
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

idbkiwi: Breaking All the Rules

It’s an unfortunate sign of the times that public broadcaster RNZ ‘News’ gave significant editorial space for the acting head of a governmental organisation to openly criticise the Government with a politically skewed and misconstrued rant the day after the budget announcements. This was made worse when the individual, Ms Whaipooti of the Human Rights Commission, was given the opportunity to repeat her tropes and fibs on air on ‘Saturday Morning’s segment.

It breaks all the rules of the purported public service ethic of neutrality, not just because of the slanted and biased rhetoric but because she was speaking completely out of her area of expertise and doubled-down with disinformation while she was at it.

Claiming in print, and on air, there was “no extra funding” and “nothing” for “Maori Development” in the Budget is untrue. A cursory look at the documents, both the ‘Supplementary Estimates’ and the ‘Vote Maori Development’, shine a light on her untruths. The SE’s provide for an increase of over $33M dollars (or 48%) for the Maori Development Fund to a cool $103M. Maori Television gets an additional $800k to round up $24+M, while the John Tamihere-led Whanau Ora program is boosted $7M to a whopping $182M.

Click to view

While it is true that the Maori Development Fund is set for cutbacks, Whanau Ora is set to keep its annual $182M for the foreseeable future while Maori Television is set to almost double, from $24M to $47M! Nice dough if you can get it.

There’s more, but that’s not the point. The point is that Ms Whaipooti is well out of order, and if she wants a public platform to fertilise us all with her skewed, uninformed visions, it should not be from a public service pulpit. She should do the honourable thing: resign, and run for office.

Her rhetoric is entirely unacceptable from her publicly-paid position.

idbkiwi is self-employed in a non-governmental role which suits his masochistic tendencies. He hopes to reach retirement, both alive and eventually. This article was first published HERE


Anonymous said...

The budget cuts should have completely defunded the Human Rights Commission, along with the Race Relations Office and the racist Creative NZ. Their names are as apt as The Ministry of Truth in the novel 1984.

Anonymous said...

The HR Commission is given every opportunity to criticize the Coalition - in NZ and internationally. They did the same at the UN HRC meeting in Geneva in April. There, NZ was painted as the arch racist government against its indigenous people - of course, reported in the MSM.

Apart from not renewing Paul Hunt's contract as HR Commissioner, Minister Goldsmith has done nothing of consequence to rein in the HRC ... now Commission staff such as Ms Whapooti and Prof Claire Charters have every opportunity to pursue their attacks.

Anonymous said...

Idbkiwi, why are we giving our hard earned money you radically led racists like tamahere? The more I learn the truth, I mean the real truth not the msm truth the more I distrust msm .

Anonymous said...

Remind me why do Maori need anything based on racial identification?

Do I understand apartheid is now officially recognised?

mudbayripper said...

So called Māori have been extorting money from the new Zealand taxpayer ever since the treaty was signed.
Oppressor/victim status is an inbeded feature of the kiwi culture. No one really thinks about it.
Personally, since I was a young man, the never ending hand outs always felt uncomfortable to me.
It wasn't until the last couple of years of researching history that, I now realize these low life's have been screwing all of us for every dollar, piece of land, mountain, river, beach and lake they can.
And so it continues.

Robert Arthur said...

RNZ continues the biassed propoganda as if the election never happened.Julian Wilcox's Mapua programme is another platform for unchallenged pro mapori pro Labour policy propoganda.

Ray S said...

mudbayripper @ 3:31
Quite right, but who started it all and who lets it continue? we do.

I have every confidence we can stop it, but it will be costly