of the week and the more support they muster the better, for the invertebrates (Luxon and Willis) will need reining-in and considerable backbone. If you think +/-5% will do it, good luck to you, but heaven help the rest of us. Vote wisely.