
Friday, June 21, 2024

Breaking Views Update: Week of 16.6.24

Friday June 21, 2024 

Government funding Māori business success

The Coalition Government is supporting Māori to boost development and the Māori economy through investment in projects that benefit the regions, Regional Development Minister Shane Jones and Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka say.

“That’s why we are pleased to share that the Government has agreed to commit about $20 million for projects to support iwi, hapū and Māori businesses.”

A total of $3.7m has been reprioritised from PGF funds for the Regional Development portfolio to support Māori development, Māori tourism and Māori agribusiness.

“A total of $3.1m has been provided to the Tapuae Roa Taranaki Crossing project, to help Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa realise iwi aspirations by developing the North Taranaki Visitor Centre. This investment will enable Te Atiawa to own and operate a special tourism asset while providing the cultural narrative of the maunga,” Mr Potaka says.

Through Te Haumanu o Te Kapua project, Nga Hua o Ngāti Pukenga in Bay of Plenty received an additional $600,000 which enabled them to turn underutilised whenua Māori into a high-value gold kiwifruit orchard, as well as restoring wetlands and protecting a pā site. This investment was crucial to accelerating the project and make it more financially viable, as well as providing employment.

Another $16.1 million has been approved through the North Island Weather Event Primary Producer Scheme to three whānau businesses. Miro - Meihana Koata in Bay of Plenty; Ngāi Tukairangi in Hawke’s Bay, and Torere Macadamias in Bay of Plenty are being supported to restore their horticultural assets after the cyclones last year. These are crucial regional horticulture businesses that employ and support many local Māori.....
See full article HERE

Shane Jones Corporate Welfare Gravy Train Has Left The Station
The Taxpayers’ Union is slamming today’s announcement of further corporate welfare from Regional Development Minister Shane Jones who announced $20 million in handouts to iwi, hapū and Māori businesses.

Taxpayers’ Union Campaigns Manager, Connor Molloy, said:

“The $3.1 million for a visitor centre in Taranaki does nothing except shift funds to less productive areas of the economy while the bureaucracy clips the ticket along the way.“

Handing out $600,000 to convert land into a kiwifruit orchard will leave a sour taste in the mouths of taxpayers. This is public money for private profit.....
See full article HERE

West Coast iwi leaders cop 'racist, revolting, hate-filled' emails
A tirade of "racist, revolting" emails targeting West Coast iwi and council leaders has been called out.

The emails have targeted some members of a committee overseeing the development of the West Coast's combined district plan, the Te Tai o Poutini Plan (TTPP).....
See full article HERE

New Human Rights Data Show Ongoing Harm To Māori
"According to the latest data, Māori are among those most at risk of human rights violations for nearly all the rights measured, including the rights to health, housing, food and education. This has obvious implications for the criminal justice system, where tangata whenua are also at greatest risk of arbitrary arrest and ill-treatment. Policies such as the re-introduction of the Three Strikes law and army-styled boot camps for youth offenders fly in the face of established evidence of what an effective criminal justice system should look like," says Charles Harvey, JustSpeak Board member and spokesperson.....
See full article HERE

Local Government Minister Simeon Brown is defending the extra costs of polls on council Maori Wards
The Government's working on legislation which would force councils to hold a poll alongside the 2025 elections, if they want to keep them.

Speaking in front of the Governance and Administration Committee, Brown says it will cost extra money but they've tried to do it in a frugal way.

He says doing it alongside the elections will be cheaper than a stand alone referendum.....
See full article HERE

Scholarships for rangatahi Māori
WM Aotearoa is very proud to be encouraging rangatahi Māori into engineering and technology careers with the launch of new scholarships at Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland.

The scholarships offer students $10,000 per year for up to three years for technology and four years for engineering.

“They offer a significant opportunity for Māori students to pursue their passions in engineering and could not be more important at a time when the Faculty is working hard to increase the diversity of its graduates entering into the profession......
See full article HERE

This Breaking Views Update monitors race relations in the media on a weekly basis. New material is added regularly. If you would like to send Letters to the Editor in response to any of these articles, most media addresses can be found HERE

Thursday June 20, 2024 

Iwi angry at racist Māori ward bill
Taranaki’s Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Ruanui says the coalition Government’s decision to reintroduce populist referendums on Māori wards will further divide the country.

