
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

David Farrar: Should the Privacy Commissioner launch an investigation?

Andrea Vance reports that there are now allegations that Te Pati Maori used information collected for Covid-19 immunisations to target voters.

They are just allegations, but they need to be investigated. As the allegations go across four or more different agencies (Electoral Commission, Stats NZ, Health NZ, MSD) I don’t think they can investigate properly.

However arguably the Privacy Commissioner could. Section 79(b) of the Privacy Act allows them to initiate an investigation. That would seem the best bet, but failing that a government inquiry led by a KC.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Anonymous said...

People have been complaining about the Covid data breach for months.

Interesting that anything of note though, i.e. reports of or commentary on the incompetence & soft corruption of the left, is always paywalled.

Breaking Views et al are great for those of us who are political nerds, but they’re an echo chamber.

If Andrea Vance is serious about upholding our democracy & shining sunlight on the contaminate that is Tamihere & his TPM, then she should demand her articles are easily accessible to all New Zealanders.

Anonymous said...

And now the article is now free to read - well done to The Post!

Anonymous said...

Privacy? I am sure there is some tikanga that allows so called senior maoris to control and monitor and influence their serfs. Part of tribalism.

sandpiper said...

Stats NZ has now appointed an independent investigator ODT
How independent remains to be seen