
Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Hugh Perrett: The Government Must be Stopped!

The Government’s activist-driven drive towards separatism and a Maori dominated neo-apartheid political structure must be stopped right now.

Like many other New Zealanders I am more than concerned at what this Government is about, especially as NONE of their ideologically-driven intentions - now actions - were  disclosed during the 2020 election campaign, which makes them not only fraudulent (by omission), but totally without mandate and treacherous in the extreme.

I am quite sure that if they had disclosed their intentions, they would NOT have been elected into office. The fact is that this Government has been totally captured by the Maori activists in its caucus, whose sole interest is clearly Maori “rule” and wealth-generation through effective legally-entitled control/“ownership“ of New Zealand’s wealth generating resources and natural assets.

This of course would mean the end of our democratic system and democracy in favour of a Maori-dominated neo-apartheid governance structure — and structurally, there is nothing more a direct antithesis of democracy than the autocratic structure characteristic of typical tribal organisations and authority structures, wherever they are.

We would have circa 16 percent of the population maximum (Maori) being LEGALLY ENTITLED to control the other 84 percent of us and tell us what we can and cannot do — in practice the politically active Maori-activists and tribal-elite-activists and their cronies, almost certainly account for fewer than 1 to 2 percent of the population. That means then, fewer than 1 or 2 percent of the population telling the other 99 percent of us what we can and cannot do. NO WAY!!

Nanaiah Mahuta is an excellent and typical example of what would seem to be total abuse of the privilege,  power, responsibility, objectivity and integrity normally associated with and expected of one in her position/office.  Her indulgence in family and tribal nepotism, for which she has recently been exposed, in unswerving pursuit of her own, her family’s and tribal self-interests, in my view means she has disqualified herself from holding Cabinet office and she must be relieved of her portfolios. In any event she is clearly not interested in the Foreign Affairs portfolio and is not competent to discharge her responsibilities under it. 

There is a widely held view too that of the activists in caucus - and the Maori tribal-elite activists - few, if any, would have more than 1/8th Maori blood, and many/most would have considerably less. On this basis, it can very reasonably be argued they are not really Maori at all. Certainly not predominantly Maori. But Maori only “by choice” - and for convenience. Convenience regarding the opportunity at hand, and while it is there within their grasp — to fraudulently create and manage/ control situations such as Three Waters, for their own ends, namely to “steal” from Councils/ ratepayers, community-owned/controlled assets and governance-control of “community-owned” natural resources — and replace them with Maori tribal-ownership, governance-control/rule — for future exploitation and huge Maori/tribal enrichment to the direct cost of/at the expense of all us other New Zealanders. Again — NO WAY. 

It is clear, I believe, that these Maori “by choice and not by bloodline”-activists, are involved in a huge attempted governance and asset/wealth  grab/rort in favour of Maori, but essentially themselves,  at the expense of and to the total detriment of all the rest of us (anything from 84 percent to circa 98/99 percent of the population) while they have the opportunity and time is still available to them. 

This Government’s activist-driven drive towards a Maori-dominated neo-apartheid political structure, cannot be allowed to continue. We must not just stand by and watch our democratic structure and democracy be overridden and destroyed — particularly by a group of in-caucus-activists driven solely by self-interest and totally, deliberately and fraudulently misrepresenting and misinterpreting the Treaty of Waitangi  in an attempt to justify what they are about.

What we are seeing and being subjected to is a TOTAL abuse of the privilege, power, objective-responsibility and trust and integrity inherent in and expected of those in Parliamentary office. Particularly galling is the fact that it has all been fraudulently sprung on us, following the election, without notice. It is treachery at its very worst — and it must be stopped.

Hugh Perrett, a member of the New Zealand Business Hall of Fame, is the former managing director of Foodstuffs and founder of the Pak n' Save discount grocery chain.


Anna Mouse said...

Mr. Perrett for a government (in name only) to say they will be the most open, honest and transparent anyone has ever seen they do a great job of being the complete opposite with a leader who states she can be a politician without lying and yet lies to the country constantly.

IMO this is a very hostile takeover and it has been called a coup d'etat before.

No mandate, no manifesto. Policy hidden, never discussed. To me that is a treason to our democracy and it will not be forgetten nor fogiven by New Zealanders who believe in freedom of thought, speech, choice and above all our globally respected liberal democracy.

An oligarchic etho-centric tribalised apartheid state is doomed to fail because we have all been born and brought up in a true democracy and the citizens can tell the difference.

When you read the comments from very left commentators like Bradbury and Trotter wondering what the government is doing to New Zealand you understand instantly there is a fundamental disfunction and they can see it too.

Let us hope that failure does not bring ruin to New Zealand.

DeeM said...

Entirely agree Hugh. It must be stopped. Have you got any good ideas of how to stop it exactly?
We can all work out the first step - vote to ensure a National-ACT coalition government is elected in 2023.