Its taiao officer, Graham Young, says it’s a racist, scare-mongering initiative – and completely unnecessary.

He says every council which has set up a Māori ward or constituency says including tangata whenua viewpoints leads to better governance without upsetting general business.

Ngāti Ruanui will continue to fight for Maori representation......
See full article HERE

Māori procurement plan missing - Willie Jackson
Labour’s Māori spokesperson Willie Jackson says he’s looking forward to his successor as Māori Development Minister being in the hot seat this afternoon.

Mr Jackson says he’s keen to ask Tama Potaka about government procurement of goods and services from Māori businesses – something he made a priority when he was minister.

“We were up towards 8 percent which is 8 percent more than what New Zealand First wanted. In fact New Zealand First stopped procurement. I imagine they’re stopping Maori procurement now. So proud of what we did, proud of what Jacinda did in terms of bringing it in and I will ask some of those questions of Tama today in terms of strategy around procurement,” he says.

Mr Jackson says he wants to know whether the procurement target has been dumped like many other Maori-related initiatives.....
See full article HERE

China relationship critical for Māori trade
Federation of Māori Authorities chair Traci Houpapa says the visit of Chinese Premier Li Qiang was a chance for Māori to pursue relationships which can improve their trade position.

She says more than half of New Zealand’s $40 billion trade with China is in areas like meat, dairy and wood products which are critical for Maori producers....
See full article HERE

Maori Wards
In principle I am opposed to having separate groups in the electorate for any reason. We are all Tauranga residents. Creating separate wards for any group encourages self interest policies and can be divisive. We are all equal Tauranga residents, and I would prefer that we all work together, rather than against each other.

My main criteria for Maori Wards is does it help Tauranga, Does it help run the city for all the residents. There are lots of opinions to take into account. My role would be to listen to the community rather than impose my opinion or have preconceived ideas. I would prefer to leave national politics to parliament. I do think that it is a good idea to give the community a say.

So to answer question 1, yes I support a referendum. To answer question 2, I would prefer not to have separate Maori Wards. I think we should have a national referendum on this issue.....
See full article HERE

‘They have hapū, they have iwi’ - Māori businessman on Japanese culture  

Wednesday June 19, 2024 

Occupied Tōwai School in Northland pulled from sale after vendor dies, hapū claim rights
An abandoned Northland school currently occupied by local hapū has been withdrawn from sale after the owner died.

The sale of the former Tōwai School on Ford Road, in Hikurangi, was put on hold after Ngāti Hau learned it was back on the market in March and requested the Crown purchase it.

Hapū members then moved on to the land at the end of March and, according to media reports, were committed to occupying the property until an acceptable resolution was reached.....
See full article HERE

The true cost of damaging race relations is more than the current $1m legal bill
The cost to date of all the legal issues this Government’s anti-Māori and anti-Treaty agenda has sparked from various Iwi forces is now just over $1million dollars.

For a Government that promised to slash unnecessary costs, splurging a million to defend an antagonistic race baiting political agenda promoted by the extremes of the electorate seems remarkably hypocritical!

It’s not the money value however that measures the true damage of this current Government’s race baiting performance art.

A couple of months ago, the Political Right manufactured a culture war attack on Auckland University by claiming Māori space for students was, and I quote, ‘KKK’, ‘Separatism’ or ‘Segregation’.....
See full article HERE

Real estate agent Janet Dickson challenges compulsory Māori culture course in High Court
A lawyer representing a real estate agent who is facing harsh sanctions for refusing to complete a compulsory Māori culture course says it is unlawful, irrelevant and breaches her rights.

Janet Dickson, who faces a five-year ban for refusing to complete a compulsory short course in Māori culture and tikanga, is fighting her case through a judicial review in the High Court at Wellington.

