
Sunday, June 23, 2024

David Farrar: Not a badge of honour

The Herald reports:

Campbell says he’s not bothered by what the business community thinks of his left-leaning views.

“I don’t mind being called a Marxist. I regard that as a badge of honour,” he says.

“I’d rather be a Marxist than a Friedmanite, if you take those two extremes. But the system we have is one that relies on, frankly, exploitation… exploitation of resources, and exploitation of people.”

The equivalent of a Marxist is a fascist, not a belief in supply side economics.

Around 100 million people have died due to communist regimes. Yet despite that the media won’t label Marxists as far left, yet use the label far right on huge numbers of people.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Anonymous said...

The left are so easy to upset, just tell them the truth. They hate facts and the truth. It exposes them for what they are....

Anonymous said...

When Campbell willingly gives away most of the wealth he accumulated in cohorts with his capitalist & right wing mates during the 80s to recent times, he can then be proud of his left wing credentials. Until then, his are empty words from a Chardonnay leftist.

Anonymous said...

This is going a bit far. There is a huge difference between Marxism (which is the philosophy that the Labour Party was built on) and communism and particularly regimes such as Stalin's, Mao's and Pol Pots. I sometimes read Heidegger and Nietzsche and listen to Wagner, but that doesn't make me a Nazi.

Anonymous said...

Campbell wears luxurious thick woollen clothes while crying cold in the company of those who wear sweaters in 15°C weather. The hypocrisy is beyond contempt!

Barend Vlaardingerbroek said...

>The equivalent of a Marxist is a fascist, not a belief in supply side economics.

The term 'fascist' is generally applied to extreme right totalitarianism, especially Naziism.
I personally label [Neo]Marxism-derived policies as 'marxofascist' but this does not appear to be catching on........

Madame Blavatsky said...

Marxism and fascism are not equivalent at all. At a fundamental level, Marxism is about the collective based on class (a non-essential characteristic) whereas fascism is about the collective based on race and nationhood.

One of the main reasons fascism tends to be antisemitic (though derivatively, not essentially) is because of the heavy Jewish involvement in Marxism and then communism, both revolutionary and subversive doctrines that undermine racial solidarity and nationhood. What was Marx himself? Jewish. Who were disproportionately leaders of the Bolsheviks? Jews. Who funded the Bolshevik revolutions? Jacob Schiff and other Wall Street Jews. Who led the Marxist uprisings and attempted coups, including in Germany, across Europe post-WW 1? Jewish revolutionaries.

Add to this, the leading capitalists were Jewish too, is why fascism is often called the "Third Position" as regards the dialectic between Jewish capitalism and Jewish Marxism.

This is why the seemingly incompatible systems of the "capitalist" nations allied with the communist USSR to defeat fascism in WW2.

Seen this way, fascism is the antithesis and even the antedote to Marxism, and capitalism for that matter.

Anonymous said...

"There is a huge difference between Marxism (which is the philosophy that the Labour Party was built on) and communism and particularly regimes such as Stalin's, Mao's and Pol Pots."

@Anon You realise that Carl Marx called for the destruction of the family and that is exactly what we are witnessing in formerly Christian countries? Communism and Marxism is about the destruction of Christianity and the culture it creates in favour of the dominance of an so-called elite group of barbarians.

Erica said...

From my perspective Marxism has effectively destroyed our education system determining schools are to be vehicles for teaching children to become social reformers who destroy the values of western culture and create a socialist utopian state instead.

Hence we now have brainwashed ignorant children who don't care less about family values or even learning academic subjects but take to the streets at the drop of a hat to protest against something that they have been indoctrinated into.

This may not be killing people but it is certainly destroying their spirits and making them believe they are pathetic victims of some form of oppression rather than strong independent citizens who contribute to building up society for all.

Shame on you John. You are contributing to the destruction of what we value in NZ which used to be one of most egalitarianism countries in the world and a wholesome place to raise children with a world class education system. But no more.