But that won't stop it, it will only pause it. National are largely woke, as is their non-entity of a leader, and I believe they actively support some of the Maori Caucus' demands.
National will largely leave all the racist measures taken to date in place so that when the next Left-wing government comes along - and it will - they'll happily pick up the reins pretty much from where they left off.
Why do you think He Puapua targets 2040 as the date for co-governance. They know they won't do it all in one session. But they also know National are too weak and directionless to back-out their racist laws and policies.

The real problem here is National. That's what needs fixed. ACT are making all the right noises and promising all the right things but as the junior coalition partner they will have limited say.
So Hugh - how do we fix National?

gjsharpe57 said...

What needs to be done is for every to vote National as their local MP and ACT on the list. Simple but effective.

Mudbayripper said...

Simple really. Assuming David Seymour stays true to his word.
The 85% vote Act at the 2023 elections. Job done.
Although anything could happen between now and then.

RogerF said...

"What we are seeing and being subjected to is a TOTAL abuse of the privilege, power, objective-responsibility and trust and integrity inherent in and expected of those in Parliamentary office."

Without beating around the bush, what we are seeing is a full-blown COUP!

A coup assisted and sycophantically supported by a compliant media. A media who sold their soul for a dollar. A media that has become nothing more than a shill for a government that no longer represents the people. A media that is no longer independent. A media willing to hide the truth.

The opposition parties should stage a complete withdrawal from parliament. Their current presence provides no defence against a government hell bent on creating a tribal based neo-aparthied state.

This is not a coup based on the signing of a treaty between the Queen of England and the Maori. It is a coup deliberately designed to strip the right of 85% of 'other' New Zealanders of their right to be considered as equals in a country they now call home!

another man said...

National have the Tow front and centre of their Constitution.
They state the TOW is the founding document of New Zealand.

Remember the Tow was about Maori ceding their Sovereignty to Queen Victoria forever, and getting British Citizenship for it, not New Zealand.
Which effectively ended Maori Slavery...

Please don't expect National to stand up to what is essentially Maori Apartheid.
They signed the UNDIP with Maori NOT even Indigenous as they can Name the 7 Waka they came to New Zealand in.

Anonymous said...

National will stay on the same path but more slowly get rid of all and vote new nation party

Brenda Dalton said...

Why is the Cabinet Manual rules in sections 2.64, 2.65, 2.66 and 2.67 not being enforced. These rules are to stop conflict of interest leading to personal gain to Maori caucus and relatives being put into positions of power. As a result of this nepotism the tribal Iwi,elite now run multimillion dollar businesses and corporations paying little or no tax with huge preferences over other businesses and organizations. Worse still returning Kiwis with much needed skills are assessing this corruption and nepotism and deciding they are not donating their hard earned tax dollars to tribalism and Maori Iwi/elite. They are bolting out of our doomed country once they realize democracy is being replaced by tribalism. Please enforce these Cabinet Manual rules before it is too late.

Martin L said...

Martin L

Well said Hugh we have to stop this madness
They are most dishonest and hypocritical government we have seen

Geoffrey said...

i very much agree with what you have to say but like DeeM I am looking for a solution. I dont see that in National either

Helen Weston said...

What would it take to get a vote of no confidence in every member of the Labour Government? Surely our Governor-General who is supposed to represent the Queen, must know what the Govt is doing and should be able to offer some advice? Or am I being too naive!!

Anonymous said...

Gjsharpe 57 has the fix

MikeF said...

Seems to me arguments are conveniently being constructed around legal (mis)interpretations which conveniently bypass basic principles. We need to go back to principles, for example Commonwealth declaration and we will ensure fairness and equality for all in a democratic way.

mike said...

I keep saying this but no one in a position of power seems to want to stick their head up. Why can't the Governor General be asked/persuaded to disband the present government and call for a general election.
The Governor General is supposed to be the Queens Representative and so has the authority to do this.
It's been done before in Australia in 1975.

Don said...

The Labour party has abandoned truth and is acting on a fantasy based on fake history and a false interpretation of the Treaty which dates to late last century when radical activists invented it. Although I have always been a Labour supporter and have not left Labour I find Labour has left me. A sad state to reach in my 90th decade.

Kevin Stone said...

Completely agree with what is being said High.
However you have not mentioned about one person and Political Party that has been saying all the situations that we are talking about now.
He will be back come next ELECTION.
Just be patient.

Majority said...

Gjsharpe 57 commented:
"What needs to be done is for every to vote National as their local MP and ACT on the list. Simple but effective."

Exactly. But what's Plan B?

Well, Brenda Dalton commented:
"They are bolting out of our doomed country..."

As will we.

Rob Allen said...

Lets all vote for a complete change for the betterment for all -drain the swamp and vote New Nation Party otherwise we will continue on the same corrupt gravytrain journey.