“She’s taken a principled stand in this case, a courageous stand, one that has consequences for her because of her refusal to undertake a course which the Real Estate Authority has deemed to be mandatory,” Pender said.....
See full article HERE

Culturally responsive support with Hāpai - ACC
We are providing more culturally responsive support to our kiritaki Māori through Hāpai.

Hāpai is currently available to kiritaki Māori who have experienced serious or complex injuries.

Hāpai is delivered by our kaihāpai (recovery team members) and is grounded in tikanga Māori (Māori values and practices).

This means te ao Māori principles inform the way we engage with you and your whānau, to ensure you receive support when you need it, and in ways that work for you....
See full article HERE

Dave Letele urges Māori groups to apply as $1m in funding on offer
“Our Z whānau are on a journey to better understand our role in supporting Māori and kaupapa Māori-led initiatives within our hapori (communities) across the motu. Z has made a commitment to Te Ao Māori and this is one established and trusted mechanism that allows us to give back,” said Te Rau Winterburn, Kaihautū Māori at Z....
See full article HERE

Newshub Closure: Māori Voices Needed ‘To Make Sure These Stories Aren’t Getting Missed’
Māori journalists say the impending closure of Newshub’s AM show on 5 July is one less opportunity to cover stories from te ao Māori perspective.

They hope despite the closure, more Māori will still be able to enter mainstream media.

The programme has been a career launchpad and a training ground for many young journalists, including a number of Māori journalists.....
See full article HERE

Mike Butler: Maori wards decision looms

Toitū te tiriti - honour the Tiriti

We have two cultures, Māori culture and New Zealand culture - Anaru Eketone

Breaking barriers: Māori businesses at Japan’s biggest food expo

Commissioners acknowledge mana of Tauranga Moana iwi  

Tuesday June 18, 2024 

Māori law expert says tikanga progress in the judicial system is unstoppable
Māori law and tikanga expert Mamari Stephens says judges are looking at the application of ture-tikanga, or Māori law, in cases before them.

That trend is set to gather momentum from next year when the general principles and practices of tikanga Māori become a compulsory subject in law studies.

“There’s got to be some kind of understanding that tīkanga Māori is its own system and its own kind of relational basis. So you can’t just apply it willy-nilly to get people off stuff. There’s got to be some integrity and that’s going to take time to work out what integrity looks like,” Stephens says.

She says like the common law it will take decades for the two systems to fuse together into Aotearoa-New Zealand law – but that’s how it should be.....
See full article HERE

Four young Māori earn scholarships for ivy league education
The academic dreams of four extraordinary Māori students from across the country have taken a giant leap forward with the naming of this year’s Te Ara a Kupe Beaton Scholarship winners.

The four winning students came out on top of 180 applicants to walk away with scholarships worth $25,000 each to help them gain admission to top global universities.

The scholarship, which is in its seventh round, was founded by Crimson Education with the aim of supporting Māori high school students to gain admission to top-ranked global universities.....
See full article HERE

Call for government to include ethnicity when tackling pay gap
The Human Rights Commission is calling on the government to include ethnicity when tackling pay gaps.

On Thursday, acting Minister for Women Louise Upston announced plans for a voluntary system for businesses to report gender pay gaps.

Equal Employment Opportunities Commissioner Saunoamaali'i Karanina Sumeo said it was vital to think about more than gender when having such conversations, or people would be left behind.

"It's not enough to talk about the gender pay gap alone. We must include ethnicity in all pay transparency conversations.".....
See full article HERE

Corrections will continue with Hōkai Rangi Māori programme as changes to act opens courses to remand inmates
Corrections’ new deputy chief executive Māori, Herewini Te Koha, says the department is committed to the Hōkai Rangi policy and Corrections Minister Mark Mitchell is determined to have even more rehabilitative prison programmes available for inmates.

Te Koha says Mitchell reaffirmed the department’s commitment to the policy to uplift the oranga of Māori and others in custody.

Hōkai Rangi is a commitment to deliver outcomes with and for Māori in Corrections’ care and their whānau. Māori are over-represented in prison and the strategy tries to lower that number.....
See full article HERE

The Budget, health and why ethnicity matters

Veterans seek rongoā care

Māori ward referendums burden ratepayers, undermine councils

Māori respond to Government's proposed Fast-Track Approvals Bill  

Monday June 17, 2024

The Salvation Army in New Zealand: Bicultural Statement
Te Tiriti o Waitangi (The Treaty of Waitangi) is the foundation of bicultural partnership between Māori and Tauiwi (non-Māori New Zealanders) in Aotearoa New Zealand. This partnership has had a troubled pathway, with complex and often painful histories since the Treaty was signed in 1840.

The Salvation Army is firmly committed to honouring the principles of partnership, protection and participation inherent in Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Partnership: New Zealand was founded on the basis of bicultural partnership. The Salvation Army aims to work together with Māori in all its church and social service settings, involving and supporting each other.....
See full article HERE

Labour's Willie Jackson reveals why he didn't speak at Budget protests, gives verdict on Māori Parliament
On Sunday, he told Q+A "it would have been good to speak" at the protests but that it was Te Pati Maori's decision "to just speak on their own because they had organised it".

Jackson also said he understood the party's position on a Māori parliament but called it "a distraction".

"It's a huge frustration for Māori at the moment - Māori kaupapa initiatives, policies under attack every time - it's a natural course where they're going. I think it's a distraction, it's not something that we would support in Labour because we've got immediate problems in front of us." ....
See full article HERE

Media cop flak for airing data misuse allegations
But before the prime minister's inquiry announcement last Monday, the media were also accused of turning a blind eye to it - or even being reluctant to criticise Te Pāti Māori.

"The media have to drop the double standards and start holding Te Pāti Māori accountable… in the way they do parties from the opposite side of the political spectrum," Newstalk ZB's Heather du Plessis-Allan said in the New Zealand Herald before the current controversy.

One she had in mind was ACT, whose leader David Seymour echoed her words - almost word for word - this week.....
See full article HERE

Te Whatu Ora's Māori data sovereignty tool not yet ready
The central health agency is not yet ready to implement a tech tool to help protect Māori data sovereignty.

Te Whatu Ora needs the tool as part of a five-year overhaul of out-of-date IT across public hospitals, which it has just begun.

Its papers said the area of sovereign control and access to Māori health data was "particularly complex".....
See full article HERE

Democracy in Turmoil - Dr Muriel Newman.

The Maori Seats in Parliament, an Anachronism - Anthony Willy

Gary Judd KC: Tikanga Regulations advance a political agenda

Matariki events attracting record crowds as knowledge grows

Dismantling ‘kind’ colonialism - Tina Ngata  

Sunday June 16, 2024

Disappointment as Matariki festival showpiece cancelled after funding cut
Organisers of Bay of Islands' Matariki festival are frustrated its celebration will be scaled back due to funding cuts.

In previous years, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage has supported iwi, hapu, and community groups to hold Matariki events across the country through its Matariki Ahunga Nui Fund.

But Matariki Pēwhairangi Festival director Jackie Sanders said the festival was not informed this funding would not be renewed.

Sanders said the festival received $100,000 a year, for each of the two years Matariki funding has been administered by the ministry.....
See full article HERE

Ōtorohanga District Council submission on the Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori wards and Māori constituencies) Amendment Bill.
Ōtorohanga District Council (ŌDC) welcomes the opportunity to submit on the Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill.

We are opposed to the reinstatement of binding polls for Māori wards and Māori constituencies. We urge the Government to reconsider its position and leave us to make decisions about appropriate representation arrangements in partnership with Māori including iwi, hapū, marae and hapori Māori (Māori communities).

We tautoko (support) the views in both the Taituarā and the LGNZ submission and we submit as follows:.....
See full article HERE

Michael Heron KC, Pania Gray to lead TPM Census claim inquiry
The Public Service Commissioner has appointed Michael Heron KC and Pania Gray to lead an inquiry into allegations that Census and vaccination programme data was misused.

Today, the acting Public Service Commissioner Heather Baggott announced the details of the inquiry, which was ordered by the Prime Minister and the Minister for the Public Service on Monday.

Heron is a King's Counsel and former Solicitor-General who previously led an investigation into the breach of sensitive personal information involving Covid-19 active cases.

Gray recently completed a review for the Public Service Commission into Te Puni Kōkiri’s recruitment processes. She is the managing director of Kororā Consulting, whose work includes inquiry and investigation services.....
See full article HERE

Work at capacity to build new seawall between Ngauranga and Petone
As a part of the project’s environmental compensation conditions, our ecologists and engineers worked closely with iwi designer Len Hetet to integrate the cultural design with the ecological enhancement. These include surface patterns and textures to encourage growth of underwater plants.....
See full article HERE

2024 Sister Annie Henry Secondary Scholarship
Available to a Māori student who is a direct descendant of Reverend John George Laughton or of Tūhoe descent, to assist with education or training costs.

Applicants must: be of New Zealand Māori descent....
See full article HERE

Professor Robert MacCulloch: There is no Pākehā GDP, nor Māori GDP.

Roger Childs: More nonsense from the former Kapiti Mayor.

‘Nature underpins the nation’s economy’: Māori land restoration groups react to funding cuts  

This Breaking Views Update monitors race relations in the media on a weekly basis. New material is added regularly. If you would like to send Letters to the Editor in response to any of these articles, most media addresses can be found HERE


Russell said...

Re the Matariki funding, shouldn't the iwi pay for that? It's their holiday after all. Perish the thought that they use pakeha money...

Anonymous said...

Regarding the Matariki funding, the original RNZ article said that while the the Ministry for Culture and Heritage had jerked the funding, the Māori Development Ministry will distribute grants for Matariki events instead and that "The ministry has streamlined how the government supports Matariki by partnering with Te Puni Kōkiri. Te Puni Kōkiri is distributing Matariki funding to communities on behalf of the ministry through the long-running Te Pū Harakeke Fund rather than through a separate fund managed by Manatū Taonga.

"Te Puni Kōkiri is currently working with communities to distribute Matariki funding. Funding for Matariki events is contestable and funding recipients vary year on year."
So, I think we can take it that we are simply seeing some smoke and mirrors - Much of this will still receive Govt funding via the back door.

How about National being honest - spurious Maori events are continuing to receive funds while cancer drugs are unavailable to those who need them.
Furthermore, in the RNZ article it said: "It is frustrating because people really look forward to it and we felt like we were starting a tradition." - Starting a tradition ?? - that is some kind of oxymoron, they dream up some new cultural event, fund it from the usual source (the rest of us) and then have the gall to say it is tradition when it never existed before!!! Give us strength to bear this burden ....

Robert Arthur said...

Seems an appropriate item to divert kapa haka funding toward. There is a colossal amont available. A transfer from one hobby interets to another.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about Matariki? Some stone age custom with little to no relevance to most of NZ let alone the rest of the world. I have zero interest/ respect for this sort of nonsense any more than I do for Te reo maori.

Anonymous said...

Sorry - all very well to say this is of no interest.

The point is to create an ever bigger presence of Maori traditions - in every possible context. This increasing Maorification is preparing for take over.... down the line.

Anonymous said...

So, the Sali Army have also been subverted by all this partnership nonsense, another woke bunch that will henceforth cease to have our support. Is nowhere safe from all this utter stupidity? Has no-one heard of the 'how to boil a frog analogy'? It is high time that Tama be relegated to putting out the rubbish and his posts wound up with no further funding. Dear PM Luxon, what with treating us like utter fools (well we mostly are I suppose) by giving us a budget that does nothing much to curb the Maorification push, just how do you propose getting this Country back on track? You don't even realise what direction we are heading in so how on Earth do you know which way to point the wheels to get us out of the sh1t that Paul Henry recently mentioned?

Anonymous said...

"Māori law expert says tikanga progress in the judicial system is unstoppable"?

Really Ms Stephens!

robert Arthur said...

The Army needs to tread carefully in embracing maoridom. I ssupect the renaming of St jJhns has cost it dear. Many are already suspect of the SA foodbanks and wonder if recipients, many nitably overweight, are truly needy or just exploititive.Personsleaving legacies, many of whom have been irrationally frugal, intend support only of the genuinely needy.

Robert Arthur said...

The HRC will struggle to find staff with the abilty or interest to tackle matters other than race based, but if the ethnic pay gap is to be addressed what about the aility gap, the application gap, the englich communication gap, the physicacl strength gap, intelligence gap, the communication in plain English gap, the acceptable accent gap etc etc

Anna Mouse said...

What exactly is Maori Law?

Surely New Zealand law is Westminster law applied to maori as citizens of NZ like all citizens and therefore cannot be exclusivly maori?

If it is not then surely we have Tikanga, which by its nature is not law but rather a way of living through varying interpretion and thus cannot be law.

Surely the two cannot be symbiotic purely because of the inability to be compatible with governance let alone precident?

When someone like Ms Stephens can explain how and or even why Tikanga should be incorporated in a legal sense that makes it sensible and is plain without the need for interpreted context as Westminster law is then maybe then the leg she stands upon would hold up in court?

Robert Arthur said...

Jun 19. About the occupied school, one wonders about the role of police. Presumably because they are sacrosanct maori, seems no one is prosecuted with Trespass. One does sympathise with the legal owners. Probably no insurance is now available and they will have huge clean up costs when maori burn the school down, as they almost certainly and traditionally will. (Unless they have in mind a kura or insurgency centre when they eventually purloin. Court action to date must have knocked a huge hole in the realisable value.
And presumably the million allegedly spent on anti maori anti Treaty refers to the sum spent defending the clarification of govt department communications by reducing the pervasion of obfuscating metaphor riddled hobby te reo.
Personally I reckon a billion would be well spent if it got rid of gratuitous stone age te reo and once again enabled govt names and releases to be understood. I would eagerly chip in my $200.
For immediate attention the ACC pronouncemnt above.

Hazel Modisett said...

Maori should certainly have Towai School, but they should pay market value for it out of their own kitty.
Self determination entails paying your own way, not bludging endlessly from everybody else...

Robert Arthur said...

Of course few cite problems with maori wards to date. Those in a positon to commnet are terrified of cancellation. And until they become fixedly established most maori are prudently on good behaviour. the Tupauna Maunga Authority in Auckland flexed its muscles and created a furore. The few ward councilors learned from that mistake.
The race based favoured procurement championed by Jackson is a monstrous anomoly. Just exactly what is a maori business is a puzzle. about the only merit is that NZ owned firms are more likely

Anonymous said...

Regarding the Maori Procurement Plan matter: It will be revealing to see what Tama Potaka has to say about Jackson's race based policy for Govt procurement. We should hopefully see if National are actually working to give us value for our tax dollars. Thus far in the budget we have seen the gravy train is still being supported at almost full steam. Come on Tama, show us your true colours!

Regarding "Iwi angry at racist Māori ward bill": It is not the bill that is racist, what is blatantly racist is the so called fight for separate Maori representation. Years ago, the separation engendered and perpetrated via segregation in Pukekohe and elsewhere were an affront to Maori. Now the coin has flipped and some are hell bent on separation. Duh!!??

On the other hand, it was good to see the Dr Tim Maltby piece, he has a sensible take on it IMHO - however any referendum ought to also take in the Maori seats in Parliament - kill two birds with one stone.

Robert Arthur said...

re 21st. Despite the huge donation of public monies to maori I doubt if jaundiced maori will grant Shane Jones and the Coalition many Brownie points. The rambling maori names ensure that few, including maori, grasp just where it is going. With so much public money, I trust the visitor centre will provide free entry. Like the Waitangi Centre, it seems like a soft lurk for many executive and staff.
I am not surprised at the hate filled emails on the West Coast. One can spend hours and hours of unpaid time making the most rational and reasoned submissons on Council and other policy and I doubt if anyone but some brain washed colating clerk ever reads. it is often very difficult to find any public hint of the views received.

Ray S said...

Re 20th
Maori wanting at least 8% of government procurement.
Not sure what hardware Maori could supply but either way, a position of privilege
given only to Maori is wishful thinking for those who have to bid for supply contracts.

Wait for the racist card to be played when the government announces a stop to this particular rort.